Baker's cyst please help!!!


Nov 24, 2016
I've been experiencing some tightness on my right calf. I went to the PT and had a massage so that helped me. I do strength and basically all what I suppose to do to get stronger including healthy diet etc... I started increasing my mileage again and I was doing great. No morethan 6 miles but so far so good. After my runs I do dynamic cool downs including deep squats while i raised my calves. I do the paleo chair every day at least 5 or 6 times a day and I found it makes me feel good as stretching. 2 days ago I was jumping like a frog while squatting. At night I felt some pain behind my right knee, a lump and swelling. I can walk and keep doing my strength routines but I can't deep squats so I'm just letting the pain be my guide which by the way is like 2 in a scale from 0 to 10. My question is if I could also use the elliptical or ride my bike in the meantime besides walking BF of course and specially if riding uphill would affect my knee. The bike trails I have across the street are hilly. Thank you so much in advance for any suggestions. :)
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A bakers cyst behind the right knee is generally an adhesion of the muscular and even the vascular structures there (med and lat head of gastrocs, hamstrings and popliteus. Stretching and massaging it does not solve it because the problem developed in your gait cycle, likely with over striding on that side. The problems are likely chronic and involving the core,

Fixing it involves doing myofascial release to break up the adhesions behind the knee, and evaluation and perhaps treating the gait issue that involves the hips as well. I would not be surprised if you are unsteady on one leg or the other as well as having difficulty with a squat.

Consider finding a sports certified chiropractor who does myofascial release. This is your best option
I so appreciate your advice and yes, I'll see the sports chiropractor. I don't have problem squatting at all. I can go as deep as I want. Just not now since my knee is so stiff and it hurts. You are so right, I've been trying hard improving my gait focusing on my form. But still learning or adapting to the barefoot style.
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