

Sep 1, 2010
I just wanted to write a quick note to say that you are the most inspiring bunch of people I have ever met up with. Every time I log in here and read the forums, blogs, or tips, I feel like going for a run and overdoing it. ;)

Seriously, though, after being a member just over a week, I've gone from running 3 miles every other day (with about .8 of that barefoot) to 3.7 miles this morning (2.7 of which were barefoot) and about 5.5 on the weekend. It was time for me to start ramping up the mileage, but after reading a lot around here I've learned a few tips that made my stride easier and less painful, and I've been inspired to push myself farther than I would have otherwise.

When I took my VFFs off this morning after one mile, I wasn't sure I could finish my run barefoot. But yesterday I did 1.7 so I figured the worst that could happen was I would have to walk home in the grass instead of on the sidewalk. I was amazed and surprised that not only did I make it, when I checked my times at the end of my run, I was significantly faster barefoot than shod! I think that's a first for me! The weather may have had something to do with it; it's the first day it's been under 75 degrees at mid-morning so compared to the 85-90 degrees I'm used to it was heaven.

Anyway, I just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone here for putting in your two cents on the forums, giving advice, and just being friendly. It's making my transition much more fun and I'm pretty sure it's making it go much faster as well. I'm hoping that one day I can contribute something of worth to others when they are starting out barefoot.
You are very welcome on

You are very welcome on behalf of myself and all of our members. It warms my heart to hear stories like yours. You are the reason we do this day in and day out.
Yeah, no kidding there is

Yeah, no kidding there is tons of inspiration here. There have been plenty of times I was ready to give up barefooting, but then in my head I would just replay TJs and Lats old arguments Haha.

So thanks everyone, and your welcome too!
Well at least something

Well at least something positive out of it kept you going. ;-)

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