How Do They Run Without Sunglasses?

If the sun is flickering through trees or hedgerows I've got to wear sun glasses else it's like running with a strobe light. That and the fact that i look like a total bad ass with shades and a bandanna.
I run in shades and a large gold chain....because it makes me look cool
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I use sunglasses a lot. I have one of those el-cheapo pair that allow you to swap out the lenses. So i use my dark ones if its sunny, the clear ones for evening runs to keep the bugs and flies out of my eyes... hate that. If im heading into the forest ill use the yellow lenses, in addition to making the greens even more vibrant they help cut some of the glare without making it too dark in the shade.

Oh and the clear lenses came in really usefull when running in a storm... keeps the driving rain and hail out of my eyes, and the wind permanantly blow drys them.
i never run with sun glasses. i have a hard enough time seeing with glasses and contacts. i don't need the extra shadows.
It's fun to joke about analogies to BFR, but seriously, cataract formation can be slowed down by regular use of sunglasses. Unlike sunscreen, they can be put on as well as taken off, and instead of a safety item that ups your dork factor to the non-like minded (as in cycling helmets), most people think shades increase your coolness units.
You'll never catch LB in Oakleys though! That is as long as you don't dig up the old 80's/90's pics. O.K., early 2000's as well.
Thanks for the info; I knew the eyes needed protecting in strong sun, but never really knew why. By the way, nice demo of good form, the posture of some of the other runners is shocking!
I have always worn sunglasses while running. I have always lived in quite sunny areas and so sunglasses have just been a natural extension of my clothing. I don't get anything fancy. I got tired of spending good money for sunglasses that would get lost, crushed, scratched, or stolen. I just buy cheap ones at Target or wherever. I do hate having to remove them due to sweat rolling into my eyes, but I started wearing a visor to cute down on the sweat dripping down. I also almost always run without a shirt on, so I carry a small washcloth or old cotton undershirt to wipe the sweat before it can drip down and blind me. I would get a headache from squinting so much if I didn't have my sunglasses. My regular glasses on the other hand...yes, they are Oakleys...hahaha.
O.K., I do have a pair of progressive reading glasses I wear over my contacts to read small print in darkened places that just look like "regular" glasses, but the tell-tale straight temples reveal to those in the know......OAKLEYS!
That photo above is from Saturday's race, and for the first time I handed my hat to a protoge'!
She is scheduled to run her first race....a 5K....Sept. 8.
When I was rehabing my neck by walking only, I ran into her a mile and a half from my house. She had neither run nor engaged in any cardio exercise for decades because of knee pain, and had never been outside her house barefoot. We walked an additional 5 miles together, and she tried 30 seconds barefoot.
That was the last week of March, and as she expanded her barefoot walking and started thinking about a 5K WALK barefoot, I encouraged her to try adding a bit of running.
She's up to 2.8 barefoot miles now, at around 10MM, and she only ran her first steps in early July!

She pushed it up a week.....and today (Sept 1) ran her first 5K!
Yay Patrice!
I'm so proud of her.....we were going to race together NEXT week as her first event, yet she was SO ready to run that she did this one on her own knowing "coach" LB would be out of town seeing the grand daughter.
Way to go Patrice!

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Yay, Patrice!

I almost always have sunglasses and a running hat. I had Lasik eye surgery about 13 years ago, so my eyes are pretty sensitive to sunlight. The hat helps with the sun, sweat, and keeping my hair out of my face.

Anyone see Sixty Minutes last Sunday?
I'm thinking about dropping my Ray Bans as well as the Oakleys now!
Walmart no-name brand here I come, what's a few more bucks to the Chinese vs $300 or so to the Italians!
Here's a partial Wikipedia summery of Luxottica:

Persol sunglasses

Ray-Ban sunglasses
Luxottica's two main product offerings are sunglasses and prescription frames. The company operates in two sectors: manufacturing & wholesale distribution, and retail distribution.[14]
The house brands include:[15][16]
  • Arnette
  • Eye Safety Systems
  • K&L
  • Luxottica
  • Mosley Tribes
  • Oakley

The company also creates eyewear under license for designer labels such as:[15][17]

The most recent deal was with Tory Burch. These brands are sold in the company's own shops, as well as to independent distributors such as department stores, duty-free shops and opticians.
[edit] Retail

Luxottica Retail has more than 7,000 retail locations in the United States, South America, Canada, China, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Israel, the United Kingdom and United Arab Emirats.[11] The headquarters of the retail division is in Mason, Ohio.[11] Their retail banners include:
  • Optical Shop of Aspen
  • Surfeyes
  • Laubman & Pank
  • ICON
  • Grand Optics LLC
[edit] Medical managed care

Luxottica also owns EyeMed Vision Care, a managed vision care organization in the United States.[18] As of 2012, it was the number one vision benefits company in the United States.[19][20]
I saw that story I was like OMG seriously? I'm surprised governments haven't stepped in. Oh well, still love my Oakley A-wires and wear them all the time including running in the daylight hours.
First the Huawei story, then Luxottica, followed by Rodriguez.
I never felt so uninformed in my life!
Had I watched the NFL games instead I would still be so naive.
O.K. to watch, but if any of those reporters ever stop by to interview me I'm covering up the camera lens with my hand and claiming I've never heard of anyone called Longboard.

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