Check the race rules

I don't suppose that you could wear a shirt during the race that says, "Please tell them not to disqualify me for being barefoot. Thanks for your support."

What about grassroots campaign? Do we all need to start writing letters?
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I was unaware that the WTC was a different triathlon federation, forgive my ignorance. I suppose my confusion arose because I knew of ITU events that were at one time giving away spots for WTC events. I didn't figure that the two federations worked so closely together, but it doesn't seem like the same events give away spots anymore anyways.

I have sent an email to the WTC just to be absolutely sure on this as I don't see anything about barefoot running in the rules. If this is true at least there is a possibility of racing another Iron man event someday without the hassle of being DQ'd. This is good news. However in order to eventually complete another ironman again I'll have to complete a lot of smaller races before hand so I'll still have to deal with the ITU rules.

I'm not too sure how effective letter writing will be. I think many barefoot runners sent letters a few years back when Janice Nicholls got disqualified for running barefoot in 2011. I think at this point unfortunately it requires more action than words.
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Longboard is quite right I have an email from the WTC stating that there is no barefoot rule. However they did state that "we are going to leave it to the discretion of the race director". I made another inquiry if any WTC events require shoes by order of the race director. Will report back. It's entirely possible that the race director may make the decision on a case by case basis...
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Are threads viewable to non members? I posted a link to a gravel tray thread in the SBL and got a response saying that it's only viewable to members.
Well, at least everything here works real well for how we tend to use it.
The only reason I posted the link in the SBL is because someone asked about my gravel training system, and I figured this was the easiest way to show them.
Since the SBL Yahoo list does not make it easy to include a pic, can't be edited for corrections, and is subject to moderation delays, I just did the easy thing and posted a link to here, assuming it would also maybe draw some barefooters to this great barefoot running site. I hardly post there at all, and didn't really want to spend the time to figure out how to add a picture to the files section that most people wouldn't even go to the trouble of figuring out how to view in that forum.
One reason I don't frequent the SBL Yahoo list is that at closer to age 61 than 60 now I'm still one of the kids there!
They are so set in their "it's worked good for us this way all along so why change now" attitude that it's hardly active at all with none of the newcomers bothering to stay more than a month or so.
I don't even want to bother with a photo hosting site since anywhere else I post I can just upload directly.
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In case anyone is still interested I'v got another response back from the WTC. I asked them if Ironman Canada, Ironman USA, or Ironman Mont Tremblant required shoes to be worn (as these are the WTC races I'm likely to complete in the near future) these are the responses....

IRONMAN Canada: "Since we have 2 miles of the run course on a gravel path (4 miles with 2 loops) I'm advising against it. Thanks for asking"
IRONMAN Lake Placid: "Ouch, no problems with our course, I am okay with it."
IRONMAN Mont Tremblant: "Following my investigation with our lead Triathlon Québec Official…We are not authorizing any barefoot runners. We have a short run course path that was not paved last fall and we are still on small gravel and as well for security reasons at our aid station with slippery surfaces in and around them. Merci

I have followed up with another question concerning if "advising against" or "not authorizing" equals a disqualification. It seems like IM USA (Lake Placid) is my best option for another future Ironman....

Also I'm very curious to know how slippery an aid station can actually get? I've ran big races before and the aid stations have had gatorade and gels all over the ground. They can make your feet a little sticky but I don't remember the surface being slippery.
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IRONMAN Canada: "Since we have 2 miles of the run course on a gravel path (4 miles with 2 loops) I'm advising against it. Thanks for asking"
Looks runable to me.

IRONMAN Mont Tremblant: We have a short run course path that was not paved last fall and we are still on small gravel
Looks runable to me.
Also I'm very curious to know how slippery an aid station can actually get?
Unless, it's slicked down with Crisco, it really shouldn't be an issue.

Clearly, they don't want to risk the shoddies whining about gravel in their shoes and your unfair advantage, or have the shoddies embarassed about being beaten by someone who is barefoot.
Okay, just so you know. This is meant as good natured ribbing. I respect you. I don't consider you to be old. I hope to be as healthy and fit as you one day.

So, compare...
They are so set in their "it's worked good for us this way all along so why change now" attitude
I don't even want to bother with a photo hosting site since anywhere else I post I can just upload directly.
Yeah but I was using one at least five years ago when I needed it just to even have an avatar in a forum!
I'm thinking photo hosting is already old-school.
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And I remember when the BRS site was new we had to resort to an even more special technique......load the pic to RW forum, copy it from there, then post the copy here after deleting the photo from there.
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HI Guys, Thanks for the great thread.

I have been barefoot running for just over a year, and about to do my big Triathlon race in 3 wks - an Olympic / International distance. It includes 10k swim (0.9miles) 40k bike (24.9 miles) 10k run (oh come on, you all know this one!) - Anyway - 2 big issues came up reading through the previous posts. #1 - My race and many others are sanctioned by USAT (multi-sport) - this group's rules arent discussed yet in this thread. #2 - USATF is the defense for barefoot! If you can run a barefoot according to the running people -then that is precedent for ITU.

Actually - a couple of those rules dont make sense - no bare torso? no crawling? WHY?

Anyway--- here is the post I was originally going to paste here...

This week I was signed up for a "mock" Sprint Triathlon. I think a normal one would be 1/2 mile swim, 12.5 mile bike, 3.1K run. Main reason this was a mock, it ws $15 and pretty self-supported. No signs for bike turns, but there was a volunteer with water on the run and another volunteer telling you to turn around on the out-and-back.

My swimming was pretty bad. I recently bought "better" quality goggles and they werent fitting right. Got water in. Kept adjusting. Form was way off on way out, but got into a rhythm. On way back, I was very far off course. Sun was in my eyes and goggles had zero tint. I said to one of the kayak / lifeguards - "I cant see anything" - finally I saw the buoy and got back on course. - Bike route was fun and easy. Since I was so slow in the water I figured Id catch some people on the bike. Nope. No one? Oh well. Turns out I missed a turn and everyone else did 10.4 miles. I did 14.7. Finally the run. This was a fun group of people and they have been to other races to support each other. One guy asked if I was doing this barefoot and I said, "the swim I am!" :) The run route, I didnt know at all. They had mentioned that it would be a little short. It started out with gravel for maybe 50 yrds then was asphalt. As I came off my bike, the shoes felt heavy and I really considered tossing them off. Especially with the barefoot support! But I wore the shoes. I was able to pick off about 5 people on the run and come in 25/30 despite my horrible first 2 legs of the race.

*Part of the reason I didnt want to was because I ran barefoot the day before and with some old dry skin, some soaking in the lake for 27 minutes, I didnt know how messed up my feet would look after the run -

So- I cant stop thinking about barefoot Triathlon. I have done 13 mile races barefoot, but what about an easy Sprint Triathlon? 12 miles on the bike is an issue. I havent done any barefoot biking. I would need to try that out. I mean, the swim is barefoot for everyone. People on bikes (who are "serious" - serious = everyone but me) buy into clipless bike shoes. With Triathlon, you are timed for everything, including getting out of the water and getting onto your bike (Transition 1) - I loved going from bike to run in 37 seconds! Kept the same shoes on. But I imagine I might go faster if I can keep my wet feet on the bike as I take off, and keep those dry feet bare on the asphalt as I start to run.

Race is in 3 weeks. I'll keep thinking. My issues.

-Comfort: how hard will biking be barefoot?
-Safety: What if I stub my toe or worse, fall off the bike going 35 mph?
Reading through USAT rules now. I had paid for a 1 day membership when I signed up for race, but decided to pay for the full year today. Figured if I needed to make a comment to USAT it might be better heard from an actual paid member.


6.1 Permitted Conduct. A participant must run or walk the entire portion of the run course. Except for reasons of safety and when no advantage is gained, all runners shall follow and remain within the prescribed course. A participant who gains forward progress by crawling or otherwise violates this Section shall be disqualified.
6.2 Knowledge of the Course. The responsibility of knowing and following the prescribed course rests with each participant.
6.3 Permitted and Illegal Equipment. Any participant who at any time wears or carries a headset, radio, headphones, personal audio device, or any other item prohibited by Section 3.4(i) shall be subject to a time penalty. A participant may carry a water bottle on the run portion of the course, provided that such container is not made of glass. Glass containers are prohibited.

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