Marathons... How is the training going

Barfuß Chelsea wrote:I

Barfuß Chelsea said:
I actually read your race report about a week ago, right after the conversation between you and TJ about which forum the link should be posted in. (Yes, I am a lurker. ;)) Just wanted to mess with ya a little... :p's all good...I really don't mind being messed with a would be easier if I was at least walking by now LOL...still probably have two more weeks though...they are getting better, I'll post updated picts tomorrow...I just want people to understand WHAT caused the injury, that "normal" bf running DOESN'T cause this :-D.
Did a 3:30 hrs barefoot run

Did a 3:30 hrs barefoot run today on asphalt. Did not measure but likly ~28 km. Very slow. No blisters minor abrasion. Starting to feel better about the May 29 marathon. Hoping to get one more 30 km run in before the race.
I did my first BF half in

I did my first BF half in November. I have another half next weekend. Then my real training begins next week for a 50K trail ultra in August. For some reason, I've seem to have skipped the marathon distance. I'm thinking about trying a trail marathon in July before the 50K just for kicks - or I may just do the mileage on my own. Eh? Who knows? I'm also planning to do the California International Marathon in December (my 3rd CIM, first time BF). I met Barefoot Todd on that course during my first shod marathon.
I just finished my first

I just finished my first barefoot marathon, so I thought I'd weigh in on a few things that helped me out.
1. Masking tape stays on the best in my experience. Tip: seal the edges with super glue.
2. Run on the paint stripe.
3. If your feet start to feel raw, slow down.
Nice work Terry. I need to

Nice work Terry. I need to find a barefoot friendly trail ultra in my area.

Lis Congrats on the marathon.

Never thought of masking tape or supper glue to secure the edges.

Will have to try it.

Yesterday I tried strips of Duoderm. It worked well. There is a description
of how to use Duoderm from a runner. Yes he is a shodie with different issues but interesting.

(Hydrocolloid Pressure Sore Dressings work brilliantly - either Duoderm Ultra (or extra?) thin or Tegasorb - which is thicker and good if it's a nasty heel blister which is really raw.
Ask the pharmacist - they're not on display - typically used in residential care homes

Get a largeer size than you think - and overlap the affected area by a lot

vaseline on top of the dressing last thing before you put your socks and trainers on , on the day.

the forces use them - and I've used the Duoderm in the London Marathon

Apply at least 12- 24 hours before doing the run on clean really well dry foot / feet )
Just curious...what's the

Just curious...what's the tape/duoderm for??

ahh :)

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