

Mar 4, 2011
So I've been dabbling with BFR for a while now. Gone for bunch in NB Minimas and a half dozen completely un-shod. But the last two runs i've done completely barefoot, i've got some great blisters from them. The last time I'm pretty sure it was a combination of hot ground+over striding+running way to far.

This time on the other hand I didn't go for a long run about 2.5k all on concrete and paving stones. But i've developed a nastly looking blood blister on my 2nd toe. (this happened last time too). I'm also pretty sure i'm going to wake up tomorrow with blisters right below my big toe on both feet.

So what do people think? I know its because of bad form, but how do i correct it?



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You are most likely digging

You are most likely digging in or pushing off. Think lift, lift, lift. Step lightly. Don't grind in, don't shear. If you count cadence, count on the up and not the down. Counting on the down makes us step heavier. Counting on the lift helps us to lift our feet and not push off. Try thinking about this on your next run.

Are you running on hot asphalt?
My run on wednesday wasn't on

My run on wednesday wasn't on hot asphalt so thats not the reason. I"ll try thinking lift lift lift next time i run too.

If you bend your knees more,

If you bend your knees more, you will be less likely to push off. Remember that on your next run too. Just know that you may have some calf soreness afterwards, but with time, after doing this awhile, that tightness will fade away. It's just part of the natural progression of changing your form from one to another. You're using different muscles in your legs now. Let us know how you're doing and when the blisters start to go away.
Due to work I've been running

Due to work I've been running on a treadmill in VFF's a lot more than usual lately and have gotten a whopper of a blister under my big toe. I very occassionally get blisters BF or in VFF's when not on the treadmill if I let my form get slack but otherwise am fine so I think it is more the tready than me.

Thoughts? Should I just give up on the tready even though it is very convenient for me right now? Should I change my form when on the tready? That seems like a bad idea since I do most of my running on pavement. Or is it likely there is something about the tready that is exacerbating a poor form issue that I can get away with on the pavement?
Does the belt feel hot? 

Does the belt feel hot? Treadmills cause people who run barefoot to blister quite a lot from what I understand.

Now, of course, your form is going to be different when running on the treadmill, so you'll need to figure out what is or isn't wrong with your form there.

And, I would always recommend outdoors over the dreadmill anyday, but they do have a good purpose, in that not everyone can get outside at all times on all terrains during all seasons to run.
Yeah the treadmill does feel

Yeah the treadmill does feel hot after a bit. Not sure if that is my form or something about the treadmill.

I agree with getting outdoors and that is my preference but alas with my long hours right now it's just not happening as much as I'd like. :-(
If the treadmill feels even

If the treadmill feels even slightly hot, then it's burning your feet; that along with any amount of friction will cause blistering. If it is the belt heating up, and you can't resolve the blister issue, you may have to resort to a pair of regular cotton socks.
Thanks for the advice, I

Thanks for the advice, I think I'll invest in a cheap pair of 5 toed socks and see if that makes a difference. Otherwise, I'll just get out and run with a torch strapped to my head so i can see where I'm going in the middle of the night! hahaha
You don't have to have toe

You don't have to have toe socks. Those cramp my toes, and after I've run awhile, my feet swell, so the socks feel extra tight. Just a plain old pair of socks, not tight, will be perfect, I think.
I know my feet sweat good in

I know my feet sweat good in KSOs. In fact that has caused me to form blisters as my feet slide around if I don't have them strapped down tight enough. With the heat from the treadmill, it may be causing moisture to build up and thus you may be sliding a bit.

The Injinji socks are moisture wicking and do wonders to keep the feet drier. I do use them and highly recommend them. You may also be compensating on that foot and pushing off without realizing it. I would invesitgate that as well. It may not have shown up before.

Heat, Moisture, and Friction are the culprits. Any one in excess will cause blisters, but two of the three and you are looking at trouble for sure. Good luck!

John T.
I agree with DuneTraveller,

I agree with DuneTraveller, the Injinji in the VFFs help with blisters a lot. I went BFR in Memphis about two weeks ago when it was 95 degrees and that left some major blisters on the balls of my feet. Since then I have been wearing Injinji socks while running and only have 2 of 6 blisters left to heal before I can go back to barefoot.
What about 2Toms?  They have

What about 2Toms? They have a powder and a wipe that you can use inside your VFFs to stop the friction that causes blisters.
I used both the powder and

I used both the powder and the wipes (separately) for my shorts, and it really worked well. I put the powder in my son's VFFs when he was complaining of some friction, and that resolved the problem for a mile or so, maybe would have longer, but he took them off, since he wanted to be running bare, like mom. Hee.