Barefoot in the Grand Canyon

Thanks for the link, sounds like you had a great trip. I will have to read the entire write up when I have more time. I scanned the Grand Canyon and Bryce sections. I have been trying to find any information about being barefoot in the Grand Canyon and there is just not much information out there. Crossing the Grand Canyon barefoot is a goal of mine. I did a large portion of the North Kaibab trail this May barefoot. I would like to try in October, but I'm not in a hurry. If things don't work out this year, or if I feel like I am not ready, I'll wait another year.

Interesting about Bryce being so set on proper footwear. I plan to hike there barefoot also. I haven't had any problems in Zion. If you ever make it out this way again, let me know.
Awesome! Its a lot different out there than Ohio. ;) Not to much around here that interesting to hike to me realy. I've been wanting to try hiking minimalist/bf and last week we were in the Smokies. But it was way more rugged than what I could do bf, so I hiked in my VFF's. All was good up until the last mile or so, it was a bit more hiking than I've done in a while and I was getting worn out and starting to get sloppy. A couple sharp rocks right when I was getting tired didnt help either. And then it started to pour rain and I coulnt even see through my glasses and my feet were soaked and I just tried to get back to the car as fast as I could. They were sore and beat up after that. To be honest if I were to do that particlar trail again I'd probably just go with boots. But anything just slightly less jagged-rocky I'd still like to try minimal or bf.
Loved seeing those shots Ahcuah - I lived in Santa Fe about 10-12 years ago.

Funny story about your "Far-off Mesa South of Las Vegas" shot: I owned a rep firm while living in Santa Fe and had to cart around a sales manager for one of the products I rep'd. He seriously said to me "I didn't realize we were so close to Vegas. Should we go gamble?" I had to explain to him that that Vegas was at least an 8 hours drive west and the only gambling in New Mexico is on reservations.
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It looks like I'm heading back to the Grand Canyon. I have a backcountry permit to head down the South Kaibab on May 14, spend the night at Bright Angel Campground, head halfway up the north side for a night at the Cottonwood Campground, then back down to Bright Angel Campground for a night and out the Bright Angel Trail. This time, with any luck, my son will be able to come with me (and carry some of the load!).

Now if I can only get Phantom Ranch to allow me in there barefoot . . .
Hey Ahcuah are you still going to be around on the 17th of May? My son and I are arriving that day, maybe sight see on the rim that day and hike on Saturday. Abide is coming in on Friday evening. We have campsites reserved for Friday and Saturday in Mather Campground.

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