Decrease in body temperature during/after winter running


Apr 3, 2010
Just curious as to what other "run through the cold and snowy winter" runners experience along these lines. My body temperature drops 1.5-2 degrees after running in the cold (esp with long runs). It was 30 degrees today, ran with socks, calf sleeves, moisture wicking tank, t shirt, moisture wicking l/s tech shirt and a fleece tech jacket. After about 30min of being home, my temp was 96.4 (day temperature is usually 97.9-98.0). I read that body can head into hypothermia around 95 degrees, which is a little alarming considering I run into much colder temps than 30 degrees. Thoughts? More layers? Bring hot chocolate as fuel?
oral, digital

oral, digital
I never thought of taking my

I never thought of taking my temperature, but within 30 minutes of getting back from a run (when it's winter), I'm freezing and have to take a HOT shower to warm up my bones. I always figured it was because I'm sweaty and not running, and it's I just cool down super fast.
I hadn't either, though my

I hadn't either, though my thermometer was laying in front of me while I sit here shivering so I decided to give it a shot. Even after a hot shower, it takes me a bit to warm up. A few hours and I'm back to normal :p
I wouldn't worry about it too

I wouldn't worry about it too much Zum. You are wearing enough clothing for the weather. I've run for hours in single digit temps without any trouble.

You will feel significant cold and start shaking to keep your body warm before you get hypothermia. I always monitor my body in the winter to make sure my core is warm. If you pay close attention, you'll be fine.

If you wonder what you need to be wearing out in the winter weather, try the "What Should I Wear" app at RW.,7152,s6-240-325-330-0-0-0-0-0,00.html
 I think oral temp would be

I think oral temp would be low, you are breathing in cold air...this does not mean that your core is that cold ;-)...take a rectal, that should be more accurate :-D
Rachtenb where did you find

Rachtenb where did you find that :sick:?? No, I don't want to know.
lmao, my dh and I were just

lmao, my dh and I were just talking about that show...crazy stuff!

Cube, this is up to a half hour-45min after running. I'd think my mouth would have warmed up a little. I think I even took it after a cup of not so hot hot cocoa this time :p

SP, I usually layer up a LOT in winter...too have run in single digits. LUBAC last year was about -3 or was it -13 with the windchill. I do think it would be a good investment to get some good winter running gear this year, instead of layering up on the other stuff. Thanks for the link!
I am going to try the naicin

I am going to try the naicin though and see if this helps any :)

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