1st BF injury - frostbite


Apr 27, 2011
Beryl Utah
After 10 months of running and hiking barefoot I have my first injury, frostbite on a few of my toes.

The temperatures had gotten very cold where I live after a warm November. I went out 3 times last week in different conditions. The first day was 10 degrees F. with snow on the ground. I didn't run very far that day. Next day I went out in 3 degree F., but on a dry surface. I made it about 1 mile. Day 3 I ran in 29 degree F. on snow, 2 miles. There wasn't any point during these runs and after that I though I had damaged my toes. The tips of several of my toes were a little sore, but I thought this might be because of snow being more abrasive and I was gripping more with my toes during running.

Two days later I did a long run/hike in Merrells and barefoot in warm conditions. No Problems.

Two days later I was on a trail run with huaraches and barefoot in warm conditions. Halfway through the run the pads on my toes started peeling up and bleeding. At first I thought I must have scuffed a rock, but I did not remember doing that. It didn't bother me, so I finished the run.

After, it was a nasty mess and very painful. Luckily, my understanding wife cleaned me up and bandaged me.

So, big rookie mistake. I let my ego get ahead of common sense. I should have know better and conditioned a lot slower and at warmer temperatures. My feet will be fine, but it is frustrating to know that I will be out for awhile.

I am kind of new here, so I did not know if posting a picture would be appropriate.

Rick W.
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Pictures are actually

Pictures are actually required! Hee. Especially in instances like this.
+++1 photos please.Sorry to

+++1 photos please.

Sorry to hear about the frost bite Rick. Be careful, and let those toes heal completely. It can take several weeks to recover. Check out Barefoot Rick's website http://barefootrunner.org/winter/05winter.htm


I got my case of frost bite last year by running 3 miles on snow.

Take care,
You guys are nuts! The only

You guys are nuts! The only white stuff Ill run in is dried up poop, white sand, or the cream filling in the middle of an Oreo....

Oh, +3 on required pics!
@Chaser: uh-oh. the prodigal

@Chaser: uh-oh. the prodigal son returns. [edit: oh wait, you're not banned on this forum.. :)]

@rickwhitelaw: bummer on the toes; hope they heal up quick for you. I've dared to venture out in bare feets in as far down as 34° and dry conditions, but am a-feared of wet pavement when the temps are less than 60°, so no way I'm going to go barefootin' in snow. you must've had a serious case of enthusiasm to want to get out there in single digits!
Im serious! You find me a

Im serious! You find me a field of Oreo cream filling and I will belly crawl my way across it if necessary...
Barefoot YOW wrote:As per

Barefoot YOW said:

That's good advice for others, I guess Rick would think, since he actually runs in the single digits in snow and ice himself. Ha!
swoggis wrote:mad:Chaser: uh-oh.

swoggis said:
@Chaser: uh-oh. the prodigal son returns. [edit: oh wait, you're not banned on this forum.. :)]

...yet ;-)
Yeeks... single digits is

Yeeks... single digits is practically too cold for me to run in shoes!/sites/all/modules/smileys/packs/Roving/tongue.png I also dont mind skipping the pics on this one. /sites/all/modules/smileys/packs/Roving/sick.png
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That's a bummer! Hope they

That's a bummer! Hope they heal up soon!
Bloody pictuers are a must

Bloody pictuers are a must when you report something like that or it never happened.

Oh and sorry about your misfortunes wishing you a quick recovery.
When you do post your

When you do post your pictures (as required), please be sure to post them here:
Definitive Gross Picture Thread You can also see Gent's nasty frost bite blisters too! Here's just a sampling of what Gent did to his feet: LOVELY!
Man.... Those all look like

Man.... Those all look like major suckage! I will gladly deal with my 110 degree summers from here on out! lol.
Yep, another reason I wear

Yep, another reason I wear something in the winter. I am with Chaser on this. White sand or Dried Dog doo doo is the only white stuff I run on. Those pictures just made me hurt.
Man, Rick, that's some

Man, Rick, that's some frostbite there alright! How are you today? How's it feeling?