Do we have a training forum? Or would training plan ideas/advice go here?

I looked around and that

I looked around and that seems to be the last of the marathons for Minnesota until the indoor marathon (blech) in Jan (which is already filled).

As gung-ho as I felt about this at the beginning of the week I'm feeling like it's a little soon to be thinking of this (considering I'd dropped my goals for running my usual fall half marathons because of this injury LOL). SayPay, you just got me so excited about the prospect. Though maybe we should shoot for a spring full together, since that 'll give me more time to get there..and I'll just shoot for a personal full in the meantime (though running for 4-5hrs in winter here seems a little daunting LOL).

Jimmy, thanks for your professional input. I'll make those changes and depending on how things go (and I can tell that with extra zumba I've been getting in this week, my foot is already sore..I may not bounce back as quickly as I'd hoped and 15 weeks is already cutting it short. If I extend my training program to say 18-20weeks, would that be better for a beginning (I'd start in probably Jan or so for a spring marathon I think).

At any rate, it's great to have feedback from you experienced marathoners, keep you posted on whether or not this thing is a go.
Sounds like a good plan. 

Sounds like a good plan. I didn't mean to psych you up too much. I am just excited too.

Think about maybe doing Stillwater or Med City next spring. I hear those are pretty good ones. I think Med City might even be local for you.
Right on SP, local as in 5

Right on SP, local as in 5 miles away from my house to the start ;)

I think I'll do that. Stillwater would be beautiful, though more expensive and we'd have to travel.

Good luck! Wish I could run it with you this year, you shooting for barefoot?
Zumba,Here is a link to a

Here is a link to a bare minimum 32 week Marathon to finish training schedule which you can adjust according to your fitness level and weeks leading up to a chosen race. I used this for my first marathon and finished comfortably in 3:53. I modified the mileage/run days but adhered to the long runs. Running up to the race distance in training prior to a scheduled race up to a 50K has always worked well for me. Both times I did not I struggled towards the end of the races and afterwards with recovery.
Good luck with your come back and future running goals!
I have to see how training

I have to see how training goes for doing it barefoot. I have had trouble with distances over 20 miles barefoot, which is why I opted for VFFs during my last marathon. I'll have to see how training goes and decide closer to race day.

Let me know if you do Med City next year. It's a bit of a drive for me, but I have friends down there that would run it also.
Zumba,  you made right

Zumba, you made right choice. You definitely want to have your first marathon experience a good one. Good luck with school! I go to night school as well, it's not easy with working fulltime and family. I was going to do my second marathon in Oct. but realized how insane that would of been, especially with our new born baby. So I will do it next year.
Sole, thanks so much! That's

Sole, thanks so much! That's awesome. I like the idea of a long training schedule, I'm basically always on some sort of a rough training schedule anyway. I like that it's 3 days of running, that's basically what I can fit in with teaching and taking dance. And it looks like I'll be adding more Zumba classes to my schedule coming soon so it's likely I'll be teaching Zumba 3-5 times a week in addition to belly dance, running and specialty events like dance performances and rehersals.

Adam, I think you're right. I think it's a good idea to get a feel for what my schedule will be like once classes start (Oct, and all online) so I have to be pretty disciplined to make sure I'm getting my work done and play later. My dh is the breadwinner for our household right now, I'm only working as an instructor very pt, and staying home with the kids and doing volunteer work within their schools and all other domestic duties...which all in itself surmounts fulltime work (just unpaid :p ) I've got plenty of time to run a marathon, I just need to be patient..which is hard sometimes. Can only follow a logical number of dreams at a time throughout one's life I guess :p

SP, it's looking very possible. It'd be awesome to have you down for Med City :)
Hey I thought it may be nice

Hey I thought it may be nice if there was a spreadsheet everyone could access and edit.

So I created a generic gmail account and created a spreadsheet template. Just click the link below and you can add data. I set it so that anyone with the link has edit rights to the spreadsheet.

However you guys would want to use this is fine with me. You could create new sheets (bottom left corner) for individual or progression plans. Maybe eventually once plans are added this could become its own stickied thread.
thanks Oscar!

thanks Oscar!
I LOVE the way so many of you

I LOVE the way so many of you step up to offer ways to improve our barefoot running experiences, from the many volunteers the BRS has recruited to the everday posters sharing information and ways to make this site and OUR club a better place. Thanks, All!
Thank you very much to, SP! 

Thank you very much to, SP! We have some bugs, but it'll get better. It just takes time, resources, and funding. I'm not giving up, and as long as you all want the same thing, we will have it.
  I'm a little late to the

I'm a little late to the party, so I'll throw this out to the experienced runners on here. There are two things with Zumba's plan that appear to break marathon training taboos.

1)There are no fall back weeks. I thought you needed to cut milage every 4th week or so to give your body a break.

2) Her long run is way more than her total week day milage. I thought it was a big no-no for your long run to be more than %50 of your total miles for the week, %30 even better?
ditto to that TJ, this place

ditto to that TJ, this place is amazingly wonderful. I heart it here :)

Wendy, thanks for the input, I did change my plan (or started to) to the 32 week plan and incorporated some fallback weeks. I'm curious to hear about the long run % of weekly total. Maybe adding a smaller 2-4 shortie run in there on a cross day would be better? I am curious to see how the extra cross training plays in that percentage, getting at least 4-6 times of high intensity cross training has to count for something that would help balance out the percentages no?
good to know Hoop, I'll have

good to know Hoop, I'll have to consider that. I think a 1-2mi recovery run the next day is brilliant. Adding it to my training. Which one are you doing in Oct?
I always do either a long run

I always do either a long run or cross training after my long run. It helps work the kinks out of sore muscles.

Zumba, with respect to your cross training days, I tend to think that the weekday mileage found on most marathon training plans are garbage miles. I have several friends who do marathons on nothing more than one long run, one speed work run, one mid-distance run, and a bunch of Crossfit. I think as long as you are varying the intensity of your runs, the fact that you only do 3 per week and a bunch of cross training shouldn't be a big deal.

Sometimes when I train I feel like I'm doing mileage for mileage sake. I would do other things, but I like running too much! I have to force myself to cross train. Be glad you don't have that problem!
At this point, my cross

At this point, my cross training is my job...teaching Zumba (so I don't really have a choice LOL, I'd do it anyway though because I love it that much). I do like the idea of less runs with more variability and effort put into more effective run. However, for the first marathon, I won't be working on speed by any means, though will try to vary speed (in the event of adrenaline rush pushing me faster than having trained for...don't want any more stress fractures) and I'll be sure to incorporate more hillwork on my runs.

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