Do you have a special breathing method for running?

Haha ! you must be a drummer ! What an odd time measure

I usually don't count during my runs, but it seems to me that it is more like a 3/3 or 4/4, depending on the terrain (flat/downhill or uphill)
Actually, a bass player. That was one of the first bass riffs I learned . . . along with the ones from "Money" and "Roundabout." I saw Jethro Tull 3-4 times in the 1970s, easily the best show of that era.
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Just for easy runs I try to see how long I can go breathing through my nose only. I think it keeps me from running too fast and, I admit, I think it's cooler to run with my mouth closed and to keep a big smile on my face.

Mostly, I avoid counting, as it distracts me from a broad, open, relaxed consciousness that's my favourite state while running.
Seriuosly, i breathe through my nose and exhale through my mouth as necessary. I don't bother trying to count as i just breathe continually and deeply. With my diaphragm.
Actually I don't count either: I silently repeat prayers or mantras with a specific syllable count - here an example of a prayer in latin: breath in: Ave Maria (5), breath out: gratia plena (5), hold two on empty. This in repetition for some time. If I change the rhythm for some reason, I change the prayer as well. There are lots of possibilities in every language for every existing faith :).
I can only breath through my nose while I'm doing pretty easy runs, maybe a bit more moderate if the temperature is cool. I do recall at the 1/2 marathon a few weeks ago I was able to just breath through my nose for portions of it since I was 9min pace or over. But if I'm racing, I am way over what my nose can handle. I breath every other step then and that's at a faster cadence too. Catching my breath always seems to be my limiting factor while racing... sometimes my muscles really get tired but usually I just feel like I run out of wind even with my mouth practically wide open and panting like a dog. But my heart rate is usually sky high too, perhaps I just don't have as good of a cardiovascular system as many runners. My MAF paces have been around 10:30 min/mile, which is similar to what I can run breathing through my nose, yet my last half marathon that I raced was like a 7:32 m/m and I was completely out of breath for most of it.
Often I mindlessly count and it is 4 steps in, 4 out. Long or steep uphills might get me down to 3/3 or 3/4. All through the nose. The few races I've done I start mouth breathing after a short while and I don't remember counting but it's probably 2/2.

Has anybody worn a nasal strip for running? I was using them sometimes this past winter while sleeping to see if it helped with snoring and found myself taking it off for the run. But they've been ruled okay for horse racing, so maybe it's time I left one on.

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