Is this a bridge too far?


Sep 10, 2012
Oceanside California USA
Barefoot running has me considering doing something that, even as recently as a month ago, I would never even have considered:

painting my toenails.

Now, maybe in the bf world this isn't such a gestalt-shattering act, but at my age and with my somewhat conventional lifestyle, it's at least mildly subversive.

But, honestly, I am having such fun barefoot running that it's really stirring up the long-dormant kid inside and makes me want to be a little playful about the whole thing. And not that I want to draw any attention to my bare feet (ok, maybe secretly I do), but I figure, if people are going to be looking down there anyway, I might as well give them something to chuckle about.

So, my wife bought me some black nail polish, and has kindly allowed that I could borrow 5-toes-worth of her orange nail polish, and I figured I'd do the deed in honor of my favorite holiday in my favorite month. I'm thinking alternating-colored nails, and if I get really ambitious, little white skulls on the black ones. Or, if two-colors just seems too tacky and obvious, go for the straight black (still like the little skulls idea though).

So, have I lost my mind, should I reconsider, or just go for it? I'm especially interested in hearing from the gentlemen in the audience (assuming that there are some here or there, although evidence of such up to this point has been scant :) ): am I doing serious damage to my mojo here? And should I even care?
I've run a bunch in a plaid skirt, it's not a kilt, and Joseph Tree has painted his nails before now - we're all about the same age.
Go for it - release your inner kid!
I personally don't paint my toenails, but I could see myself doing it for Halloween only. Mike on the other hand, I think he paints his toenails regularly because he likes to make his feet purty. Lol! :D I know he's going to get irritated with that comment so I should probably state the truth, which "I believe" is that he does it for races to spruce up his feet for the ladies he tries to hit on. :p
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I painted my fingernails for a good while (it was totally punk rawk, fershure); it's no biggie. I say do it. But, if you're gonna go single color, man up and go orange.
TD, as long as you have a nine year old girl that does it, then you can say that your nine year old did it. Otherwise.........

No, go for it, although I wouldn't recommend black. Saw plenty of bloody toenails after the marathon today and those will turn black. Pick a festive color so people won't think you are injured.
I guess I've hit the high tide mark for inspiring my fellow runners here at the BRS. I can just fade into the woodwork now, I guess.

Technically, I don't paint my toenails. I get them done at a pedicurist shop. They do a hot bubbly soak followed by a foot massage - just a luxury, especially if done immediately after a long gravelly run. Everyone should indulge themselves before their next race. And no wimpy colors like earth tones! Go for the flashiest possible and enjoy the responses.
Ha! Yes, barefooting does strange things to us. I got two toe rings now, and I'm very much not one for ornamentation or tattoos or interesting hair or anything like that--I leave all that to my wife. I generally like the right-out-of-the-box, accessories-not-included look. But I figured if my wife gets a gold ring to represent her on my finger, then my kids at least deserve two silver ones on my toes. I got them when I was down in the dumps about my top-of-the-foot-pain, looking for a little positive mojo. I also got a hemp anklet at that time, as did my wife, for ritual protection, but I keep forgetting to take it off in the shower so it's getting pretty frayed already. I may have to put it back on though, as my recent knee injury has been attributed to vexing sent by my former assistant, in revenge for prosecuting him for embezzlement.

Anyway, you might try the glue-on nails, sold at any Korean-owned black beauty supply store, for ease-of-use and greater detail. My wife swears by them, and they cut down on the time it takes her to get ready from two hours to one hour.
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I guess I've hit the high tide mark for inspiring my fellow runners here at the BRS. I can just fade into the woodwork now, I guess.

Technically, I don't paint my toenails. I get them done at a pedicurist shop. They do a hot bubbly soak followed by a foot massage - just a luxury, especially if done immediately after a long gravelly run. Everyone should indulge themselves before their next race. And no wimpy colors like earth tones! Go for the flashiest possible and enjoy the responses.

After my wife painted mine, she told me all about the experience that you just described, and I have to say it does sound tempting and just the right thing for pre- (and, probably post-) races. It's on the list now.

And I agree about the colors; the brighter the better. Never before in my life would I have envisioned a scenario in which I could possibly have a greater collection of nail polish colors than my wife, but I now see this as a tangible future reality.

What in the world is barefoot running doing to my fragile male pride? :)
I started wearing this hemp ankle bracelet for all my runs after using it to attach a timing chip for a race. I kind of like it and it gives people something to look at when they look at my bare feet when I'm running.
Next March, I'm planning to spray paint shamrocks on my feet for a St. Patrick's Day race I do, maybe I'll paint my toenails green as well!.
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If you can't have a little fun with it, then what is the point...... I think it a great idea, I think I will be adding that to my racing gear for the next outing. Got my kilt... check; toe nails painted..... check, check.

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