BF Insult and Inspiration

TT, that's my sister!  I'm

TT, that's my sister! I'm not allowed to even say the words "BF" in her presence. She gets all squiffy. I think she'd rather talk about hemmorhoids than bare feet. Go figure.
On the bus with my shoddie

On the bus with my shoddie running club to the Peachtree Road Race yesterday, of which I have run the last (now) three years in a row barefoot, this new member tells me that running in minimalist footwear is the same as running barefoot. I said simply, "No. It's not." He insisted it was. I repeated myself. He said, "Oh it is. It's the same thing. It's just as good or better." Here I am, sitting in my seat with my bare feet minding my own business, yet he wants to engage me in coversation to let me know that I don't have to "go all the way" to be called a barefoot runner; I could just run in huaraches. Since he invited the conversation and the lesson, I taught him what he needed to know. I summarized with, "See. These are feet. They are bare. Therefore, I am barefoot." When I was finished with his lesson, he just sat there dumbfounded not knowing how to react.

I'm all for smiling, being polite, explaining only when asked, etc., but times like these are just as worth it. He has something new to think about now, such as, "Hey. Maybe having something on your feet is NOT the same thing as being barefoot. Hmmmm."

While out running, I've also had people stop to ask me if I was okay, if I needed a ride, etc. These are genuinely sincere people who care about me and are worried about me. I appreciate good folks like this. I always say, "Thank you, but I enjoy running barefoot." Then they just smile back at me. It's nice.
JT, i love people who talk

JT, i love people who talk all day about their favorite food but the second you mention the word poop, your a disgusting ape. I do it to one guy i work with, he's such a queen, just to give myself a good laugh. Ya, i can be pretty sadistic and childish but hey, everyone poops. If you have a problem talking about it then you obviously have a problem doing it. Sad for you.

Wow, i've been enjoying reading this post but now can't remember who the OP was and i can't go back and check without losing this. So to the OP, you rocked both those womens world. good for you. One you know you got to do something positive. The other, you obviously shook her foundation of how people should be that she had to verbally attack you. You could have responded to her by saying "Please call the police so i can tell them how you are harrassing me". I bet that would've really set her off.

I've only come across stupid remarks. On a group run one guy did actually yell angrily at us "you forgot your shoes". Luckily Josh was there and answered first and cheerily, drowning out my angry response. I mean really, you think 8 people forgot their shoes? As much as i try to release my anger it sometimes comes out when it shouldn't. Those are people who are best left alone. Fighting with them will only prove them right. That's all some people want. To fight with others and prove themselves right.

I used to get into constant arguments with my sister-in-law. I finally learned that's what she wants to do so i now choose not to argue with her. It's woking out much better.

Leave the angry people alone. Let them wallow in their sorrow. Trust me, they will find another victim if you don't play along. When i can, i give back funny responses as most people are shocked or happy to actually see someone bf. One lady looked at me in shock telling me i forgot my shoes, i looked down at my feet and with a look of surprise shouted "oh my god!" We had a good laugh over that one. Another girl saw Paraganek and i coming at her and she was just speechless staring at our muddy feet. i just broke the silence by saying "yes, we are crazy". Then we ran off laughing and i'm sure her boyfriend did too.

Don't worry about others and their reactions. A lot of times i avoid looking at people. Wait, that's when i'm on gravel and trying to relax. Hmm, bad example. Just worry about yourself and have fun. When people tell me i'm crazy i say yes i am and thank you.

My father once told me "if you want to change the world, do nothing. Change yourself and leave everyone else alone. That is the only way you can change the world. Everyone has to come by change of their own accord."

You have a brilliant father,

You have a brilliant father, Mike!

This is hysterical! You could have responded to her by saying "Please call the police so i can tell them how you are harrassing me". I bet that would've really set her off.

I loved this. I mean really, you think 8 people forgot their shoes?
 TJ I wish I was on that


I wish I was on that bus and witnessed your speech. Poor guy did not know what was coming. :)

I had the same type of conversation with a DR from a running injury clinic. He though you could feel the ground while wearing minimal shoes. It was like trying to describe the color blue to someone who had been blind from birth.

Love the stories
Good analogy, PB.  That's

Good analogy, PB. That's exactly what it was like.
first off - congrats on

first off - congrats on inspiring someone, that is too cool!

for some reason i have a lot of nurses in my social life - no comments please, haha - and i find that talking to them about barefoot running is like hitting your head against a wall and expecting an outcome other than pain. eventually i go right to the science of biomechanics and sell them on the Natural Gait. 1-0 me. once im there i can generally get them to accept the idea of running barefoot on surfaces other than concrete/pavement, aka grass, trails, etc... 2-0 me. but man, trying to get them to accept the idea of running on pavement. no chance. and i believe its 100% because of people doing TMTS in minimal shoes, thats all the nurses hear about. AND any nurse that argues with me on the biomechanics isnt a nurse i want helping me in a hospital - and therefore i just stop talking, because clearly they are idiots.

my defense mechanism for all those people is "Have you read 'Born to Run'?" - that book changes 9 out of 10 peoples lives when they read it - ive converted about 12 people so far. He did a hell of job writing it, and is much more persuasive than i could ever be, so i'll leave it to the professional to try and convert people. This is also why i keep copies of the book on hand to give out, if i know someone is resisting the idea, i give them a copy, because you know they will never go buy it on their own.

pitty the lady in the SUV, because she will never know the pure joy that is running barefoot.
Man, you guys are hilarious!

Man, you guys are hilarious! :) My mom just poked her head out of the next room to find out what I was doing because I was laughing so much.

This is re-creation of a conversation I had just as I crossed the finish line of my first bf half on Monday:

Guy 1: Did you just do that whole thing barefoot?

Me: Yup.

Guy 2: Now THAT'S what I call minimilist!!

Me: Yeah, I'd hope so. :)

Guy 1: Seriously, that's so hardcore. Will you marry me?

Me: (pointing into the crowd of finishers) Um, I'm pretty sure my fiancé is waiting somewhere up there for me.

Guy 1: So that's a no, then?

I heard a lot of whispers of "That's insane!" and "That has to hurt!" along the way as I passed people, but there were three people genuinely interested in bfr that I ran and talked with for a while during the race, so I just tried to speak extra loudly in hopes that some of the other skeptics around would have something to think about on their ride home. :p
 This is an excellent

This is an excellent thread. TJ, you are a wonderful barefoot running ambassador! Mike, your father is very wise. Those are words to live by. When running barefoot, I haven't received comments (positive or negative) that are much different from what others have described. But today when I was running, I ran past a woman talking on a phone outside her house. She said to person on the line, "And here's a guy running barefoot, but it's not you. It's like it's the in thing to do now, to run barefoot." So presumably the person she was talking to also runs barefoot. I haven't seen anyone else run barefoot in my area, though, so it's not like it is popular!
Thank you, DB!That's

Thank you, DB!

That's hysterical, "It's not you!"
thanks you two. my father is

thanks you two. my father is not that wise. he does have some sage advice that was given to him. like us he is a student and open to learning.when i met him years ago i thought he was a crazy hippie. now he thinks i'm his crazy son reverting to the indian ways. i've been thinking about making a loin clothe for running races. might as well really freak people out right? i may make myself look like an aztec warrior, especially for the warrior dash.
migangelo wrote:thanks you

migangelo said:
thanks you two. my father is not that wise. he does have some sage advice that was given to him. like us he is a student and open to learning.when i met him years ago i thought he was a crazy hippie. now he thinks i'm his crazy son reverting to the indian ways. i've been thinking about making a loin clothe for running races. might as well really freak people out right? i may make myself look like an aztec warrior, especially for the warrior dash.

Man, that would be sweet!! I can't wait till I'm thin enough to go shirtless again! Right now, I think I would just scare people.

Mike, do they also do the Jail Break ( and the Spartin race ( )near you? Looks like the same crazy kinda fun with just different themes. I want to try all 3 next year, but GOTTA dress up, for sure!!

no they don't do those here.

no they don't do those here. neither the Merrell mud run. there are other plenty of times to dress up here as Portland is full of some weird people and proud of it. i'm going to have to get my aunts help on the costume. sad thing is no one else will do it with me. oh well.

on our group run last night i wore my huaraches and heard some girls laughing at me. was funny.
I guess that's something

I guess that's something we'll just have to learn to deal with. I get, "Those look like girl shoes!" when I wear my invisible shoes. Maybe I should look for some black laces with white skull and crossbones to thread through them! Since when did Purple become a girl color?? Oh well. What ever keeps us humble, I put in the win colum!

I'd hold off on that switch

I'd hold off on that switch to skulls. Skull motifs are VERY girly these days. A visit to Hot Topic next time you go to the mall will verify the trend for you. Or just hit up a google image search for “skulls hot topic” and see the skull related clothing lines and vans shoes as well. Just sayin', but go this way and be ready for more of the same comments, LOL.

Purple isn't exactly a girl's color, but it can be. I would stick to solids... red is okay, but then again I am an older guy and maybe girls have co-opted that color as well. ;-)

Of course keep in mind they may have been commenting on the sandal itself as the ‘lace up sandal’ look has been quite popular with girls, and ladies in general... très chic!, for some years now, and the invisible shoe fits that description.

Happy barefoot runnin!

John T.
migangelo wrote:no they

migangelo said:
no they don't do those here. neither the Merrell mud run. there are other plenty of times to dress up here as Portland is full of some weird people and proud of it. i'm going to have to get my aunts help on the costume. sad thing is no one else will do it with me. oh well.

on our group run last night i wore my huaraches and heard some girls laughing at me. was funny.

If you don't mind jumping a state over, you can test your metal, here:

Looks insane! Running through live wires! Whaaaaaat??!!

About 80% of the comments

About 80% of the comments that I get are supportive or at least show some interest. The other 20% are by people who don't understand and are afraid of the unknown.

Just make a good name for yourself. Be nice at races and finish in the top 5. That'll show 'em!
I was running BF on the canal

I was running BF on the canal path. A very stern lady was walking towards me with her wimpy looking husband. She looked at my feet and said "WHERE ARE YOUR SHOES? THERE ARE STONES HERE
" I said thanks and immediatly stepped on a really sharp rock. I hoped she didn't turn around to see me inspecting my foot.

On the positive side a nice lady said "Oh you are a very strong man"

A teen age boy said "Barefoot! You are my hero".

A smile and a wave help a lot when you're out on a rough path trying to condition the feet.

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