Bike pedaling form change after barefoot running

So, I'm finally starting to get on the bike to prepare for my annual local sprint tri, which will be the last Saturday of June.

I noticed that my pedaling form has changed since I've been barefoot running. My pedaling rythm is faster than it used to be, just like my running rythm is faster. I used to prefer to pedal harder and slower in a higher gear. Now I prefer to pedal faster in a lower gear. The overall speed seems to be about the same as before, I'm just getting there with more rotations of the pedals, and it feels like less work. I'm guessing it's just because I've become accustomed to the quicker stepping pace when running and it just carried over into my biking.

Has anyone else noticed this? Just curious.
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I've been wondering about the

I've been wondering about the same thing. I think it's because of being used to a certain rythm. Keep us posted though because I would love to hear how it's going prepping for your tri now that you are barefoot running.
I feel more comfortable

I feel more comfortable keeping my cadence on the bike around 80-100 now and I run a really consistent 180 cadence.

Before I was running at a 160 and peddling at a 60, the two seem to go hand in hand

My brother is a Pro cyclist and is friends with some of the best on the planet. Lets say he is in France right now. Not racing though just with the team. He tells me keep the cadence at 80 or greater. I figure he knows what he is talking about. Every few days he posts a ride and I see his cadence is in the 80-110 most of the time. Spin baby spin
TTM, How did that sprint tri

TTM, How did that sprint tri go?
It's been awhile, but since

It's been awhile, but since you asked ...

The tri went well. The weather was perfect: sunny and starting at around 70 degrees and edging up to 80 by the end of the race. The water was cold, ~67 degrees, and I don't have a wet suit. I could hardly breath for the first half of the swim and that slowed me down a bit. I'm not a fast biker, so more people passed me biking than otherwise. However, I passed lots of people on the run. Only one young gal passed me while running, which gave me incentive to pick up my pace for awhile, but I couldn't keep up with her for long. Overall, I shaved a minute off my previous best time, of last year, which was good considering I didn't train very much. As always, a few folks were interested in my 'running style'!

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