How would you feel if you were told there was a possibility that you could never run again?

I would slump into a deep depression for like a month. Then that little glimmer of hope would return, like it always does. And I would continue to search for alternatives to my problems, by researching, talking to others in the same situation. Then I'd find something I'd never heard of, but decided to give it just one more try anyway. And I would succeed this time. This is exactly what actually happened to me when I found my "miracle". What if I had never tried "just one more time"? In a world of unending healing therapies being created, constantly, it's not a matter of find the cure, only a matter of when. With perseverance, of course. ;)
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TJ, I know you know I was already told this just 2 short years ago this month. In fact they told me I would be foolish to even try. Now my back is fine and able to withstand running but it seems the rest of my body has "rusted" a bit. I keep thinking as I lose weight and get back into shape my heels will get better too. I have my up days and my down days though and I'm definitely afraid my heels are now going to stop me. I pray like you that I will finally heal and be able to get back to normal. You are in my prayers abd I wish you the best of luck. I hope more than anything that you will finally be out of pain.
Hi TJ,
I would second Mikes comment, doctors are NOT God! If you want to run you will find a way to run. The Paralympics have just started in London and that has thousands of people who thought they would be giving up sports they loved due to accidents or other circumstances and they are now they are back at the top. The doctors only say you wont run again because they don't know everything, it is said as a sign of their ignorance rather than their knowledge. If they said that to me I would say "stuff you" and go all out to prove them wrong. I don't have much faith in the medical industry (it is an industry that needs sick people to survive). Keep searching and you will find a way to run.

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Hang in there TJ how many people including myself have being told that?
Nobody knows ones determination, you but only you can make that conclussion when the time comes.
You might prove your Dr wrong. :)
Like others said, there are other physical activity alternatives.
Keep possitive thoughts.
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Personally I'd just shrug, nod, and start an internal dialogue about how I would prove the doc wrong. But I have a bit of a problem with authority figures. ;)

If I really couldn't run anymore, I'd find an alternative that gave me the same rewards. If that wasn't possible, I'd just post here on a more frequent basis.

Seriously though, I wish you the best, TJ. Regardless of what happens with your running, your barefoot family is here for you.
I'd decide Drs. were just overly cautious give it some time and then attempt to get back anyway. And in the meantime I'd buy the most b@d@ss mountain bike I could find and use my inability to run at all as a excuse to see a much larger mileage of trails thanks to the speed of a bike.
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As I've posted before, I've had the opportunity to interact with a lot of older folks. So most likely, it's not a matter of if, but rather when I won't be able to run. No matter what people say, I'll do what I can for as long as I can.

A few months ago, I was at a mall in the early morning and saw all the mall walkers. Canes, walkers, and shopping carts were all out in full force. So, if I can't run, I'll walk. If I can't walk, I'll hobble!

Good luck!
Thank you all for the kind thoughts and well wishes. Found a video that kinda puts it into perspective for all of us (child has no feet but plays soccer):

Remember, at my testing and consult appointment, doc said it was a "possibility" that I wouldn't be able to run again. Today, he said, "You'll be back to running in no time." This kind of surgery, Tarsal Tunnel Decompression/Release can take up to a year to fully heal, so "no time" can't come any sooner. Not to mention I had the stump neuromas removed and the nerves inserted high into the arch muscles. So, we'll just have to wait and see. I have to start swimming in three to four weeks regardless, and even though both of my feet were done, he wants me walking very short distances every two hours! Y'right! Well, I'm in our hotel room now, and I wish I could be chillin' out, but far from it. Ouchie momma! Thanks again, all. I plan to get back on here and do some more whining and complaining later.

Good to see you're posting! I was thinking about you all day.

Get well soon!

If you are not having fun with swimming (and even if you are) get a coach to help you out - you might be able to find a good one from a local triathlon club. I don't know what your swimming background is, but if you don't do it really well, it can be hard to get very far and hard to get any kind of workout. If your stroke mechanics are good, and you've got the reathing down, it will scratch the same itch as running.
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Bless you TJ!

I stopped running almost 30 years ago and expected I'd never run again. The trouble was that at that time I was pretty much of an idiot and didn't think beyond "Oh, great! Now I won't hurt from that anymore!"

Nowadays I would be much more in the "Gutted" camp, because I think about running and how it's changed my life all the time. I'm also part of this community, where I spend WAY too much time, but get so much support and a deeper understanding of the role of running in the world.

I' am delighted to read that worst case is to think about for another day.
Thanks, JT. I am fulfilled knowing you and others are benefiting from the BRS. It warms my furry little heart. :)

Thanks for the advice, Silly. I'm a pretty good swimmer. Still pretty strong too. We have a pool in our subdivision, but it closes down at the end of September, about the time I will be ready to start swimming, so I will have to go to the Y. I'm thinking about just getting a family membership, so my kids can come swim with me. They'll love it 'cuz it's an indoor, heated pool. They're little fishies. My five year old swims to the bottom of the deep end already to pick stuff up. I love to watch them swim. I just find it boring for myself.

I do have a bike I can start to ride. And I have a crappy bike too (a Walmart Roadmaster), which is right up Jason's ally. ;) I might start to do that. (Maybe with some barefoot bike pedals too! Hee.)

The doc told me after surgery today that I should be able to be up and walking regularly and normally by three weeks and to start getting back to doing what I did before, although it may not be first. He said I will know my limits. That made me feel better. We'll see.
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I think Jason is right about that though. I mean starting out on a crappy bike. It's a helluva workout compared to a slick, lighter, more engineered bike. Doesn't hurt that it's also rusty here and there due to the rain. (My hubby keeps kicking it out of "his" garage so he will have more room to build his plane. That numbnuts!) the time I ever do get on a $2,000 bike, I will think cycling is a breeze.
You will be active and enjoying what you do, no matter what!
My garage was in it's best organized condition when I was preparing to build an aircraft.
Never did, and now while I ride the clunkers my wife churns out centuries on her high end road bike
Bikes, barefoot running , airplanes, full recovery from medical maladies.......lot's in common!
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Yes, we do have lots in common, lots of us here it seems. I love my friends at the BRS. [Insert smiley giving big hugs.]

You and Scott really got along well at Oshkosh, I'm glad. All you needed was to have one passion in common, and flying did the trick. BTW, still undecided about Oshkosh next year. I flew okay on the big bird, but those little things still scare the hell out of me. I mean, you guys are craz-zazy!
Glad to hear everything went well TJ, I have been thinking about you for the last couple of days and hoping all the postive energy and thoughts that I was pushing your way (along with everybody else) would do the trick and you would come out of the proceedure peachy (Georgia reference, ha). Can't wait to to hear about that first running experience of yours.:D
Some of you have told me that I was on your minds. Thank you! That really means a lot to me. I could feel the good vibes coming my way. :)

We are at the airport now and waiting for some open seats, standby. I'm on the iPad just killing time. Sorry I don't have the focus, due to all the meds, to take part in more of the conversations, but I sure do like to see you all making the BRS #1 in barefoot and minimalist running forums! So thank you! Keep it up, please.
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