Blog whores?

 Making money as a blog

Making money as a blog whore, hmmm...

This makes me think of the story about George Bernard Shaw and the actress. Shaw was crossing the Atlantic on a steamer in the early part of the 20th century. He approached a well-known and beautiful actress, who happened to be on board, and asked her whether she would be willing to sleep with him if paid her a million dollars. She supposedly replied in the affirmative. Then Shaw asked whether she would also be willing to sleep with him for 10 dollars. She exclaimed furiously, "well, what kind of woman do you think I am?!" Shaw replied, "My dear, we have already settled that question. Now we're just haggling over the price."



 Whores are just opportunists

Whores are just opportunists with a bad rep.

I am totally a blog whore but I also have made so many lovely friends while blogging and also got two kick ass jobs because of blogging. Its hard work to be in a creative state all the time :)

easier to copy and paste sometimes!

"This is a very complicated case, Maude. You know, a lotta ins, lotta outs, lotta what-have-yous. And, uh, lotta strands to keep in my head, man. Lotta strands in old Duder's head. Luckily I'm adhering to a pretty strict, uh, drug regimen to keep my mind limber."
Okay, I am still confused...

Okay, I am still confused... Even after goggling the term "blog whore" I am still no-one the wiser..

I am hoping the fact that I have no idea, means I am not one. Saying that; I just continually blog about me getting drunk then registering for races, running race whilst drunk, or going for a drink after a race. That probably justifies the whole "only blogs about things they are interested in

Yeah, and what's this thing about getting things when you blog?? When did that memo come out?
Kittyk wrote: Okay, I am

Kittyk said:
Okay, I am still confused... Even after goggling the term "blog whore" I am still no-one the wiser. I am hoping the fact that I have no idea, means I am not one. Saying that; I just continually blog about me getting drunk then registering for races, running race whilst drunk, or going for a drink after a race. That probably justifies the whole "only blogs about things they are interested in. Yeah, and what's this thing about getting things when you blog?? When did that memo come out?

I don't know if it is a common term. All of the attention whore posts gave me the idea for the name. Basically if you are making money from your blog and you attach links to your blog in your signature you could be technically be considered a blog whore, or an oppurtunist depending on what side of the fence you are on.
Angie Bee wrote:"This is a

Angie Bee said:
"This is a very complicated case, Maude. You know, a lotta ins, lotta outs, lotta what-have-yous. And, uh, lotta strands to keep in my head, man. Lotta strands in old Duder's head. Luckily I'm adhering to a pretty strict, uh, drug regimen to keep my mind limber."

Awesome, I think you like the BL more than me :) Stay away from f'n lady friend.
Kittyk wrote:I just

Kittyk said:
I just continually blog about me getting drunk then registering for races, running race whilst drunk, or going for a drink after a race. That probably justifies the whole "only blogs about things they are interested in. Yeah, and what's this thing about getting things when you blog?? When did that memo come out?

Haahahaha! Kitty! Damn! I gotta read your blog. It sounds like a riot! Post a link for me, wouldya? Seriously, I would whore my blog out for free stuff if I could. Free stuff is cool. At least free stuff I could use. ;)
I started a blog with

I started a blog with blogger, than deleted it, and started another one on wordpress and really thinking about deleting that as well. Having a blog just doesn't fit my style. I never read anyone elses blogs unless it's really interesting. My blog is just about barefoot running, but who cares right? I think I just need to get rid of it all.
Hey, Adam, the BRS has

Hey, Adam, the BRS has blogging to, and whatdayaknow? You blog about barefoot running, and we just happen to be a barefoot running club.
Matt wrote:This reminds me of

Matt said:
This reminds me of a similar, but related question. How much would someone have to pay you to run in their shoes?

Matt - That would depend on how stinky they are. :p

My blog is about barefoot running as well. Its a way to document my progress and gives me a tool to look back at and see what I've accomplished so far. I love reading other people's blogs about barefoot running because I'm just starting out and its all new to me. Right now there are no barefoot runners in my area so I have no one to connect and run with. My blog and the BRS is my only means of community with you people!
For all you BWs who like to

For all you BWs who like to blog about barefoot and minimalist running, the BRS would like to Stomp you! If you are a good candidate to received the BRS's Stomp of Approval, please email your site's link to [email protected]. Miker is in charge of promotions and the Stomp program.
 Can I get a Stomp for my

Can I get a Stomp for my Facebook page?
Sure.  Please email Miker,

Sure. Please email Miker, and he will get one to you. You whore you!
Cripes! I scrolled down too

Cripes! I scrolled down too quickly and saw TJ making an offer to BWs. hmmm...BW....BW....somthing Whore....BW...BW. Surely she didn't just call out "Barefoot Whores!"

quickly scroll back up through previous posts to the top...Whew! "Blog Whores" Well...that makes me feel better (I think) ;-)
I don't know.  Let's let Ram

I don't know. Let's let Ram be the first guinea pig and try to find out. If anything, he should be able to add the image and make it linkable to the BRS's home page, right?
Cool! I would like a stomp.

Cool! I would like a stomp. Thanks TJ! Ram can probably make the stomp his profile image on his FB page.

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