Comming full circle!

Nick, give it time, Bro! An 11mm use to be a fast 5miles for me, too! Slowing down for long runs, speeding up for short runs, speed work, hill work and Fartlek has all made me faster. You'll get there too. My very first 5k was a 32:55... Not fast! That was in VFFs. I just did the same race a year later in 80deg heat and ran a 27:40... No telling what next year will bring!

I am shooting for an 11mm avge for my full, but my Main focus is just to take it all in and enjoy the experience. If I do another, then I will know what to expect and can worry about time goals. I want to get to the finish with enough energy to endzone dance across the finish!

Chicks dig the kilt! Takes a confident man to rock a Kilt, much less barefoot. We don't wear shoes, cause it feels so good...also why I rock the kilt!! Let's see how much jeering you get from your wife when a hit female runner starts talking to you about the kilt and your bare feet! ;-). Barefooters are NOT "followers"... Since when do we care what the shoddies think, anyway?!!


PS: I'm rockin the Red MacGregor with pockets for the Full!!

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