Check the race rules

Jeff –

Thank you for contacting us with your question. Litchfield Hills Triathlon, Duathlon & AquaBike is sanctioned by USAT and therefore we follow their guidelines. You will not be disqualified for participating barefoot. You will do so at your own risk of injury according to the waiver you signed online.

Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns. See you in a few weeks!

Thank you,

Genevieve Lattimer
Registration Manager


Dear Litchfield Hills Triathlon Race Director:

I am registered for the July 20th, 2014 Litchfield Hills Olympic Triathlon. This will be my first time at this race and I am very excited.

I have been considering completing this course barefoot. Obviously the swim portion will be barefoot for all athletes, as will the running to Transition 1. I would as well like the option to ride the cycle portion barefoot, as I have comfortable pedals and have been training with barefoot cycle rides. As well, I have been completing running races for over a year barefoot at distances equal to and greater than the run portion of this race.

USATF expressly allow barefoot running. USAT which sanctions the Litchfield Hills Triathlon does not prohibit or penalize it in either the cycling rules, nor the running rules.

My priority above a fast race is a safe and fun race, for myself and those around me. As well, I wish to only add in a positive manner to the race itself. I am contacting you in advance to allow your thoughtful consideration of this request. I wish to be allowed to complete the race in part or in its entirety unshod without disqualification or penalty. I will abide by your ruling.

Thank you,

YAY! Another update. I just purchased barefoot friendly bike pedals (see: Barefoot Triathlete> Bike Pedals) They worked well for the 26 mile test ride. After the ride, I jumped off the bike and did a short barefoot run (1.6m) to the Pub where we were getting free pizza! Great idea until you have to run back to your car with a full belly! Anyway - I asked the date of an upcoming SPRINT race. It turns out its next Wed at a convenient time, 6pm! I was shocked that Id be able to do this race (I guess I just assumed it was the same date as the OLY. I signed up last night, contacted RD today and here's his response:

" i'm old school at heart jeff, and your approach is something even beyond old school, so i'm cool with it! i dont think there's a rule against it either. enjoy jeff!!!! "

So- I'll be doing the SPRINT next week barefoot and 10 days later I'll be doing the OLY barefoot! I have been reading the few BF TRI experiences posted on here and through searches on the internet. Not a big field of people doing these. I still dont see why the ITU prohibits BF.
Ive yet to write to the ITU to request information to better understand their ruling on "no part of the run can be run barefoot". But... they dont have a rule for the bike. Oh- there are TONS of bike rules, just nothing about the shoes or feet (other than):

(v) Helmets must comply with the ITU Uniform Rules.
f.) Platform Pedals
(i) Platform pedals are allowed, provided a quick-release mechanism is fitted
to ensure the release of the feet in case of a fall.
g.) Illegal Equipment
(i) Illegal equipment includes, but is not limited to:
 Headphone(s) or headset(s);
Glass containers;
 Mobile phone(s) or any other electronic listening communication
 Bike or parts of the bike not complying with these rules.
 Uniform not complying with the ITU Uniform Rules.
h.) Any equipment or devices carried during the bike segment or added to the bike
is subject to approval by the Race Referee before the race. Non approved
devices are forbidden and may result in the disqualification of the athlete.
i.) For cameras and videocameras, in addition to requiring approval from the Race
Referee, all the images and footage taken will be copied by ITU. The use of those
images for commercial purpose is subject to approval by ITU EB.
They probably never guessed anyone would even THINK of riding barefoot.
Have great luck and let us know how it goes! I've been starting to look around craigslist for some used road bikes... thoughts of a duathalon are definitely coming to mind. :)
The ITU has changed their policy on barefoot running, and it is now permissible as of Dec 2014. No more threats of DSQ or any such nonsense any more! Horray!!

That's great Horseman. Do you have any link to share where it says this?

It might be good if members had something that they could quote to race directors that may not know about this change in the ITU rules.


I've just been sent details from someone else on the FB page.

Here is the deleted rule:


Copies of the full rules are here:

This is great news for barefooters. I am going to post this as a new thread.

Thanks again for posting Horseman
Go to page 33 of the PDF. The rule is in RED because, as it says, it was deleted in December 2014.

Thanks Ahcuah. Synchronised posting LOL

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