Concurrent Strength & Endurance Training 2018: Cycle VII

Bare Lee

Jul 25, 2011
Saint Paul
I will continue with the Push/Pull split, and try to work in the aerobic and conditioning components as quickly as possible. I have to shift from specific goals to one of overall fitness, first, I'm thinking.

Idealized Routine:

bike ride/commute

PM: Push
Lift: Squat, Bench Press, Overhead Press.
Assistance: Dips, Pullovers
HIIT: 6 x 20s/2m phases (20 seconds all-out, 2 minutes recovery) on Air Dyne
Sled: Push

PM: Pull
Lift: Deadlift, Pendlay Row, Pulldown/Chinup.
Assistance: One-hand Dumbbell Row, Back Extensions
HIIT: 6 x 20s/2m phases (20 seconds all-out, 2 minutes recovery) on Rower
Sled: Pull

I got the HIIT 20s/2m phasing idea from this article: Not sure if the this is the right ratio for me. I might try something more like 30s/90s.

---------------Week 1: Cycle VII---------------

Began to prime last week of Cycle VII, ending with a squat 3RM of 205. So I'll start this cycle with 215, then begin microloading when I hit 225, or a 1RM of 250.

Cycle VII 2018.jpg

Sunday, 18.12.02
DL: 3 x 3 @ 235
Rw: 3 x 5 @ 135
PD: 3 x 5 @ 145

Finished up the split begun on Saturday, the last day of Cycle VI.

Monday, 18.12.03
BP: 5 @ 155
SQ: 3 @ 215

Got a late start and was already hungry but I got in one set each of the last Bench Press and Squat priming loads before I get to my base of 1RM Squat = 250 (3RM = 225) on Wednesday.

Tuesday, 18.12.04

Wednesday, 18.12.05
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 225
BP: 3 x 5 @ 160
OP: 2 x 5 @ 105

Ah, feels good to have reached my base loads. Now it gets easier with microloading.

Thursday, 18.12.06
DL: 3 x 3 @ 255
Rw: 3 x 5 @ 140
PD: 2 x 5 @ 160

Friday, 18.12.07
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 226
OP: 3 x 5 @ 106

Saturday, 18.12.08

---------------Week 2: Cycle VII---------------

Sunday, 18.12.09
DL: 3 x 3 @ 260

Monday, 18.12.10
My son had strep throat, so had to take him to urgent care during my workout time. By the time we got home, I was feeling a bit hypoglycemic, so gave up on the workout and ate dinner. Then watched the Vikings' offense stink it up.

Tuesday, 18.12.11

Wednesday, 18.12.12
BP: 3 x 5 @ 161
SQ: 3 @ 95

Thursday, 18.12.13
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 230

Friday, 18.12.14
DL: 3 x 3 @ 275
Rw: 3 x 5 @ 145
PD: 2 x 5 @ 160

Saturday, 18.12.15

---------------Week 3: Cycle VII---------------

Sunday, 18.12.16
BP: 3 x 5 @ 165

Monday, 18.12.17

Tuesday, 18.12.18
SQ: 2 @ 185

Something felt off in my right knee.

Wednesday, 18.12.19
DL: 3 x 3 @ 275
Rw: 3 x 5 @ 145
PD: 2 x 5 @ 160

I finally figured out, that after a few days have passed without working out, it's better to get back at it with the Pull split rather than the Push split. I've prioritized Squats overall, for still good reasons, but after time off, Squats are possibly the hardest to motivate for, because they're harder and require the most technique. Deadlifts are dead easy, and something I know I can always do, no matter how tired or unmotivated.

Thursday, 18.12.20
SQ: 2/3/2 @ 235
OP: 3/5/5 @ 95

I placed a flat piece of board under my feet, on top of the spongy padding, and that seemed to help. I felt more stable, and the extra half inch of height made clearing the j-hooks a bit easier.

Friday, 18.12.21
DL: 3 x 3 @ 275
Rw: 3 x 5 @ 155
PD: 2 x 5 @ 160

Saturday, 18.12.22
BP: 3 x 5 @ 165
SQ: 3 x 2 @ 236

My stomach felt a little goofy, so I cut the Squats short.

---------------Week 4: Cycle VII---------------

Sunday, 18.12.23
DL: 3 x 3 @ 275
Rw: 3 x 5 @ 155
PD: 2 x 5 @ 165

Monday, 18.12.24

Tuesday, 18.12.25
SQ: 2/2/3 @ 237
OP: 2/4/4 @ 110

Felt a little pressure on my right knee on the first squat set, thought about shutting it down, but was able to complete the sets.

Wednesday, 18.12.26
My right hip/lower back area felt a little stiff, so I decided to skip the deadlifts.

Thursday, 18.12.27
6 min Airdyne, low intensity.

SQ: 1/3 @ 238
OP: 1/2/5 @ 112

Started late, and was a little concerned about the stiffness in my lower back/right hip, so I quit after one full set of squats.

Friday, 18.12.28
DL: 3 x 3 @ 276
Rw: 3 x 5 @ 156
PD: 2 x 5 @ 170

Saturday, 18.12.29
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I'm keeping this cycle more of the same and just going to slowly add on the weights and maintaining a 4 day lifting week. I will keep running a 5k a day, and biking to work.

For weight I am on the other side of 185 right now, hoping to get to below 185 consistently by the end of this cycle.

---------------Week 1: Cycle VII---------------
Monday, 18.12.03

Run - 5k

Press - 9@40, 5@45, 5@50
Farmers - 80m@70, 2x80m@90

Bike commute - 35k

Ran out of time, after doing a bit of bike chain maintenance. Started up a intermittent fasting eating cycle. The goal is 2,500 calories a day between 11am and 7pm only. I am working on a way of preventing late night binge eating.

Tuesday, 18.12.04
Run - 5k
Bike commute - 35k

Wednesday, 18.12.05
Run - 5k

TBDL - 5@90, 5@95, 5@100, 3@110, 3@120, 1@140, 1@145
Pull ups - 6, 5, 5, 5, 5

Bike commute - 35k

Thursday, 18.12.06
Run - 5k

Bench 10@60, 5@80, 5@85, 5@90, 5@95, 3@100, 1@105
Curls - 3 x 10 @35
Pull downs - 2 x 10 @ 60

Bike commute - 35k

Curls were making my collar bone joint grind, gonna skip them in the future.

Friday, 18.12.07
Run - 5k

CGBP - 5 X @60
Pull ups - 5 x 5
Pull downs - 5 x 5 @ 60
Roll outs - 5 x 10

Bike Commute - 35k

Saturday, 18.12.08
Run - 5k

Sunday, 18.12.09
Run - 5k

Squats - 5@60, 5@80, 5@85, 5@90, 5@95, 5@100
C2B Pullups - 5 x 5
Ab roll outs - 3 x 10

---------------Week 2: Cycle VII---------------

Think I finally hit the solid 185 this week. Intermittent fasting is going ok, I have been having an extra beer a couple of nights though. Really should be eating more earlier. Sleep however has been shit, likely due to more alcohol consumption.

Monday, 18.12.10
Run - 5k

Press - 5@40, 5@45, 5@50, 5@55, 4@60, 8@40
Farmers - 80m @70, 80m x 4@90

Bike Commute - 35k

Tuesday, 18.12.11
Run - 5k
Bike Commute - 35k

Wednesday, 18.12.12
TBDL - 5@70, 5@90, 5@100, 5@110, 5@120, 3@130, 1@140
Press - 5x10@40

Bike commute - 35k

The last TBDL was tough, not sure why it's not that heavy. Could be the weight loss I'd imagine.

Thursday, 18.12.13
Run - 5k

Bench - 10@60, 5@80, 5@85, 5@90, 5@95, 1@100, 1@105, [email protected], 1@110, 14@60
Pull ups - 8, 6, 6, 6, 5, 4, 8

Pushed a little on the bench was happy with hitting 110. I want to start working the reps up with 100 so I can get back in the 5 range.

Friday, 18.12.14
Run - 5K
Low pulls - 3x10@50,60,70, 5@80, 5@85, 2@100, 5@80
K2E - 10, 10, 8
Rollouts - 3 x 10

Bike Commute - 35k

Saturday, 18.12.15
Run - 5k
Squats - 5@60, 5@70, 5@80, 5@90, 3@100, 4@100, 1@100

Sunday, 18.12.16
Run - 5k

---------------Week 3: Cycle VII---------------

Monday, 18.12.17
Press - 5@40, 5@50, 5@55, 4@60, 3@60
Farmers - 70, 90, 90, 90

Bike Commute - 35k

Tuesday, 18.12.18
Run - 5k

TBDL - 5@90, 5@100, 5@110, 5@120, 3@130, 1@140, 1@145
Pull ups - 10, 7, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5
Rollouts - 3x12


Bike Commute - 35k

Wednesday, 18.12.19
Run - 5k
Bike Commute - 35k

Thursday, 18.12.20
Sick... terrible 24hr stomach flu

Friday, 18.12.21
Run - 5k

Bench - 3@8@60
Pull downs - 3x8@60

Bike commute - 30k

Had an accident on my ride home, a weird fubar'd type of accident. There were high winds and a tree fell across a bridge railing that I cross on the way home. My light battery was going dead ( i accidentally left it on all day) and I turned onto the bridge and rode face first into the trunk... 25kph and my lip, nose and eye took the brunt of the impact. I literally had no idea what happened at first but was able to stay on my bike after impact and dragging my head underneath the tree. So good news is, its just nasty superficial cuts, a major shiner, a broken nose and a deep cut on my lip that needed some stitches. Could have been so much worse.

Saturday, 18.12.22
Painful face... was up most of the night at the hospital figured I'd take a rest day

Sunday, 18.12.23

Run - 5k

Squats - 3@60, 3@70, 10x3@80
Bench 5@60, 5@70, 5@80, 4@90, 3@95
Pull ups - 9,8,6,4,4
Rollouts - 2x10

First workout after the accident, felt pretty good. Although the heavier weights really built a lot of pressure up in my facial injuries.

---------------Week 4: Cycle VII---------------
Monday, 18.12.24

Run - 5k

Press - 5@40, [email protected], [email protected], 5@50, [email protected], 3@60, 11@40
Farmers - 80m@70, 5x80m@90
K2E - 10, 10, 8

Tuesday, 18.12.25
Run - 5k
TBDL - 5@90, 5@100, 5@110, 3@120, 3@130, 1@140, 1@145

Wednesday, 18.12.26
Run - 5k
MTB - 11k
Squats - 5@60, 5@70, 5@80, 5@85, 5@90, 5@95
Low Pulls - 10@60, 10@70, 10@75, 8@75, 10@75

Thursday, 18.12.27
Run - 5k
Bike Commute - 35k

Friday, 18.12.28
Run - 5k
Bench 10@60, 5@80, 5@85, 5@90, 3@100, 8@80
Pull ups - 8,6,7,6,6,6
Rollouts - 3 x 10

Saturday, 18.12.29
Run - 5k
TBDL - 5@70, 5@90, 5@100, 5@110, 5@120, 4@130, 1@140
K2E - 3 x 10

Sunday, 18.12.30

Run - 5k

Press - 9@40, 5@45, 5@50, 5@55, 3@60, 10@40
Farmers - 5 x 80m@110

After that workout I literally laid down in bed and napped/passed out for 20 min. Definitely one of the harder workouts I have done in a while.

Wow and that's the year. Face is mostly healed now minimal amount of scarring. Still thankful nothing but superficial injuries.
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