Forgot shoes for work


Feb 7, 2012
Erie, PA
Some of you may find this amusing. Work is about the only place I wear shoes consistently. I usually wear boat shoes (Sperry Top-siders or something similar) without socks so I can kick them off easily at my desk. I took a vacation day last Friday so from Thursday evening until this morning I was completely barefoot while going about all sorts of errands and "stuff" over the weekend. Not at all unusual. But this morning I got in my car and was halfway through my 20-minute commute to work before I realized I hadn't brought any shoes with me. Had to turn around and go back for them. Add this to the "You know you're a barefooter when..." list.
One more reason to just leave them at the office. That's what I do!
The treaded wool socks in my man-purse are always ready when I need them.
Ha! At least you didn't forget your feet!
I forgot my shoes once to work last year - when I was on straight days (its a big office, and we have a dress code). I'm 40 miles out so it would be quicker for me to buy a pair of shoes at a store than drive back home (not to mention my F350 sucks about $20 gas for a round trip anyhow). Luckily I had a pair of cheap slip on mocs that were black - in winter and spring I'd often wear them between my front door and the truck since my yard can get mucky. They weren't exactly dressy but at least they were black and no one said anything! Since then I've been leaving my shoes in the truck. I take em off as soon as I get in the truck anyhow, no sense in carrying them in the house just to carry them back to the truck the next morning.

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