Are Vitamins Vital?

And then there's the shoe battle . . .

ow... don't even get me started on that one, lol ... oh, wait.... too late ...

In my "Health Care Bill", vitamin tablets and orthopedic boots (aka "running shoes") would be available only on prescription. There wouldn't be any advertising permitted for either of them, and the shoes would be fugly as all get out, encouraging patients to abandon them asap :cool:
if you are running for king, willie, i'ma votin for ya

I'll vote for you too, Willie. On that same note, I'm going to be running for Pope after Ratzinberger moves on, so I'll be counting on your vote as well. I almost made it in 2005, but lost out in the final round (something about not enough theological knowledge or something). I had a name picked out and everything: Pope Guido XXXXVI (or, G46 to those that know me).
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I'll vote for you too, Willie. On that same note, I'm going to be running for Pope after Ratzinberger moves on, so I'll be counting on your vote as well. I almost made it in 2005, but lost out in the final round (something about not enough theological knowledge or something). I had a name picked out and everything: Pope Guido XXXXVI (or, G46 to those that know me).
Not sure I'm allowed in that election----my catholic lapsing is past a certain point of debauchery not even they can overlook.
but otherwise, father guido sarducci, i'm all about that.
in fact all y'all should get a vote. for somethin
Not sure I'm allowed in that election----my catholic lapsing is past a certain point of debauchery not even they can overlook.
but otherwise, father guido sarducci, i'm all about that.
in fact all y'all should get a vote. for somethin

I accept votes from all debauchers and sinners - I don't discriminate, because when you're a 21st Century Pirate Pope, it's important to be hip... :D
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Willie, are you going to also legislate for doctors to promote lifestyle management instead of drugs? (My omega 3 supplementation is one of many things I do to manage asthma, the established medical viewpoint is that I'm putting my life at risk by not inhaling steroids twice a day)

Pirate - do I need to convert to catholicism? If not then you have my vote!
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I think one of the basic foundations of the supplement industry, at least in the USofA, is that people who eat the Standard American Diet (SAD, isn't it?) more than likely need all the supplemental chemicals they can get, considering how denuded and processed their "food" is. I firmly fall on the side of your-diet-should-supply-it, with the exception, in my case, of B-12, which, as a vegan, I can't get from my food. Kids can be a problem, though, so I sympathize. I don't think the idea of "gummie vitamins" is good, however. Gelatin and sugar likely wipe out any beneficial effect from the vitamins.

One way to get a decent amount of veggies to your kids in a way that they're likely not to object to is to blend them (the veggies, not the kids, although I'll bet you're tempted from time to time). A fruit-and-greens smoothie can satisfy the most sweets-loving kid and they never need to know that you sneaked in some kale or spinach. The added benefit of doing it that way is that the veggies have been essentially "pre-chewed," and their cell walls have already been ruptured, making the nutrients much more readily absorb-able.

I know that you didn't want any Andrew Weil-type references, but Dr. Joel Fuhrman has, from my reading, a sound scientific basis for his nutritional recommendations. And he pretty much concludes that supplementation is only necessary when the diet is deficient or a particular condition exists which require it. He recommends them, for example, for pregnant women, and folks suffering from conditions which limit their ability to process whole foods.
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One way to get a decent amount of veggies to your kids in a way that they're likely not to object to is to blend them (the veggies, not the kids, although I'll bet you're tempted from time to time). A fruit-and-greens smoothie can satisfy the most sweets-loving kid and they never need to know that you sneaked in some kale or spinach. The added benefit of doing it that way is that the veggies have been essentially "pre-chewed," and their cell walls have already been ruptured, making the nutrients much more readily absorb-able.
I'm basically a big kid... This could really help me... Do you know where I might look for some recipes? The only thing I blend is my fruit and protein shake. Not sure if I need a special blender for doing kale or if my wifes weird blender souper thing a ma jig would work. It heats and cooks (for soups), stirs, as well as blends.
I'm basically a big kid... This could really help me... Do you know where I might look for some recipes? The only thing I blend is my fruit and protein shake. Not sure if I need a special blender for doing kale or if my wifes weird blender souper thing a ma jig would work. It heats and cooks (for soups), stirs, as well as blends.

Yeah, Nick, I sure can help with that. is the Barefoot Runners Society of green smoothie concoctions, the go-to place for the best information, and Victoria Boutenko is the Barefoot Ken Bob of the green smoothie. She actually invented the green smoothie. Don't let the fact that she is a completely raw-food proponent throw you off; you can just go there to find tons of recipes for various smoothies. Once you've done a few for yourself, you'll get adventurous and start making your own concoctions.

A powerful blender is the key, really. I was making a smoothie a couple of months back and just destroyed our Oster, so I did a lot of research on blenders. We ended up getting a BlendTec from Costco, and, while not cheap by any means, was worth every penny, since I use it every single day. Sounds like your wife's blender will work, though, so have at it. It's important that you use about 16-20oz of water or some other liquid (I like coconut water), and keep your recipes fairly simple, at least at first. You can go heavier on the fruit in the beginning if you can't tolerate veggies, but, in time, you may find, as I have, that I go heavier and heavier on the greens because I like that "green" taste. Kale, collards, spinach, romaine, chard -- you name it, it's all good. Go for about a cup of greens and a cup and a half of fruit with your liquid base. Berries are great, and frozen bananas are a must. Fresh stuff goes in first always, with frozen stuff on the top.

Do check out for lots of recipes. They even have an iPhone app that you can use when you're shopping for greens at the store. I've found green smoothies to be a real game-changer for me, great for pre-long runs as well as post-run recoveries.
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Willie, are you going to also legislate for doctors to promote lifestyle management instead of drugs?

I'm going to ban lobbyists for the pharmaceutical companies (aka drug salespeople) from entering any premises where medical services are offered or medical instruction takes place.. In fact, they'll have to maintain a 500meter distance.

I would leave it up to the doctors to perfom medicine the way they see fit. However, they're not going to be taught by corporate flunkies anymore.
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I'm going to ban lobbyists for the pharamaceutical companies (aka drug salespeople) from entering any premises where medical services are offered or medical instruction takes place.. In fact, they'll have to maintain a 500meter distance.

I would leave it up to the doctors to perfom medicine the way they see fit. However, they're not going to be taught by corporate flunkies anymore.

Amen, my brutha, amen!
Yeah, Nick, I sure can help with that. is the Barefoot Runners Society of green smoothie concoctions, the go-to place for the best information, and Victoria Boutenko is the Barefoot Ken Bob of the green smoothie. She actually invented the green smoothie. Don't let the fact that she is a completely raw-food proponent throw you off; you can just go there to find tons of recipes for various smoothies. Once you've done a few for yourself, you'll get adventurous and start making your own concoctions.

A powerful blender is the key, really. I was making a smoothie a couple of months back and just destroyed our Oster, so I did a lot of research on blenders. We ended up getting a BlendTec from Costco, and, while not cheap by any means, was worth every penny, since I use it every single day. Sounds like your wife's blender will work, though, so have at it. It's important that you use about 16-20oz of water or some other liquid (I like coconut water), and keep your recipes fairly simple, at least at first. You can go heavier on the fruit in the beginning if you can't tolerate veggies, but, in time, you may find, as I have, that I go heavier and heavier on the greens because I like that "green" taste. Kale, collards, spinach, romaine, chard -- you name it, it's all good. Go for about a cup of greens and a cup and a half of fruit with your liquid base. Berries are great, and frozen bananas are a must. Fresh stuff goes in first always, with frozen stuff on the top.

Do check out for lots of recipes. They even have an iPhone app that you can use when you're shopping for greens at the store. I've found green smoothies to be a real game-changer for me, great for pre-long runs as well as post-run recoveries.
Thanks Thom! Bookmarked it. I probably better check with the wife before I use her blender, if I have to I will use last of bday money and purchase a blender thingy just for my use.
Thanks Thom! Bookmarked it. I probably better check with the wife before I use her blender, if I have to I will use last of bday money and purchase a blender thingy just for my use.

Nick, unless you want to end up in a green smoothie yourself, I would heartily endorse your checking with your wife before using her blender.:)

Having said that, you can't really do too much damage to it if, as it appears, it's a high-powered model. The biggest problem is frozen stuff, coupled with not enough liquid base. Still, checking with her before using her tools is sound policy which will ensure the domestic tranquility.
The added benefit of doing it that way is that the veggies have been essentially "pre-chewed," and their cell walls have already been ruptured, making the nutrients much more readily absorb-able..

this is why meat-eating carnivores always devour the contents of the digestive tract of their grass-eating prey first. Just saying.
Nick, unless you want to end up in a green smoothie yourself, I would heartily endorse your checking with your wife before using her blender.:)

Having said that, you can't really do too much damage to it if, as it appears, it's a high-powered model. The biggest problem is frozen stuff, coupled with not enough liquid base. Still, checking with her before using her tools is sound policy which will ensure the domestic tranquility.
Too be fair, I would expect her to check with me before using any of my power tools too. She has a tendency to use the wrong tool for the job, so I guess if I expect her to do that then I should probably ask her about hers (not that she does anything in the kitchen but fill her wine glass or make a bowl of cereal, but all the same it is the blender she wanted and had to have [and just so no one thinks I'm being mean about my wife, I am the cook in this house and she doesn't do anything cookingwise but occasionally bake maybe once or twice a year]).

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