
I only did a couple rounds of these and totally f-ed up my bad hip! Lol! GO ME!
The video doesn't work for me. It says, "The video is a duplicate of a previously uploaded video."
same here hence my :wtf: reply
I thought :wtf: meant you didn't like what she posted. Ha!
Ouch, I do nothing similar to what you did there-kind of dangerous looks like.
I hope your hip is better now.
Ya, that definitely looks like a bad idea. Learn the pistol squat progression, starting two footed and building mobility then work your way into one legged descents till finally your performing the full one legged squat with your free leg straight in front of you. You can have the whole thing together in a couple of months and it will take you much further than these weird chair things people are doing.
I've never done those before, but I get in the same position then to what's called a split squat. Basically a lunge with your back foot up on the chair. I usually have to do set of 40-50 of those with each leg. Killer workout for your a$$.
Ya, I do split squats, I like those. Pistol squats on the other hand...I have decided that whole 'leg out in front' thing is unnatural.
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if you can't get both legs out in front then one leg works good. ;)
Ya, I do split squats, I like those. Pistol squats on the other hand...I have decided that whole 'leg out in front' thing is unnatural.

Yes. One legged squats are just weird.

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