Are you taking requests?


May 7, 2010
I'd love to have a composite forum that wraps all of the main forums into one main access point. I dislike having to go from forum to forum to see the latest posts. I'd prefer to have it all in one place.

It would also be nice to have a link to my chapter's forum on the chapter's home page.

Thanks for taking it into consideration!


Karen, if you use the "My

Karen, if you use the "My Unread" link in the sidebar and go to "Recent posts" you get all the new posts across the site in one list. This is how I view the site mostly.
The chapter forum link is

The chapter forum link is definitely something we have had on our long list of things to do. Low priority at the moment though. I have other chapter improvements in mind as well, such as chapter calendars, which we will need once the National Calendar of Events starts to swell, and dedicated state maps pinpointing each state's member locations.

Thanks for all the suggestions.
Blind Boy wrote:if you use

Blind Boy said:
if you use the "My Unread" link in the sidebar and go to "Recent posts" you get all the new posts across the site in one list. This is how I view the site mostly.

I used to use this trick but now that there are dozens of new users every day, it's getting increasingly cumbersome. Is there any way to exclude new member profiles from the search results?
barefoot ramzev wrote: Try

barefoot ramzev said:
Try this link: it show all new posts and updated posts for all forums, blog posts, chapter posts, stories etc.

That's what I have been using. It's just becoming a lot less desirable now that there is so much going on these days. I can hardly find the threads I posted in for all the new user profiles and blog posts.
If you want to track the

If you want to track the threads you've posted in, go to your account profile page. On the main tab, there are your last five topics created by you and the last five replies made by you. If anyone has added to either of those, there will be highlighted links to the new posts. Try this when you don't want to use the My Unread link in your profile box.

Also, if you want to follow-up with the threads you create, you can go to your profile page, and select Autosubscribe under Messaging & Notifications Settings. This will allow you to be notified for all threads you create when someone has updated them with a post. Now if you do this, and you are NOT interested in following up with a thread, you have to remember to select the "Do not send notifications for this update" under the Notifications link at the bottom of the post/s you are not interested in receiving notifications of updates on.

Yes, I think so, Mrs.

Yes, I think so, Mrs. Deplume. Please see my post just above. I think we posted right at the same time, so you may not have seen mine.
Okay, I just changed the

Okay, I just changed the notification dealie so that it will email me when I get a reply. I had selected "web" before, but could never figure out where to go to find the notifications. That ought to work better.

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