i was lapped by a walker! more maf talk.

Ran 7 miles at 9:45 pace today, and it was already kinda hot when I went out mid-morning. I've knocked at least 30seconds maybe a minute off my pace since I started doing fartleks, hills, and just generally pushing the pace this last spring. Plus I've been making improvements in my strength training, and I don't have to worry about being humiliated by the near-dead, although I still get chicked by a student athlete of some sort once in a while when I run down by the river near the U of M campus.
"R" thread?! Where have I been!?! Or is that just a west coast thing?

... and on the OP topic... I've been doing tech free sort f Maf consciousness running this whole year and have seen my times improve substantially without any sort of speed work. I went from 1:55 to 1:43 in one HM and from 1:34 to 1:18 in one 10 Mile.

After speaking with a Physical Trainer for the first time yesterday, I think I'm going to start to slowly begin integrating pace sections in my runs to train my body to know what it feels like to start running out near my Lactic Threshold on a regular basis. Something like running 10 minutes at about 80% of race pace after a couple or 3 miles warmup. And some key stretchish sort of things for my Hi Flexors and such.
when your doing maf or even just a big base building phase one of the things you can do to maintain your efficiency and speed is 50-60m sprints, they should only last a max of 8-10 seconds at 'controlled' speed. Do a dozen after a warmup and before an easy run. The duration is not long enough that you will produce any significant amount of lactate, but they re-inforce form and technique (and help preserve sanity) ... do them on a hill for added effect.
Note that, although many have reported great success using Dr. Maffetone's low HR training, there appears to be no hard evidence that resistance training or even tempo runs interfere with endurance capacity, in terms of decreasing VO2max or lactate threshold (nor does it increase them):
It's hard to know if someone would improve at the same rate no matter what kind of running they did, as long as they kept doing it.
i'm a bit disappointed. i thought everyone was going to make fun of me and laugh but no, everyone gets all serious. jeez.

Maffetone does say those who fight it the most need it the most.
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damn. if i wasn't a little inebriated while reading that i might understand that better and respond with something better than this.

i do need it. i didn't do any sports while growing up. maf training isn't just running slow. it's more about focusing on your aerobic system and not overworking your anaerobic system which can cause injury and sickness. it's a cycle without overworking your body which leads to injury and illness.

Maf method works for everyone, just not everyone is willing to work for it.
damn. if i wasn't a little inebriated while reading that i might understand that better and respond with something better than this.

i do need it. i didn't do any sports while growing up. maf training isn't just running slow. it's more about focusing on your aerobic system and not overworking your anaerobic system which can cause injury and sickness. it's a cycle without overworking your body which leads to injury and illness.

Maf method works for everyone, just not everyone is willing to work for it.
I'm just giving you sh*t. I think you pointed out an important factor: whether or not you've done something highly aerobic in the past. And I don't think I have to worry about overworking my anaerobic system. I think that applies more to people who are training seriously for triathalons and stuff. Doing weights 3-4 times a week for an hour isn't putting me at risk of anything, and it definitely benefits my running. It's making me faster and improving my stamina. Whenever you come across a technique, training protocol, or method that hasn't been universally accepted by the pro sports community, you should be skeptical, otherwise it's religion.
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Whenever you come across a technique, training protocol, or method that hasn't been universally accepted by the pro sports community, you should be skeptical, otherwise it's religion.

you mean like bf running?
his method can work for champions and us lay people a like. especially us. with so much stress from having jobs, something pro's don't, we don't need to work out so hard to get good results. that's what his method teaches. then again i read mark allen put in stupid crazy amounts of hours working out, not something many of us can match easily.
his method can work for champions and us lay people a like. especially us. with so much stress from having jobs, something pro's don't, we don't need to work out so hard to get good results. that's what his method teaches. then again i read mark allen put in stupid crazy amounts of hours working out, not something many of us can match easily.
I've been doing weights and running, on and off, for a long time, as have millions of other people. It's nothing new, and it generally works. I butted in here with a little contrary data because it seemed like you were getting frustrated, but it's obvious to me now that you're committed to seeing it through, so I'll butt out.
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i like the comments. if i couldn't handled getting poked fun at then i wouldn't do it myself.

i can't wait until i can get back into body weight work. i have the energy, time, desire, and the strength. just not a good aerobic base. once i get that down then i will gladly add it in along with some anaerobic work. i lifted weights before and did body weights. while i got a bit faster i stopped improving. that's why i'm giving this a go.
i like the comments. if i couldn't handled getting poked fun at then i wouldn't do it myself.

i can't wait until i can get back into body weight work. i have the energy, time, desire, and the strength. just not a good aerobic base. once i get that down then i will gladly add it in along with some anaerobic work. i lifted weights before and did body weights. while i got a bit faster i stopped improving. that's why i'm giving this a go.
Sounds good. I hope it works out for you.

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