Foot Mileage w/e Nov. 14


Apr 3, 2010
New week! What areyour feet up to?
 Had a 3-miler barefoot

Had a 3-miler barefoot planned for this morning but I had some right-foot soreness (and some bruised toes from Saturday's run, grrr), so I had to run in my Frees. I'm hoping to get a few barefoot miles in Saturday after my 10K though, to relax and stretch out a bit.
3.12 easy miles chatting and

3.12 easy miles chatting and laughing with my running partner - ended up being the fastest 5K I have ever run. Ever. Even faster than my PR where I dry heaved at the end and had been training hard to PR for months. Totally didn't expect that!
...last day of warm weather

...last day of warm weather for a while (?) got in 6.5 miles during lunch (3.6 in VFFs / 2.9 barefoot). There's some sort of 5k tomorrow in the town where i work, so i'll be running there & doing that!
hmmm, J, something to be said

hmmm, J, something to be said about laughter ;)

Evadenyaw, have fun with the 5k is a fun run?

Rob, are you not running the 10k barefoot? Hope your bruised toes are better soon

Monday: 6mi barefoot, with jogger, windy!
lol Adam, hmmm explain how 33

lol Adam, hmmm explain how 33 can be very warm:p I don't usually venture there until after we've been plagued with super cold winter temps and we're getting in to spring :p Nice run! You've got some nice speed underfoot!

Monday: 6mi barefoot, with jogger, windy!

Tuesday 2hr Zumba in adizeros
About 8.5 miles in the last

About 8.5 miles in the last 16 hours. First 3.5 were along the boardwalk in Oceanside, CA. The windo off the ocean kept this way overdressed runner cool. This morning I awoke with the goal of running barefoot. I ran 4 miles this morning in my VFF Trecs. Passing a group of Marines on a training run made me pick up my pace just a little. After an easy 4 I took my shoes off and ran along the waters edge and back to tha Holiday Inn Oceanside.

One mile barefoot was awesome! My feet feel great and I am glad to mix VFF and Barefoot running.

One more run in Oceanside tomorrow morning before heading home.
Zumba:   I know it sounds

Zumba: I know it sounds ridiculous when I say that. I think it was more like 34 degrees this morning, but when I took my 11 mile run on saturday it was 34 degrees, and just could not get comfortable. But this morning it was the same temp, but I feet felt much better and more comfortable.

Grant it I was outside much longer on a 11 miler, than a 5 miler, but that saturday I was super tired and felt run down. I noticed when I feel tired and run down, my whole body responds in a negative way, and I don't respond to the cold as well. Even when I am not running, if I lack sleep or over tired, I always feel colder. My bizarre thinking or truth? who knows....
2 miles barefoot, 68

2 miles barefoot, 68 degrees... Was not a very good run, kept having pains. Not sure if it was form, the leg workout I did an hour before, or the run + grass sprints I did yesterday. I finally adjusted to a step that did not hurt anywhere in the ankle/feet, but it caused some discomfort in the lowest part of my calf/shin (hate to say it, but it felt like a very very mild shin splint :tired:). Plan to take a day or two off so the legs can rest. Im hoping it was the sprints from yesterday, that's the only thing really different that I can think of.
ok - did about 5.5 mi. total,

ok - did about 5.5 mi. total, all in VFF KSO Treks. The temperature here is about 40F which is just cool enough to make my feet go numb if i run barefoot, so i kept the VFFs on. A bummer, but the last time i got numb, i hurt myself and was sentenced to 2 weeks on the StairMaster.

Anyway, it was a good run! Many firsts for me: no iPod or music (had the same Deerhoof song on my mind the whole time - 'The Runners Four' - which is actually about smugglers), ran with a bunch of more experienced & FASTER runners from work (i've been doggedly solitary when it comes to running), and participated in a 1.5 mile (thought it was a 5k, but it was only 1.5 mi) Veteran's Day Fun Run / Walk.

We ran out to the site from work, a good 2+ miles mostly on a pretty tricky trail through a canyon. This is where the Treks excel, IMO - varied surfaces, a little rock climbing, lots of twists & turns... had a hard time keeping up w/the others (a couple of marathoners in there, so i did not feel bad pulling up the rear with only 1 year of running under my belt), but i did not have to worry about my feet.

Ran the Fun Run course. I really pushed myself hard for once & finished in a dead sprint just barely losing out to one of my work buddies. Lots of laughs. Lots of people asking me about my shoes. Damn, running is good fun!

Ran back to work, but stuck to the road. Now - still happy, slightly exhausted & eating my Greek yogurt.
Zumba:Correct, my 10K


Correct, my 10K Saturday will be in my Free 3.0s. I have my first-ever half marathon coming up in 26 days, so I'm going a bit lighter on the barefooting until afterwards, so I don't have any unexpected sorenesses. Right now I try do one or two runs a week barefoot, the rest in minimalist shoes (I've ran a couple 10-mile training runs in my VFFs, so I know I can do the longer distances, I'm just hesitant with my half approaching).

However, I'm planning on doing a full half-marathon in my VFFs or pure barefoot in February, so from December until then I'll be doing a lot more barefoot running.
Still hurting so was pleased

Still hurting so was pleased with the pace

Noon..........5.69 miles in 44:07........7:46 pace.
Damn Shack, you fast!Rob, I

Damn Shack, you fast!

Rob, I hear ya. I started my transition mid half training back in Feb. I did the same thing, minimal shoes until after the half...then it was game on! Good luck with your upcoming half, love that distance!

Adam, I'm the same way so it make total sense to me. When you're feelin good, everything else is just all good and visa versa. It takes me longer to get into a good groove when running and not feeling up to par, though it does happen eventually which I know so that keeps me going :)

Keep it up matees! Yer puttin some dern good miles in...ok, guess I'm a pirate again tonight :davie: and who the hell is this guy?

2hrs zumba and I'm wiped, rough day for some reason (my legs felt weak and slightly jello-y in the thighs..think it was the windy jogger run yesterday. :tired:

Wednesday: 1hr zumba and ~5mi run (planned) perhaps with Qadupae?
At least that's a better pace

At least that's a better pace than that 20:50 you were running, Shacky. ;-)
5.5mi with Qadupae, awesome

5.5mi with Qadupae, awesome run! Jogger, windy lots of goosepoop but I'll take it since this is likely the last nice day we'll have until spring.
5.1 barefoot night run on my

5.1 barefoot night run on my favorite hilly course. No street lamps so it's pitch black, thrilling and makes you wonder. It was a beautiful 40 degrees out, I think 40 degrees is the perfect barefoot running weather, for some reason it's always been my favorite.

Time: 41:05

Pace: 8:04
You guys know even if I don't

You guys know even if I don't report it that I cross train like a maniac, right? I'm amazed by y'all who track everything. I can barely get my miles on paper.

Anyway, I was recovering from some serious DOMS yesterday and took a rest day. Today I'd like to do ten, but I'm discouraged by the dark. I can run 1/2 mile repeats for speedwork with my running club or I can run on my own but not in good mental conditions (like, maybe 20 laps around a city block). I don't want to risk injury with the speedwork, but I don't want to run alone. Leaning towards easyish speedwork....

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