Living a barefoot lifestyle.....

  • Thread starter Humboldt-explorer
  • Start date
I have the earthing bed sheet

I have the earthing bed sheet as well. Amazing benefits to using it. Great stuff ! No doubt it works.......
Humboldt-explorer wrote:I

Humboldt-explorer said:
I have the earthing bed sheet as well. Amazing benefits to using it. Great stuff ! No doubt it works.......

Plenty of doubt. Less efective than orthotics. That should tell you something......
I know a handful of people

I know a handful of people who feel benefits of using a earthing bed sheet which includes myself. Have your doubts with it. I'm not too concerned what others think. No one is making you use it. For me the results are loud, and clear. The way the body feels does not lie. If you would like to start a new thread to bunk it feel free........I'd love to read your entertainment on the topic, and hear about your real time results.
Nobody's making me use it,

Nobody's making me use it, but I'd just like to help others by countering your claims before they waste time or money on it.

Kind of like a public service.
Fair enough....The bed

Fair enough....

The bed sheets sell like hot cakes. Often they are out of stock. As soon as they restock they sell out. Take a look every few weeks at the product page. Word of mouth tends to be the best advertising. Customers buy it>it works>then they tell friends.

Apparently your not doing a very good job of "countering the claims". Have at it all you want. Not my product so I don't care. You should enlighten us that are ignorant. Ya know ignorance comes at a much more expensive price then any grounding bed sheet price tag.

You sound like you must surely have superior intellegence. That all the customers are far inferior to your level. I assume you have hard facts to back up your claim. Correct ? Or are you just going off of hear say from other sites, and you have no real time experience ? Let us know.
Humboldt-explorer wrote: The

Humboldt-explorer said:
The bed sheets sell like hot cakes. Often they are out of stock. As soon as they restock they sell out. Take a look every few weeks at the product page. Word of mouth tends to be the best advertising. Customers buy it>it works>then they tell friends.

The placebo effect of products can be very very strong. A recent study shows even if you hand a bottle labelled placebo to people and tell them to take it twice a day for ____ ailment many will see improvement. Sorry for my lack of a citation here but I don't care enough to re-look it up at the moment.
Earth shoes sold like

Earth shoes sold like hotcakes in the 70's, and I was a sucker for at least three pair. Negative heel is natural and better, Anne Kelso said so, must be true.

The earthing scam is yielding no such mass appeal, just a few wannabe believers.

Plenty of science to debunk it, but earthing folks don't believe in science so why bother?

Only a handful of suckers out there willing to fork over the cash, if I can save even one some $ and false hopes I've spent my time wisely.

No superior intelligence, just average common sense.

I must admit though that studying basic physics and electronics makes it easier to see the fraud for what it is.

Science proves that barefoot is better than built up supportive shoes for close to 95% of humans, and that earthing is pure fantasy.

I really hate when us barefooters are perceived as wackos by the shod majority, so I try to keep the health claims realistic.

One highly publicised SBL member posted this on the subject not too long ago:

"The Earthing book is basically quackery. First, there is absolutely
no evidence that one gets "healing energy" from either the Earth or
Chi. Secondly, the premise of earthing
is contrary to everything else we know about physics and science.
For instance, electric potential only depends on differences
in electric fields. The rest of your body cannot tell if you
are "grounded" to the earth or not.
It's hard enough for barefooters to counter myth. When we add to
it pseudo-science, all too many folks will reject the real
barefooting benefits along with the pseudo-science."

I tend to agree with him.
Well I'll just end it on

Well I'll just end it on this.

I have spoken with a handful of people who have the bed sheet product. Each feel positive effects from using the sheet. Or worthwhile changes were worth noting. Elements that existed prior to using sheet. Then vanished after adding the sheet. Seeing changes from the first night of usage. I have also heard real time results from my doctor having similar experience. This doctor has no invested interest in the company that sells the product. She has some other patients that report a similar experience. This doctor is more holistic centered in practice.

What I do know is the main stream medical community does not want to promote it as they don't make money off of healthy people that can maintain things at home on their own. Which these products can assist in that. I have no idea what site you are referring to. Nor do I know anything about the person you quoted.

I can only go off of my real time experience. Like I said the body does not lie. I could use examples in this regard to numerous health alternative medicines. Where you can't explain how it works as a average person who does not have professional training, but you see and feel the results as a client of the practice. Talk to others with very same results.

Also I find it interesting that the hospital industry uses anti static products when working on some hospital equipment. It's the same thing though these companies don't push it as health improvement related. It is to protect equipment while working on it. Or people working at desk with say computers that build up static. They can use these products to reduce/eliminate static. Not sure if you think this is quackary.

Anyway you certainly have your right to voice as you please. It sounds like your opinion comes with no real time experience, and from hear say on other internet sites. I have no problem with you pushing it as quackery. I had no real plans of pushing the products on this site. Just that I have one of the products, and I feel very clear results from it. So I don't think I have anything more to add at this time. If you would like to provide some conclusive evidence on your side feel free. Chances are most of us hear are intellegent enough to draw our own educated desicions on what we choose to support, or not support.

Many would say are BF experiences are quackery. You can almost always find two sides to a story. It's up to a individual to draw a final conclusion. I certainly respect your choice to disregard "earthing". If you would like to continue to bunk it you have every right to do so, but that does not mean everyone will consider your word the final word. That's really all I have on this topic. If you would like the last word feel free, or continue on the topic in detail at your leisure.
Humboldt-explorer wrote:Also

Humboldt-explorer said:
Also I find it interesting that the hospital industry uses anti static products when working on some hospital equipment. It's the same thing though these companies don't push it as health improvement related. It is to protect equipment while working on it. Or people working at desk with say computers that build up static. They can use these products to reduce/eliminate static. Not sure if you think this is quackary.

Trying to equate earthing with the scientific facts stated above shows total lack of of comprehension of the claims. Static reduction and/or elimination has been neccesary ever since the invention of electronic devices, there is no controversy nor has there ever been. Earthing has never been accepted by the scientific community, but if doctors thought they could make a buck off selling the sheets they would...just as they prescribe orthotics.

It's not about who gets the last word, but fair debate. This isn't a war, you should continue to submit any evidence you have, and I should feel free to call you out when misuses of analagy are invoked.

The BRSers that bother to click on the posts deserve to read as much from either side as they can tolerate.
Humboldt-explorer wrote: The

Humboldt-explorer said:
The grounding shoes are still on the market that you spoke of earlier. Again common in hospital environments.

No, I was talking about Earth Shoes, they made no grounding claims, just negative heel as opposed to flat or raised.

I only brought them up as an example of something that sold like crazy despite any scientific proof, had millions of believers, and then slowly all but disapeared. It was your statement that the sheets were often sold out as proof of their effectiveness that prompted that recollection.
The book clearly states very

The book clearly states very early on that the scientific community does not support the claims. No one wants to put serious money into it like the way conventional studies should be handled.

The anti static products are basically the same thing in theroy, but used for a different purpose. Ya plug it into a ground>tech stands on it if say it is a mat>tech is grounded without electrical discharge. Similar to grounding any electrical device. They just don't promote it as health based. It's for the safety of sensitive hospital equipment not being damaged during repairs. When your grounded it eliminates the electrical staic potentially produced on the body. The earthing mats ground the individual. Though you disagree I understand. The grounding shoes are still on the market that you spoke of earlier. Again common in hospital environments.

As far as I can tell most of the earthing info is in the book. So yeah you read the book, and the book is trying to sell products. If you deem the info valid, and have enough wealth to buy the product. You buy the product to experiment with it yourself. You can't find much online as we already stated lack of studies. Some studies were done, but not to conventional standards. So ya kind of have to read the book, and make your own personal conclusion. Many my choose not to read the book. Others do choose to read.

It's controversial just like the current situation with the footwear movement this community is involved in. I want toe spring to be eliminated. Others are not so concerned about it. Have long term studies been done on min shoes ? No. Just many of us saying our real time experience shows it works. That conventional shoes seem to weaken feet. I still own some min shoes, and wear these sometimes.

Clearly many feel the earthing works. Clearly many don't think it works. The cycle will continue........

My evidence is my personal hands on experience. Which is why I bought it to try for myself. Of course my results, or my neighbors results is not documented anywhere. I'm not interested in spending mucho time trying to convince people.

I have the money so I was happy to try it out, and am pleased with real time results.

Do you really want to tell me how I feel ? Do you have any official studies, or evidence that would disprove some personal results I am aware of. I have not seen you show much other then personal opinions, and some persons quote.

I'm not asking folks to believe me. Draw your own conclusion as I did. Pro or con based on your findings.

How long do you want to play on this topic ?
im barefoot 100% of the time,

im barefoot 100% of the time, unless i know ive been kicked out b4 for being barefoot, if so i bring sandals accordingly. I also wear socks w/with out shoes if its rly cold. Basically shoes as tools.
Longboard wrote:nature

Longboard said:
nature runner said:
I am barefoot from spring to late fall or whenever winter sets in........ So, I go barefoot all the time except when it's cold.

You're in Tennesee

Check out this Canadian!

Last year and this year have been really cold, I am not use to it, that never happens here that much. Before I was barefoot in winter too, but the cold snaps have a little of getting use to. I guess I am a wimp lol! It was like 70 at Christmas before, now it is like 20, and a low of 5 with wind chill at 5 below? I am like is this global warming? Lol!
We were in Key West for "The

We were in Key West for "The Holidays" and stayed barefoot for a record breaking low for the day of 47 degrees. Only a few degrees shy of the ALL TIME record low for any day in history there!

Today we WALKED barefoot in 22 degrees and sun, but combined with the wind did'nt last very long. It felt good though, better than the treadmill in Pankas.
 I've been barefoot nearly

I've been barefoot nearly 100% since last March. I go into stores barefoot, and have had very few problems. If someone does give me grief I go up the chain of command to a manager who has always relented. I live in a warm climate so barefooting through the winter is theoretically possible, but I've had a few days where I just can't deal with the cold so I put something on my feet.
I am barefoot probably 90% of

I am barefoot probably 90% of my day, though I'm a stay at home Mom who teaches group fitness and works pt from home so I have the luxury of being barefoot. Spring, summer and fall I hardly ever put footwear on, unless it's to go into a public building.
Recently I had a customer

Recently I had a customer complain to a store employee that I was BF. It was a grocery store. Of course store told me I needed shoes due to sanitary conditions. At the time I chose not to debate the situation. I did a little bit, but employee was quickly going on the defense so I aborted.

What bothers me most is that people want to suppress my desire to live a healthy lifestyle which begins at my foundation(feet). It's a frustrating feeling week after week being harrased about my feet, but I refuse to give up.
Oh dear,First day back at

Oh dear,

First day back at work after 2 weeks of hardly having any shoes on, it is not good let me tell you. Not only was is tough getting up so early again but I managed to jar my knee while getting out of the car (with by shoes on) and then after a couple of hours in front of the computer I have a back pain.

I don't know who said you get injuried from doing sport but it is absolute rubbish. I ran 50 barefoot kilometres since New Year on sand, rock amd road without a problem, strap on the shoes to go to work and I'm suddenly a wreak.

I hear your frustration

I hear your frustration Humbolt. Thankfully with the barefoot movement in full swing, there's a multitude of bare minimal shoe options to get you through situations when barefoot isn't an option. AND thanks to the Society for Barefoot Living, there's a great resource out there regarding your rights at a barefooter. I enjoy driving barefoot, and rest assured in the knowledge that it's actually legal in the state of MN, albeit not recommended.

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