Hi Everyone...Spring is here !

 Stupid Illlinois weather. I

Stupid Illlinois weather. I was about to go run, checked the weather report, and they've all-of-a-sudden added hail and 40-mph gusts for this afternoon. :eek:
Hi Jon, love the swoosh. 

Hi Jon, love the swoosh. Sweet.

Snow, what happened to the soft little bunny? Ooooh.

Can't wait to meet you Tiki.

I hear ya, Joe. We got the boat out today to get it ready for this week, since it's spring break and my boys are out of school and my hubby has some days off. We will be grilling salmon tonight. I LOVE spring...and summer...and fall...and winter.
Wow, Norm.  That is such a

Wow, Norm. That is such a contrast to what it looks like here today. Sorry about that. I'll wish spring on you soon.
My 10 miler last Saturday was

My 10 miler last Saturday was done in -2 degree celsius with a fresh blanket of snow on the ground. Where is this Spring everyone is talking about? With a high of 12 today, I might just see it peak it's head out.
It's still winter where you

It's still winter where you are, Toes. :-(
 One month later and another

One month later and another 2 fresh inches of snow. Running will be easier when it warms up I'm sure.
If feels like summer here on

If feels like summer here on most days, and you still have snow runs?! Wow! I can't really say that's a bad thing though. I was liking my frozen toes runs toward the end there. I guess because it numbed the neuromas in my feet, so the pain wasn't as intense. Just as soon as the ground got warmer here, my runs became more difficult to complete as well as they did last year when it was warm, so I decided to get that cryosurgery I'd been telling (boring) everyone about over with. Now I'm laid up in bed, not healing as quickly as I was led to believe I would, starting to feel the real pain now that my meds are running out. Yikes! I'd take a cold snow run right about now, and I'd like it.

Toes, when do you guys normally get spring?
TJ, sorry to hear it isn't

TJ, sorry to hear it isn't going as well as hoped
Can you spend time with your feet in an ice bucket?
Ice aggrivated the nerves

Ice aggrivated the nerves pretty badly last time I tried it, which is very odd, since I learned that the bitter cold is what saved me through my winter runs. It didn't cause me problems on my first icings after the surgeries though. I did a warm soak in the tub with Epsom salt and received about two hours of relief, but what a pain. I am a hair better today as far as the tissue damage that occurs naturally from the surgery; the nerves I am still concerned about.

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