Going to the dr tomorrow, bummin :(


Apr 3, 2010
My foot is in really rough shape, very swollen. I am afraid I may have fractured my first metatarsal and third metatarsals. Who knows, it hurts like hell. I'm just a bit pissed off at myself for pushing too hard to get this half marathon in and to run it faster than I'd trained for. Now I'll probably be out for the summer :( Trying to stay hopeful though, any words of wisdom? I'll be heading in tomorrow afternoon to see my doc and assuming for some x-rays (lovely, since we have no insurance right now).
 :((  I'm sorry Zumba, that

:(( I'm sorry Zumba, that really blows. On the bright side, if you did break them, it only takes about six weeks to heal a broken bone (as opposed to six months for sprains)...not that I suspect that makes you feel any better :-(.
Slightly N3, keep talkin me

Slightly N3, keep talkin me off the ledge. We shall see what doc says tomorrow, I'll cross my fingers for a fracture and not a sprain :p
 EN to the CUBE!!!

EN to the CUBE!!! SWEET!!!

As far as that ledge goes, hard to jump and have a soft landing with a bum foot...rethink the bale :)
After reading a few of your

After reading a few of your posts, you foot sounds eerily familiar to the first time I broke a metatarsal. During your run, did you feel or hear a pop? Could have been painless at the time and the further you ran it would have aggravated it more.

For mine, it was mile 18 of a marathon when I felt a pop and didn't think nothing of it until a few miles later when the pain finally hit me. After the race I did my first ice bath but it didn't do too much for me.

Even if the xrays come back negative, I'd still boot up since it still could be fractured. I came back negative and the doc told me to continue running if I could deal with the pain. Big mistake and I wish I would have asked for a specialist.

Anyways, best of luck on your return.
I thought x-rays only showed

I thought x-rays only showed a stress fracture after it has begun to heal. I would ask for an MRI or ultrasound.
 TJ's right  if it's a stress

TJ's right if it's a stress fracture but those are not often related to swelling. A full on fracture would swell as well as a tear of some sort but tears tend to to bruise pretty badly. If it's an actual break and not those "pretend" kind like stress fractures then it will show up on an x-ray. That's why docs start at the x-ray level to see if anything is visible and then the tests would flow from there. Good luck Zumba and just remember that it's never as bad as it seems.

Oh and I only said pretend fractures because stress fractures dont show up on x-rays. Dont start hating on me :)
Good luck tomorrow, Zumba.

Good luck tomorrow, Zumba. Please keep us posted!
Keep us posted. Being down

Keep us posted. Being down for an injury is always frustrating. Keep your head high and see what thy say then deal. Thats all you can do. You still Rocked a good run!
Gave it some good rest after

Gave it some good rest after a full day of chasing after kids yesterday (boy was it swollen then). Iced it, some chia and some ibuprofen and good sleep and it's not quite as swollen or sore. Still something going on with the bone though. I didn't hear or feel any pop during my run, I was too high to even have noticed anything I think :p I have a feeling it was all just a combo of fancy foot work (hopping up and down off of curbs, zipping around people, dancing lol, and lots zipping up and down hills that did me in). While the rest of me is ready for that, feet aren't. I'll keep you posted, thanks for your support!
Stress fracture to second

Stress fracture to second metatarsal left foot. out for 6 weeks. Not sure I'll be able to teach zumba, though have go ahead to at least stick to the eliptical for 6 weeks. have to wear stiff soled shoes/boots all day, every day for 6 weeks. Sigh. any advice?
 Patience is the only advice

Patience is the only advice I have. :-/
bum news but not unexpected

bum news but not unexpected based on your symptoms. Glad they were able to diagnose it so soon.

So are you in a boot? I'd recommend one if not as well as calcium/D supplements. And don't forget to stay hydrated.

...wishing you a speedy recovery.
one other note...I also

one other note...

I also broke my 2nd metatarsal first. However, I ignored my doctors advice and believe I returned to running a little too fast and resumed marathon running and ended up with a 2nd metatarsal sfx of the right foot. I think this is due to me compensating for the injury on my left foot causing me to land heavier on the right. Please don't be me.
Sounds like a plausible

Sounds like a plausible reason for your right foot injury Shacky, following orders...staying off of it. I may be ambitious, but I'm a pretty decent advocate for my body. I believe I'll come back stronger after this hiatus;)

Aching for a run already though, this is going to be a long 6 weeks. Have to wear a hiking boot with a stiff sole or a wooden sandal I suppose would work. My doc is cool, totally for barefoot running and didn't even x-ray (to save us money..no insurance) and said a hard soled hiking or work boot would work just as well as "the boot". I'll stock up on
Calcium and Vit D

Thanks N3, breathing patience in...exhale impatience...
What was the diagnosis based

What was the diagnosis based on?

What type of doctor did you see?
Well pooh!  All I can say is

Well pooh! All I can say is you will get better, and in no time, all of this will be a faint memory. Hang in there, and post, post, post!
So sorry to hear about your

So sorry to hear about your setback, Zum. I would use the elliptical with the same enthusiasm that you have for BFR. You will maintain your fitness level and it will help keep your spirits up.
Major major major bummer

Major major major bummer Katie :(

+1 on the elliptical and +1,000 on the patience

Also, yeah, what was the diagnosis based on? How did he check it? Just curious...
I saw my family dr, who is

I saw my family dr, who is also a runner, he basically pressed on each of the metatarsals, bent my middle toe down as far as it'd go (which didn't hurt), then flicked the knuckle which resonated the pain up to the point where it's fractured. If it's getting worse, I'm to go in then we'll do xray etc.

Already looking for some good books to read on the elip, Miqie I like your advice. If only I could ask the gym to put the elip outside :p

It's a big pain, but something makes me feel like this will make me stronger and wiser when I come back from it. Where do I start in 6 weeks though? Do I start at square one running 1/8mi??

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