Barefoot Rule Changes?


Oct 17, 2010
Sunday I had a Sprint tri (which went well, by the way. Pictures here). It was a USAT sanctioned race and part of the rules were No Barefoot Running. Stated very clearly. Big letters. I've heard this is true for international races as well.

Is this just a triathlon thing? Marathons allow barefoot running, right? Even big ones like Boston? So why would USAT put a rule in place like this? It can't be to make transition times more fair. That seems silly, how much time could you really save? My T2 at this last race was something like 1:18 (it should be faster, I know). If I had gone barefoot I guess I could have cut that in half. But 30 seconds over a one hour thirteen minute race isn't all that much. So is it a liability thing? Does USAT worry they can't control what is on the road so it might be unsafe and then some crazy barefooter might sue? But then why are we allowed to run from the water to T1 barefoot? And we sign waivers before the race. So many questions! Anyone ever done a BF-friendly tri? Wht do you think about USAT changing their rules as the barefoot running movement gains popularity?
I've ran barefoot in several

I've ran barefoot in several USAT races...there is no rule against barefoot unless it was just added recently. The race director can add local rules to the race...I suspect that is what happened.

Where did you see this rule posted?
On the race information page

On the race information page handed out with the race packet and they mentioned it at the pre-race talk. Thought I'd seen/heard this other places too. Perhaps I am mistaken and it was a local rule.
Sounds like they added it in

Sounds like they added it in as a local rule but maybe put it under the wrong section in the hand out or online. From what I can tell it's not an official rule. However, when you get into official Ironman (brand) competitions that may be under another governing body

I hope to be doing a tri on September barefoot too. Not sure if I'll wear the VFFs yet.
To my knowledge, the ITU has

To my knowledge, the ITU has had that rule for a while, but it still does not show up in the USAT official rules. If the event follows both USAT and ITU rules then barefoot running is clearly not allowed. If it's just USAT then you should be OK unless local rules prevent it.


Article VI prescribes running conduct and there is no mention of shoes or barefoot.


See rule 6.1.a.iv

"The athletes will: Not run without shoes or run barefoot on any part of the course."

Now that I think about it, the "or run barefoot" may have been added recently because I remember looking at the rule last year and thinking, "Well, it doesn't say that the shoes have to be on my feet." ;) But perhaps I'm remembering that wrong. In any case, it's clearly spelled out in the current rules.

As to why the rule exists, I have no idea.


Great pictures dirtbag. I am

Great pictures dirtbag. I am so jealous of your climate.

I am sure they are getting lots of inquiries into the rules, so the bold print may be an attempt to bring clarity without explanation.
I wonder if this means you

I wonder if this means you can't run in VFF's or minimalist shoes, given that a lot of people consider those "barefoot running".

What if I carried some shoes and put a little ducttape on my feet? Would that conform to the shoes and non-barefoot rules?

I would love to see what the actual rationale for this rule is.
Let's look again at the rule

Let's look again at the rule PeaceKaren posted :


See rule 6.1.a.iv

"The athletes will: Not run without shoes or run barefoot on any part of the course."

Impossible rule. You have to be barefoot from the swim to bike transition. Needs rewording. And no one's ever said anything to me about my VFFs and I've seen a few other guys wearing them now too. I actually think the toe pockets might be slowing down my transition some and in the future I'll be looking at other super-minimal shoes that will slip on faster.
Great pictures Dirtbag, it

Great pictures Dirtbag, it makes me really jelous. I have got to get my sorry butt back to the islands and make it a perminent thing. It has been like 6 months and I feel stressed. I just started heavy bike training in addition to a 50 miler training plan. I figure if I pull this year off I will be set to start the swim end of things and dive into tri's next year.

Being a SCUBA instructor you would think I like to swim but after Jr High Swim team I just lost interest.

Thanks for posting, you look good out there and I like your ladies shirt ;)

I got nothing on the USAT BF rule, Runnign BF makes sense and I hope you weren't thinking of riding BF too. That just makes no sense at all.
DB - that totally sucks! I

DB - that totally sucks! I can't imagine that they would disallow minimal shoes as well. After the whole Merrell hooha with the "barefoot division" that's not actually barefoot I can totally understand your frustration. I'll bet it makes you wanna do it bf just to piss them off! What are they going to do? Can they disqualify you?

And, Kirsten!! Good to see you here, girl! Which tri are you signed up for?
How about slip-on huaraches?

How about slip-on huaraches?
Lava runnerI have been

Lava runner

I have been training barefoot on the bike. By going barefoot 50 - 80k a week I have been able to strengthened and condition my feet in addition to my running time. Just could not let your comment slide. I think the bike industry needs to rethink all the technology and get back to basics. Or at least make shoe that look something like a foot.

Racing I will put on some water shoes. But if there was no rules I would tri it barefoot.
Well that is why I mainly

Well that is why I mainly stay out of here. Clipless pedals make all the sense in the world. You could argue with me until you were blue in the face and I still would disagree. I love running barefoot and I love the feeling of being clipped in on a bike. I love the feel of total power, control and attachment to an appendage that makes me fast. I feel part of the bike like it is an extention of me.

Now, I ride my Harley barefoot and often times in FlipFlops. But then there is no technical advantage to wearing shoes other than keeping rocks from flipping up and smashing your toes.

We'll have to just agree to disagree. If it works for you then right on Bro. Each to their own.
DB - check out the Altra

DB - check out the Altra Adams if you haven't already on the Gear and Footwear forum page. I'm watching these with interest until the end of May when we're supposed to be able to lay hands on them. They look like a VFF without toe pockets. Of course, bottom line is you're still dealing with a silly, arbitrary rule, but you may or may not be able to affect that, so the Adams may provide a better alternative during your legal argument phase.
LavarunnerYes I agree with


Yes I agree with the feeling of control and connection when clipped in and we both like the wind blowing across the tops of our feet ( the real reason I do it)

I am surprised we both take risk going barefoot while operating machinery.

time for a drink :beer:

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