Maffetone Method...what's your experience with it?

but you didn't. i'm not

but you didn't.

i'm not exactly sure what a tempo run is. magazines and online say to do alls these workouts like everyone already knows what they are.
I've been Maffing for almost

I've been Maffing for almost 4 weeks.

Knew I'd spent the summer training too fast, but it was too much fun... at around 8:20 pace (runs up to 20 miles). I was also constantly dodging injury, backing off for a bit, coming back, then backing off again. Junk miles - all of them. Managed to eke out a marathon at 8:15 pace, with a calf that cramped at mile 8 and didn't let up. Yeah, I was in bad shape.

When I started with the LHR stuff 4 weeks ago, I was hovering around 11:00 pace.

Now, my daily runs (9-13 miles) are averaging 9:45 pace.

Looking forward to what the next few months have to bring...
I ordered the book yesterday.

I ordered the book yesterday. I'll give her a read and try it till Jimmy finishes my schedule. Right now, loosing the weight is forefront. Taking off 30lbs will do wonders for my speed...then I'll go from there, if I can't do both simultaniously.


PS: Mig, I just looked it up cause I've heard it thrown around and wasn't sure either, but a Tempo Run is a run at a constant "Comfortably Hard" pace. This would be below lactica acid zone, but well above a conversational pace. These are normally shorter than your longish and long runs. That's my take, anyway...
i thought it was just some

i thought it was just some timed run at some pace. what ever that was. you should lose fat doing maf training. it's the whole point. train your body to use fat as energy.

Nick, maf isn't the alpha and omega. it's just the base. you can't build a solid house without a foundation. thats all it is. the beginning.
A tempo run is running at

A tempo run is running at your targeted pace for a race. Say you want to run to run 8:30 pace for a marathon. You will set aside a tempo run during the week at that pace. A tempo run makes you run hard enough so that lactate is just starting to accumulate in your blood.
Migangelo, it seemed to work

Migangelo, it seemed to work well for Mark Allen... Although I do agree that its primarially a base building program to establish your aerobic base.

Jonny, if you follow it to a T, you will loose weight quickly. Especially doing the 2 week test! When I started BFR I was around 220 amd got down to 190~195 area and was stuck there. After running below my aerobic threshold for 3.5 months and only doing 1 week of Maffetones 2 week test I got down to 180.1 at my lowest. Then with Thanksgiving and my injury and going from 40~50 miles a week to absolutley NOTHING Im back up to 185... Grrr.... My goal weight is 170. I think when I start running again I will do the full 2 week text and then eat alot better afterwards and Ill see 170 pretty quickly!
You can do it Nick! Ive

You can do it Nick!

Ive explored a few different methods of weight loss / diets and such, but Ill save that for another thread... lol.

I know I'll get there Chaser,

I know I'll get there Chaser, it's the diet part that kills me. I grew up in a family that loves food, and mass quantities of food. I love cheese and breads and all the stuff your not supposed to eat, except candy, never been a big fan of candy. I try to change my diet and that usually only lasts a week or two and then by that time I'm starving so I binge and never go back. Used to be I was so active it didn't matter what I ate I would burn it off. Now, I've settled down and my only excercise is running and some light weights. I just need to find some sort of diet that I can stick to and not feel hungry all the time. Hoping now that my mileage is going up in my running that will help as well as I've been at a plateau for a while.
eat more fat. its filling so

eat more fat. its filling so you don't eat as much as you would with grains. which do convert to sugar which makes you even hungrier. maffetone talks about it in his big book. it's also called paleo diet, perfect health diet, and primal, i believe.
So I've been reading all

So I've been reading all these threads and here is my question. Some of you have said you are mainly doing his program for weight loss and others seem to be doing it to increase running speed (which do not necessarily correspond). So is this program equally multi-faceted in it's purpose, or does one purpose far outweigh the other, or is there only one purpose?
the weight loss and getting

the weight loss and getting faster go hand in hand. it's been quite nice. training slow burns fat, which you have a big supply.
Great question, Jen.  After

Great question, Jen. After my surgeries in January and recover through March, I am going to revisit this thread, and I would like to know as well.
Skimming the surface...It's

Skimming the surface...

It's about optimal health (esp for endurance athletes).

Exercise within your aerobic range - burn more fat for fuel, increase aerobic capacity, lower cortisol levels (than with faster-paced anaerobic workouts)

Eat the foods that we were designed to process - reduce negative effects of insulin response (release of cortisol, fat storage, etc.), provide more fat for fuel, reduce chronic/detrimental inflammation

... a stronger, healthier, more injury-proof athletic machine

jldeleon said:
So I've been reading all these threads and here is my question. Some of you have said you are mainly doing his program for weight loss and others seem to be doing it to increase running speed (which do not necessarily correspond). So is this program equally multi-faceted in it's purpose, or does one purpose far outweigh the other, or is there only one purpose?
Buzzie, I love how you

Buzzie, I love how you mentioned "esp for endurance athletes". I've noticed a trend in people to forget that part. I think this is a great system for endurance athletes.
Tristian, I dont know which

Tristian, I dont know which Garmin you have, but Im using the 305 with the Garmin HRM. I like the Garmin cause you can set your watch's alarm to go off when your HR reaches a certain level. Mines set at 150, so when I get to 150 it starts beeping at me. This way Im not constantly checking it while out running. Plus it does all the other awesome Garimin features and afterwards I can review my run and see how my HR did as far as longevity of the run. If I kept ths same pace and it kept rising significantly throughout the run then I know Im not ready to run at that pace yet, but if it gets to a certain level and stays there, then Im good to go! My HR usually sticks at 146 after mile 3 or 4.
I think I am going to ask for

I think I am going to ask for the book for christmas, or buy it myself after if I dont get it.

I didnt really want to have another device on me while running since I already wear a garmin forerunner (well some of the times) plus phone plus headphones (some of the times) but I just found out there are a few bluetooth HRM's out there so I wouldn't have to wear another watch. Only catch is I'll have to get a new phone, been holding onto my old windows mobile phone for about 5 years now, I love it, but its probably on the verge of dieing anyhow. Time to start shopping for a droid phone I think. With the droid I think I could even eliminate the garmin gps too...
Mine doesnt have the hrm

Mine doesnt have the hrm unfortunately. And if I didnt already get enough strange looks I bet I would get more if I had both a garmin wrist watch and hrm wrist watch on! Eliminating both in favor of a more modern smartphone is sounding better to me with each passing minute...
I have the 305 and I

I have the 305 and I absolutely love it. Part of me wishes it wasn't so bulky, but then I also like to have the 4 different readouts all avail at same time without pushing buttons. Hard to push buttons and run at the same time. Kind of like chewing gum and walking.
I also have the 305 with

I also have the 305 with it! Yeah, it's big, but it's also easy to read and navigate on the go. I'd love it if there were some more data manipulation functions on the computer software...trying to figure out what your rate and pace were at specific mileage is a beating. I gotta figure out how to set it to recap each mile too. I'm gonna look into that rate alarm function, Nick...that would be better than constantly checking it.

So I was looking back on the last 9mo since I started running and I figured out was, when I started running the end of March, till I started running with my running club 4mo later, I lost 30lbs. That was almost always running at a conversational comfortable pace. Now, since I started running above my comfort zone, I have gotten faster, but I have actually gained 4lbs in spite of eating sooo much better! I am covering waaaay more mileage, at a faster pace, improved my conversational pace, my HR is lower at a high 9-low10 m/m than it was at an 11-12 when I started and running for a longer durration, but not loosing weight. Only thing that makes sense is that I'm eating to fuel my runs, burning only what I heat and running above my fat burning zone. That's why I just ordered the Maffetone book and plan to slow things down and run for time and comfort in my specific fat burning zone and not mileage...see what happens. I hope to get to be running for 5hrs relatively easily and then run my full in June in mid to low least that's the plan...

I start tomorrow with a nice and easy 2hr run at or around a 141HR.


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