It Was Cold But I Ran


Oct 17, 2010
I should specifiy, cold for me. I run in Hawaii. I was just in Dallas, TX for a teaching conference and I went for a run (1/2 VFF, 1/2 BFR). It was 50 degrees out. This is at least 20 degrees colder than what I'm used to. So stop laughing at me all you cold weather people. And it was a short run, just over two miles total, so about a mile barefooted. But I'm still happy about getting out there and running barefoot.

So it was cold. But I ran. That is all.
I had to wipe off my keyboard

I had to wipe off my keyboard from spewing all over it. I was taking a drink when I started reading your post. Ha!

I love 50 degree F runs. That is the best temp for me to run in.
Oh, DB, try typing just :

Oh, DB, try typing just : tongue : without any spaces to get the smiley without all the garbage. If you hover over any of the smileys, it will tell you what string to type.
however did you survive

however did you survive that?? :p
And to think, I contemplated, briefly, a 5k this afternoon after this weekend's blizzard, amidst -25 (with the windchill). Didn't happen, oy that would have been too cold for me. I'll swap you a 50 degree run though ;)
Did you say negative 2 5,

Did you say negative 2 5, Zum? Brrrrrr!!!!
Just guzzled 2lt of water

Just guzzled 2lt of water after my 32 degree run (that's celcius mind you). I don't know how you guys do it. I like the snow and all, but just for skiing holidays.
Actually I find the heat

Actually I find the heat pretty miserable to run in. It really sucks the energy out of me. Also, going BF the pavement can really get hot. I end up running on the white lines in the road.

I'd say about 283 Kelvin is my favorite temperature to run. (That's about 49F for you non-hard science majors.)

Any of you southern hemisphere types have tips for dealing with the heat?
Hawaii it gets hot and its

Hawaii it gets hot and its plenty humid, so if you aren't used to it the combo can hit you pretty hard. I dunno, I'd rather run in the heat. You take off your shirt, some of your water bottle ends up on your head, its all good. Just have to adjust, like running in the cold. But I'd rather (go ahead and read into this whatever you want) take clothes off than put them on. Why would you put on a long sleeve, and gloves, and a hat, and then go do something that is supposed to make you sweaty? I get sweaty just thinking about wearing all that stuff.

And it does suck the energy out of you, but then you feel even mentally stronger when you finish hard. And it reminds you to hydrate hydrate hydrate.

And I'm biased against the cold. If I have a choice I won't anywhere there is snow. Living here, that's not normally a problem. Until we have to visit the mainland over Christmas. Curse you, family! Curse you!!!
Dirtbag wrote:I should

Dirtbag said:
I should specifiy, cold for me. I run in Hawaii. I was just in Dallas, TX for a teaching conference and I went for a run (1/2 VFF, 1/2 BFR). It was 50 degrees out. This is at least 20 degrees colder than what I'm used to. So stop laughing at me all you cold weather people. And it was a short run, just over two miles total, so about a mile barefooted. But I'm still happy about getting out there and running barefoot.

So it was cold. But I ran. That is all.

Cold 50 degs run....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!
Well, Phew! I thought I was a

Well, Phew! I thought I was a cold weather wimp not wanting to run in 30 degree weather. I prefer to run in 40 and above. Its freak weather here lately so I've been running in 30 degrees one week and 50 the next. Damn that global weirding.
Running in the heat is

Running in the heat is probably the same as running in the cold - it's what you're acclimatised to. I've lived in tropical North Queensland (hot and humid), Perth in Western Australian (hot and dry) and now Melbourne - anything from 0 degrees in winter to mid 40s in summer (32 - over 100 for you in the good ol' US of A). I just try to avoid to direct sun as much as possible - I don't exercise outside in the early afternoons and you learn to drink plenty of water.

One thing I do have trouble with in the cold (relativly cold, that is) is (sorry if I offend anyone) my nipples!! Being mid forties, I have some extra flesh in areas men are not supposed to and I end up with a blood soaked shirt on really cold days and extremely tender nipples for days afterwards. I've tried sports tape, but it either sweats off or ripps off skin when I try to remove it, which doesn't really solve the problem.

Any thoughts?
How about a man's sports

How about a man's sports bra? It works for women.
I remember when I first

I remember when I first joined this most esteemed society, someone posted that they were worried when it got down to57 degres F. Lately I'm waking up in a bedroom that's in the mid 40's. I'm going to have to start closing the windows at night.

I'm fondly remembering the summer mornings running with just my lycra shorts and jumping into the Delaware River to cool off after the run. MMMmmmmm.
I was just sooooo happy to

I was just sooooo happy to run today after having battled some wierd sickness for over 3 weeks!!!

I was going to run outdoors ( 12F with -4 windchill ) but I figured it would be a bit much after just getting better and I sure as heck don't want my "new to running" hubby to be discouraged by the cold. So we went to the indoor track.

I ran 5 in my vffs and 3 barefoot. Some on artificial turf and some on the asphalt part. It was interesting that my feet actually started to get cold on the asphalt even though it is indoors. They also have an ice rink so they keep the temp is pretty low but I guess it just sucked the heat right out. I had first off my lined jacket then took off the winter running shirt and was running in just long running pants and a sport bra but the feet ????????

Anyway, I was really happy to be running again and plan to see if I can work up to more BF miles next time.

I am hoping to be able to do my first 10 miler this year and maybe, just maybe, my first half?!!!

Was so proud of my husband. He ran farther today than ever in all his 67 years.!! He would run a few laps and walk a lap. Then he would wait for me to come around and run real fast to make me work harder. Then he would walk a lap while I kept running and when I got close he would do it all again. It really was a lot of fun doing this with him. We both got more out of it.
sigh, yes...schools were

sigh, yes...schools were closed today because it was so cold

Cold sucks the life out of me, guess it's all relative..chose your poison and take it like a champ I guess

Fito, try bandaids or even an ace bandage wrapped around you. Poor thing, I can imagine (having nursed 3 voracious babies until my nipples were raw, cracked and bleeding

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