Gait Analysis Videos - Post here!

I thought you were just in a

I thought you were just in a hurry to go sing before we all could finish and hear you. Ha ha we still heard you up there! :bigsmile:
Aw man, Nick.  I've been

Aw man, Nick. I've been trying so hard to forget that particular moment in that day. :wink:
Hey Karl, in that first one

Hey Karl, in that first one it looks like your feet get waaay out behind you, which seems like a bad thing to me. I tend to keep my steps really short (even when running fast) and if I let my feet get too far behind me I have found that's when I get injured (I've had kneed and achilles problems after runs where I do this). Everything else seems ok in my opinion.

take all that with a grain of salt though; I'm by no means a fast runner and have actually seen very few people run barefoot despite having done it myself for a year and a half now. ;)

I'm not even sure what I look like! maybe I need to be posting my own video.... :shy:
i see your feet swing out.

i see your feet swing out. meaning you have a weak first metatarsal. don't fret because most of us do. it's from shoes and causes us to stand and walk duck footed. you need to build strength there and actively engage your big toe to correct this. otherwise not too bad, even with shoes on.:bigsmile:
Troy, Mike, thanks for the

Troy, Mike, thanks for the responses.

I think I've got a bit better at where my feet land over the last few months and am slowly correcting them swinging out, I hadn't thought about how far back my feet go so will do some more research.

If I get the OK to run from the doc next week I'll maybe do another vid to compare progress (or lack of!).



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