Featured Meetup - Australia-Sydney

Featured Meetup - Australia-Sydney
A VERY early morning run along some of Sydney’s famous beaches
By Spiderweb62

It is now been a few months since we started the Sydney group runs, and we met at various places around Sydney. So far, the group is been consistent in size, there is George Carter who is the veteran in terms of BF running, Shaun Daws and myself. I suspect that the time at which we meet (6:30am) probably has something to do with it, but hey ! There is a french word that says the future is for those who start early ! :)

This month we met at Coogee, in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney, there is a wonderful route from Coogee to Bondi, along the beaches. This is one of Sydney’s favorite destination for Sunday walk/run, so starting early was a good thing, as it can get really busy.

We leave Coogee a little bit over 6:30am and straight into a hill, my legs feel a bit wobbly, and so are Shaun’s (I think). George is trotting like a gazelle in front...Talking about trotting, he shows us one of his friend’s technique for up and downhill runs, and it looks a bit like gallop. Interesting, but for today I’ll stick to the basic !

To reach Clovelly, we have to go through a series of steps but luckily for our feet the surface is nice and smooth.

After Clovelly we are running along the Waverley cemetery, who would have thought they’d put a cemetery with a view !! What a waste….

The steps along the cemetery are built on a platform, covered with anti-slippery surface that is like very very rough sandpaper...Ouch !! Luckily it is a reasonably short section

Then it is all the way down to Bronte. There would be another 2km going to Bondi, but we decide that it is enough for today and return to Coogee. The route starts to be really busy, lots of people decide to enjoy the Sunday morning like we do….

We finish the run with a nice coffee on the beach. Next month we’ll probably meet in the Northern side of the harbor, which also has some very nice beaches, hopefully we can get some more people to join us !

Clovelly Beach

Shaun Daws and George Carter

Bronte Beach

Coogee beach on the way back (all downhill !)
Swiss, living Down under since 2001, and loving it ! I have been running for 20 years, but really only started barefoot seriously end of 2012, after sustaining number of injuries over the years. ACL on both knees, meniscus removed on right...
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