Arch cramp


Feb 24, 2011

I recently re-started running again for the 8475th time. I had about a 4 month break this last time.

Starting in February, after running only 1.5 - 2miles my arch started cramping up badly. After this happened twice the cramp stuck around for weeks whether I ran or not. I even resorted to wearing my custom orthotics for a few weeks just to ease the pain while I used a roller, ice and did some strengthening exercises. The pain cleared up about 6 weeks ago so I've slowly re-started running.

I've been run/walking super short intervals (wearing VFF's, not totally BF these days) for the past few weeks. Today I increased my intervals to 2min run, 1min walk and the cramping came back halfway through (I run/walked a total 45 mins), it would ease up on the walk intervals so I just pushed through and finished. The pain went away completely after the run and right now I feel fine.

So, my question is - was I right or wrong to push through? Should I shorten the run intervals again? Or does the fact that the pain is gone after the run mean that I'm doing okay and I can just keep doing what I'm doing?

i believe TJ just posted a long blog from our own Dr Stoxen. you can read through his post. it's long but informative. at the end are videos and those can show you how to relieve those cramps in your arch and elsewhere that are causing you pain.
That would be on the home page. Dr. J is very thorough.

Also, I was going to suggest that you get your magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin D, and calcium levels checked. Lack of any of those, and possibly some others, can cause cramping in the legs and feet.

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