Awestruck at mall strike

hmm nick. do i come across as being elitist? not trying to. i should have said don't buy shoes when you already have quite a few. for me buying bigger and cushier shoes made my pf come on and get worse. it dissipated on it's own for a bit but never went away. shoes are tools and they'll give you some relief but using them as default will just make the pf worse. been there, done that. check other forums on pf and it echos with everyone.

it's no fun. i feel your pain there.
Mike all of my shoes are zero drop except for a couple pair, an old pair of trainers that have a massive amount of pronation control and make me feel like I am going to roll an ankle and then my hiking shoes. I would like to have a pair of trainers that do not have the pronation control crap in them and are not zero drop.

I've also read in lots of places that with PF you may (remember that it's an experiment of one) need to temporarily have a shoe with arch support in order to let things relax. I'm no dr and have no plans of becoming one, so the best I can do is take the advice of drs and try ALL of the possible solutions until I get this problem under control.

I've noticed you seem to really get after me when I mention shoes (this is not the first time), yet I don't see you say anything to Jason or NSDR or Lomad or anyone else for wearing shoes. Maybe it's just because we are friends so you feel you can really say what you are thinking, I don't know. It does come off as elitist when you throw such a fit about me buying shoes to see if this can help me get over an 8-9 month problem. I am very well aware that shoes are tools. I also know that being barefoot does not cure all, but it sure can help one to learn good form and learn how to be gentle on the body.
Awww, hell nah. You done dragged me in;)! As the dissenting view i've stayed out of this chat but have been following it closely. i didn't say anything, because I didn't want to seem like a pot stirrer.

My history's been no secret in this community, but here's the abridged version: I spent almost a full year working on barefoot running, following all the guides and conventional wisdom out there. I gained a lot of input on my running form and pretty much rebuilt myself as a runner. I would not be the happy, healthy shod runner I am today without my skin to ground bfr experience. I also think it is a great tool, for all the reasons I just mentioned.

That said, it is not for everyone. I know this is a barefoot running community here, and the objective is to promote bfr. I respect that and believe in that myself. In my case, I have structural issues in my foot that keep me from running bare, or even minimal. I need protection and I've proven it to myself time and again. Others are in the same boat as me, i'm sure. after all, our shared goal is to run healthy and happy, right?

Nick, i've been in your shoes (sorry...I couldn't help myself:D). My root challenge was different, but I had the same internal conflict about going back to a non-minimal shoe. For me it has been a workable solution. It may be for you as well. It may not. Only you can answer that and, in my opinion, you will one way or another.

Good luck on your journey. find your happy and run it!
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jen i told you men have to fight it out first.

nick, i don't put everything here to eloquently. i know quite a bit i come off sounding like an arse. look at the name of my blog.
with all this i think when i have time i will post a question for dr stoxen and whoever else answers it. many of us suffer or have suffered from pf. i still suffer from it. i wonder if it's from my work, standing, or just plain walking around.

ya i guess because we know each other personally i will give you more crap than anyone else here. i only talk like that with people i like. those i don't, i just don't talk to.

crap being old sucks because i thought of something else to say and in the two minutes i took to change my clothes i forgot about it already.

got it. i'm a bit passionate about going bare. i know it's not the only thing. hell sometimes on the trail i want to get some shoes then i remember what happened the last time. knots all up and down my leg. this is a forum where we all come for advice from others going through this. i'm just loud about mine sometimes.
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Mike I know I'm a bit sensitive about it too because I do love bfr so much and don't want to have to give up s-t-g through the puddles and mud and what not. Maybe by winter I will have this licked so I can go back to s-t-g. I haven't bought anything yet, I'm super picky about shoe fit, don't like the toes being squished ya know. :)

Oh and Mike, I asked a question a couple weeks ago on the doc forum about shoe wear and not one doc has replied yet I think if memory serves me correctly. Guess they feel it's a loaded question because this is a bf community...
Oh, and btw, what is "s-t-g" dare I ask...? I'm pretty sure it's not Sexually Transmitted Glitter as the Urban Dictionary suggests. Lol.
Oh, and btw, what is "s-t-g" dare I ask...? I'm pretty sure it's not Sexually Transmitted Glitter as the Urban Dictionary suggests. Lol.
I think it means skin-to-ground, which means barefoot-barefoot, which means barefoot, as in no footwear, as opposed to barefoot shoes, which means shoes, as opposed to running shoes, which means soft casts, or sandals, which means better-than-barefoot, if you're Steve Sashen. I could write a linguistics dissertation on this alone, once we delve into all the social/commercial angles involved.
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I think it means skin-to-ground, which means barefoot-barefoot, which means barefoot, as in no footwear, as opposed to barefoot shoes, which means shoes, as opposed to running shoes, which means soft casts, or sandals, which means better-than-barefoot, if you're Steve Sashen. I could write a linguistics dissertation on this alone, once we delve into all the social/commercial angles involved.
LOL! Thanks for clearing that up. ;)
I think it means skin-to-ground, which means barefoot-barefoot, which means barefoot, as in no footwear, as opposed to barefoot shoes, which means shoes, as opposed to running shoes, which means soft casts, or sandals, which means better-than-barefoot, if you're Steve Sashen. I could write a linguistics dissertation on this alone, once we delve into all the social/commercial angles involved.
hahahaha! Love the Steve Sashen part! :D

Yes Jen, skin to ground. Sorry for being confusing.
hahahaha! Love the Steve Sashen part! :D

Yes Jen, skin to ground. Sorry for being confusing.

Gotchya. Gotta be careful, Nick, you caused my mind to take the dirty twist up there! Lol.
Lomad, what's the forum reading equivalent of humming and covering my ears so I don't have to listen to something? I tried poking my fingers into my eyes when I saw your post, but I just hurt myself. It was too late, anyway! So, I saw it and now I just have to agree with you, mostly. BFR isn't for everyone. You'd be welcome to come back and try it once in a while, though. Feel free!

Jen, you're a pistola, without a doubt.
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Oh, i try to incorporate a little barefoot time still, just to keep my form in check; It's just that i get the identical discomfort/pain profile every single time i try. Currently I don't have pain/discomfort when shod, so it's winning out more often than not.
with nick and i derailing this among other threads, does that qualify us as trolls? if so i'm taller than him. a whole 1/2 or so!

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