i thought of making a tutorial of going barefoot, everyone making part of it, are u in?


Sep 17, 2014
making a huge post of compilation of tutorials, with every one with their own advices and teachings

relating to how, how to dare, shame, training etc

are u in a want to write ur art of the tutorial?
only that?

"that" pretty much sums it up...most of the learning part happens in the slow running easy effort early on. No need to over-load new runners with tons of advice etc when they really need to just get out there and feel the ground for themselves in the early days of adapting.

I think the BRS website is the collaboration for barefoot running just like your posting is part of that collaboration.
thats true mokaman

but im focussed more in not only running but going barefoot too, even thou i know this is a barefoot run forum, but its the greatest i found so if u people excuse me i'd like to post on going barefoot too without running

and in the social aspect, shame of doing it, thats the most important part for many people

btw u are from Georgia right? isnt that the place stalin was born?
if double posting isnt ok tell me ill fussionate with the previous post, i wanted to separate this

so, people that are interested in creating a big tutorial, with each tutorial as a message in a big post tell me and we managing to do it

this forum is full of great people, many of them are braver than me, i do not dare yet to run barefoot in winter or in some places like city center, but only on my city in other cities i do it, like barcelona
so it'd a great tutorial if u people are in

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