Future Research Ideas?

The untold part of the story. Running contributes to global warming. All the additional breathing is removing O2 and replacing it with CO2. Additionally, we burn more calories which need to be replaced. This adds to additional manufacturing/packaging and transportation emissions for the food needed to replace those calories. The wear and tear on shoes cause them to need replaced often which also increases manufacturing and transportation emissions(less of a factor for us but applies to most runners). There is also the increased energy for the increased laundry load, along with the increase of manufacturing and distributing the additional laundry detergent/fabric softener. So for the sake of the planet, stop running! Or maybe we should have carbon trading for runners.

OK, we are off track a little bit but I at least made it relative to running.
For me, running also causes a large amount of methane. Sorry 'bout that.
for me, clean water and air are reason enough to curb pollution. The whole Global Warming angle just complicates what should be a no-brainer for all of us.
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Yes, the conservative thing to do would be to not take chances with our planet's health. If there's a one percent chance an asteroid is going to hit us, we should do something about it. Likewise, even if there's only a one percent chance we're irrevocably screwing up the planet's habitability, we should do something about it. If 'the globalists' somehow use this to their advantage, well, that's just politics as usual.
for me, clean water and air are reason enough to curb pollution.
I couldn't agree with this more Willie. I just had to write a paper for an Oceanography class last term about the Pacific Sea of Trash. Let me say I was shocked to see all of the plastics and garbage in the oceans. Apparently there are swirling masses of trash just like this in every ocean. Some of the plastics they have found are over 50 years old. The one in the North Pacific they estimate to be nearly twice the size of Texas. It's so big they don't know how to clean it up without major loss of marine life and f'ing up the whole ecosystem. Really made me change my views on pollution and my own use of plastics.
I couldn't agree with this more Willie. ...

ugh :mad:

I wrote a post at that other place once making the case that the disgraceful attitude toward the environment is caused by wearing shoes. If everyone was barefoot, nobody would litter. Who would ever spit their gum on the ground or drop a snotty tissue or half-eaten BigMac on the sidewalk knowing they may step in it later? And we know that if you take care of the little things, the big things take care of themselves.... expectations would change. Kind of like going after jaywalkers and squeegee men in NYC helped lower the rate of serious crimes.

So, another reason to be hatin' on shoes :D

PS - oops, it looks like I said 'ugh' because you agreed with me, Nick, lol! I meant 'ugh' to the sick stuff you wrote