Altra Zero Drop footwear commercial

I notice the slip in these when walking, but not so much when running. I do have to tie a bit tighter than I'd like to, though. The peaks are super wide/sloppy for me at the heel and I'll have to come up with something to take up some of that volume.

Yeah, the 'negative drop' feel is weird at first, but it goes away after a few days
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Tim, I had been hoping to try on the Sampsons when I went into Fit Right, but they said they are no longer going to stock them. I wonder if they were not selling well or something... I looked at the provisions but they looked really comparable to the instinct 1.5s only with some wedge thingy and uglier colors. I did wear the 1.5's all day yesterday at the in-laws and my feet did get a bit hot in them, wish the uppers were thinner too. They are very comfortable and zero drop and fit my feet (overall that is) which is very important for me, but if they were to fix those couple things the shoe would be near perfect. I weighed my size 11.5's and they were 11ozs! They are by far the heaviest shoe I own, actually nearly double every single other pair of shoes I own, in some cases triple.
I have to be honest...i'm falling back out of love with the Instincts. The last few runs have felt really slow and sluggish, and I find myself thinking a lot about my shoes/feet during a run. I've got *something* nagging me from that zone. Plus, my knees have been fighting these shoes like no other. The medial side of my knees have been suffering for about a week's worth of runs. the point that I've been eyeballing the Mizunos in the corner. I honestly had no issues (aside from fit with this particular pair) as a runner with them, but stubbornly determined I was to be a zero drop/'natural'/minimal-ish runner. I'm really not sure where I'm headed, but I see some "A/B" comparison test runs in the week ahead.
Well Tim, you're not the only one that doesn't know where you're headed as a runner. I know I will probably never be a full barefoot runner, my feet just don't like rough surfaces and there is too much of it around here, but I can't seem to find a shoe that works for me. Man, I just did a run and absolutely hated the Instinct 1.5's. I don't know if I've hated a shoe more for running. I love them for walking around in, but running my whole lower legs from the knee's down to my feet hurt and were on fire. This was in the first quarter mile. I made myself run in them for a mile and then I just couldn't take it anymore. Almost walked back home. Instead I took them off and put on some sandals and ran a bit more. I was feeling great when I started but after that first mile it just ruined the rest of the run. I don't know if I should give them another chance for running or not. If I don't, do I keep them for just walking around? Should I take them back? Man, I just don't know. Was absolutely shocked at how much these hurt my legs. I think it probably has to do with how stiff the sole is. Is really easy to land flat footed when running in these, but my shins and lower calves just lit up on fire very quickly... Damn.
Your experience running in them is identical to mine. I thought at first it was just an adjustment phase, but i've put 50+ miles on them and it never. gets. better for me. Add in feeling slow in them and I just don't know.

I think they'll be great for working out in the gym/crossfit days, but I don't know how many running miles they're going to see...
Ya, that mile stretch I wore them on I WAS slower with the Altras. Not just felt slower, but was way slower than usual. I ran that first mile in a 12:04 which is a full minute twenty to minute thirty slower than normal. I think I am going to take them back. If I wanted a pair of anytime shoes I would have bought some Vans or Pumas. Oh well, I guess the search continues to try to find a shoe that will work for me. Maybe I will give the Skora Base a chance despite it feeling a little unstable when just walking and standing in the store. Ugh, I hate being that guy that returns shoes...
I don't know anything about the Superiors, all I know is the Adams and the Instinct 1.5's. Hope you have good luck with them Rick. I've decided today that the Instinct 1.5's remind me of bricks attached to my feet. Very comfortable bricks mind you, but bricks none the less.
The Samson might've appealed to minimalist runners more, had Altra not made the cushioned footbed non-removeable. That was my primary reason for not buying them, at least (they're kind of ugly, too - Altra needs someone different to approve the appearance of their shoes, because the problem, to me, seems chronic).
The Sampson may have appealed to me more, had it been anywhere locally for me to try on. I can deal with the ugliness factor, they are better looking than my NB MR1400,

A lot of running shoe manufacturers make ugly shoes. I don't know how many of us actually like the looks of most running shoes. I hear complaints from almost any runner friend I know that they don't like the looks of most shoes. I think the industry just doesn't listen.
I got the Sampson last year for a winter running option, but didn't run in them much. The insole is removable and that's what worked for me. With it in, my hammer toes pushed into the fabric too much. I just can't find a need for them running yet. The traction is very poor on slick conditions.
For anyone wondering why Rick's evaluation of the Samson conflicts with mine, the shoe still has cushioning built-in even after you remove the insole. I tried the shoe and, it seemed OK but, I see Altra's decision to make the cushioning be non-removable as a retreat from minimalism. I've been using the Adam (which has no cushioning built-in) and don't see a need for padding underfoot.
Got it Nyah, I stand corrected. I thought you were talking about the insole which adds even more cushioning. I wasn't aware that the Samson had more footbed cushioning that the Adam. I got the Samson over the Adam because of the laces, but I also forgot to mention that the bottom of the tongue also causes problems for me. I'm hoping to see a more minimalist option from Altra with a thinner and more flexible sole. I guess we will have to wait and see.
Altra never started out as a minimalist shoe company but made a couple of models for each gender when the trend started. All their shoes have always been zero-drop though.
I've got both Adams and Samsons and prefer the Adams but the tiny bit of cushioning in the insole-free Samsons is not a deal breaker.
I've never used either pair with any insoles.
Altra announced themselves on BarefootTed's Minimalist Runner google group by posting info and concept drawings of the Adam/Eve there. Later, they announced the Instinct, Lone Peak and provided concept models of all three shoes. They didn't "add minimalist offerings when the trend started". I'd say minimalist running became established as a trend when VFF offered the Sprint model, because that was the first factory-made shoe marketed as a new paradigm for running footwear. As I see it, Altra decided to to get into the footwear biz, fully intending to be a provider of minimalist footwear.
So I did take those Instinct 1.5's back today. I ended up running round and round and round and round their tiny indoor showroom floor track in the Skora Base. I had no ill effects in them other than the slight niggle in the outside leg due to the constant turning on the very short and small track with not much for straight spots. I've been wearing the these since I got home and my feet and legs seem to be having no ill effects, in fact, I'm starting to feel better than when I was walking around barefoot. Contemplating going for a run when my son wakes up from his nap....
Altra announced themselves on BarefootTed's Minimalist Runner google group by posting info and concept drawings of the Adam/Eve there. Later, they announced the Instinct, Lone Peak and provided concept models of all three shoes. They didn't "add minimalist offerings when the trend started". I'd say minimalist running became established as a trend when VFF offered the Sprint model, because that was the first factory-made shoe marketed as a new paradigm for running footwear. As I see it, Altra decided to to get into the footwear biz, fully intending to be a provider of minimalist footwear.
maybe their url gives an indication of their intent!
I think I remember reading somewhere that the Altra shoe company and in particular the design of their shoes has been an ongoing process over 20 years or something like that. That was long before any mention on Barefoot Ted's blog and long before the minimalist revolution. Their original focus was purely on zero drop and simply developing shoes that did not encourage a heel strike.
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I think I remember reading somewhere that the Altra shoe company and in particular the design of their shoes has been an ongoing process over 20 years or something like that. That was long before any mention on Barefoot Ted's blog and long before the minimalist revolution. Their original focus was purely on zero drop and simply developing shoes that did not encourage a heel strike.
And you really believed it? Zero-drop shoes that don't encourage a heel-strike have been available during the past 50+ years (and ubiquitous during the past 30), in the form of classic Vans, Chucks, etc. The only big reason I can think of to buy the Instinct or Lone Peak instead of classic Vans is the better toebox shape and the detrimental issue canvas has with drying time.

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