Mileage Reporting 43rd week of 2012

I personally just kind of think it's neat to see how much everyone runs in the cold and who runs in the coldest temps. Over in ID I know you all, depending where you're located, can get some serious cold.
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10x400m intervals today

Average time 1'45" / interval
Average Cadence 95
Average stride 2.43m !!!!

My stride seems high, I had to calculate it, so here is what I did

Stride = Distance / number of steps
number of steps = Cadence * time

Obviously time needs to be changed to a decimal number, so I did time (in seconds) / 60

sorry for my babbling, hope it makes sense, just wanted to confirm I was doing the right thing ?
1 measly mile picking up the kindergarteners. Started out running, but after a block my knee rebelled. It's still recovering from the lateral strain yesterday doing ad-/abduction work. Oh well, it was good to get out in the first cold weather of the season--windchill 26F with rainwater surface. Nice! I've missed it.

Not sure about yours, but my knees are very sensible to cold weather, I actually cannot run, because my left knee starts swelling...I am glad we do not have these temperatures here !! :)
So here is my mileage for the last few days,

Monday - 7 miles good pace had a great ole time
Tuesday - Thought about running, drank 2 beers, then decided that another beer was a better option than running
Wednesday - Thought about running again, drank a beer, thought some more, could not remember what the first beer tasted like, so had another, lost any thought about running.
Thursday (today) - Haven't started drinking beer yet, trying to hold off so I can actually go get a few miles in tonight, hmmmm, wonder how that will work out....... Mmmmmmm, beer fridge, no, must resist, only 2 hours till the wife gets home, and I can go for a run.
So here is my mileage for the last few days,

Monday - 7 miles good pace had a great ole time
Tuesday - Thought about running, drank 2 beers, then decided that another beer was a better option than running
Wednesday - Thought about running again, drank a beer, thought some more, could not remember what the first beer tasted like, so had another, lost any thought about running.
Thursday (today) - Haven't started drinking beer yet, trying to hold off so I can actually go get a few miles in tonight, hmmmm, wonder how that will work out....... Mmmmmmm, beer fridge, no, must resist, only 2 hours till the wife gets home, and I can go for a run.
I know someone who beers and runs all the time....can never figure that out, b/c I always run into your dilemma of relaxing/retasting cycles.....
Don't get me wrong I have one run a week which consists of beer at the mid point (just a fun run really) and of course more beer at the end. But the mid beer is usually just a bit not a lot, once I start 'tasting' or 'retasting' that usually is the end of it for me.
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1 measly mile picking up the kindergarteners. Started out running, but after a block my knee rebelled. It's still recovering from the lateral strain yesterday doing ad-/abduction work. Oh well, it was good to get out in the first cold weather of the season--windchill 26F with rainwater surface. Nice! I've missed it.

BUMMER on the knee.

What were you doing for ad/abduction? I currently (sometimes) do the resistance band whatnot and it's so boring.
I found a good plank with the stability ball and added an arm weight to it exercise that's fairly challenging, but I feel like that only hits the outside of m hips (is that ad or ab?)
Damn Pirate is responsible for my oats intake this morning as well. 2.5 miles in windy conditions, with some ice pellets today.
...and I see that them oats fueled you two well, no?

Maybe I should audition to be Wilford Brimley...
Actually I think it's 41F and below. You just have to go add it to the chart in the winter challenge area.

Is the Winter Challenge region-specific? I mean, you say anything <41F, but can we make that anything below 60F for us CA folks? I mean, my stars - sub 60F? We have to put on a sweater...
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So here is my mileage for the last few days,

Monday - 7 miles good pace had a great ole time
Tuesday - Thought about running, drank 2 beers, then decided that another beer was a better option than running
Wednesday - Thought about running again, drank a beer, thought some more, could not remember what the first beer tasted like, so had another, lost any thought about running.
Thursday (today) - Haven't started drinking beer yet, trying to hold off so I can actually go get a few miles in tonight, hmmmm, wonder how that will work out....... Mmmmmmm, beer fridge, no, must resist, only 2 hours till the wife gets home, and I can go for a run.
Another hero falls to doping.
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BUMMER on the knee.

What were you doing for ad/abduction? I currently (sometimes) do the resistance band whatnot and it's so boring.
I found a good plank with the stability ball and added an arm weight to it exercise that's fairly challenging, but I feel like that only hits the outside of m hips (is that ad or ab?)
I had been doing just lateral leg raises lying on my side on the floor. Yesterday I did them with 10 lb ankle weights for the first time, and also introduced hip adduction/abduction work standing up with cables, with an ankle strap.

Here's the full Back workout (still not mentioning the 'g' word note):

1. Dead Lift !
2. Squat !
3. Good Mornings !
4. Bent-over Row: T-bar !
5. Lunges: Front & Side %
6. Bent-over Row: Bench %
7. Hyperextensions: Bench *
8. Kettlebell Swing
9. Hip Abduction & Adduction $
10. TRX Pendulum & Pike $
11. Straight-arm Swing: High & Low $
12. Reverse Leg Lift: Bench @
13. Floor: Lateral Leg Raises @
14. Floor: Running & Spiderman Plank @
15. Floor: Dirty Dog & Donkey Kick @
16. Floor: Bridge c/ plate & single leg
17. Abs: Leg Lifts & Ab Wheel

(Skipped the lunges and only did 1/4 squats with low weight.) Some of the floor exercises are also good for the hips.

Anyway, the extra lateral pressure re-strained my bum knee, so I guess I need to stick to lateral leg raises with no extra weight until the knee is fully healed. But it's no big deal. After the run the knee actually felt better, and today it feels fine. So I'll try another baby run tomorrow. Over on the Coach Talk forum both Jason and a ChiRunning coach named Damian endorsed the 'active recovery' I've been trying since last week, so I'll keep running every other day and continue to try to build up distance and pace slowly. Today is my 'Top' day--shoulder, lats, neck, and forearm strength training--so my knee has a full day to rest.

Top (Shoulder, Lats, Neck, Forearm)
1. Power Clean !
2. Shoulder Press ! , %
3. Cuban Press !
4. Upright Row {
5. Face Pull $
6. Pull-downs, Front & Back $
7. Seated Row $
8. Neck: Flexion & Extension $
9. Cuff Rotation c/ elastic band
10. Raises, Swings & Shrugs %
11. Floor: Fist Pump %
12. Floor: Turkish Get-up %
13. Floor: Plank Twist %
14. Floor: Plank Push-pull plate
15. Floor: Stir-the-Pot ball
16. Forearm: Curl & Hand Gripper !
17. Forearm: pronation & supination %
18. Abs: Sit-up Bench & Crunches

! = done with barbell
% = done with dumbbell
{ = done with curling bar
$ = done with cables
@ = done optionally c/ ankle weight
* = done with body weight

In these revamped routines, I've grouped the exercises that use the same equipment together so that I can get through the sets a bit quicker, even if it means working the same muscles/movement at separate times in the routine.
Is the Winter Challenge region-specific? I mean, you say anything <41F, but can we make that anything below 60F for us CA folks? I mean, my stars - sub 60F? We have to put on a sweater...
I just about to head out right now its -7 degrees and I am still wearing shorts. Come on a sweater, really.
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