Concurrent Strength & Endurance Training 2017: Cycle V

Bare Lee

Jul 25, 2011
Saint Paul
Good time for a new cycle to begin. My new and improved garage gym is ready to go. And my mother's health situation has stabilized for the time being, so the endless appointments and meeting with different home health agencies, nurses, PTs, and aides, is winding down. Time to get back to it. Fall has generally been my best lifting season, hopefully the trend will continue.

I was making steady progress at the beginning of the last cycle, so there's no real reason to change things. I'll probably stick with the 3x3x6 protocol (three sets of three reps for six lifts) with a push/pull split, but I might try the idea of working on reps once certain loads are met. We'll see.

Also might try Abide's idea of doing higher reps for the upper body lifts and lower reps for the lower body lifts. My shoulders have felt a little cranky at times on the 3x3 protocol, and I really only care about PRs for the Squat and Deadlift anyway. Still, I like the simplicity and lack of mental burden with 3x3.

Also might try riding my bike first thing a bit more. If I'm going to do it, now's the time to try it, so I can ease into cooler temps as the cycle progresses into September and early October. I might try something like 5-8 miles every morning, just to get the heart rate up at the beginning of the day. There are good eight-to-ten-mile route options down to the river and back to my office.

For conditioning, I've got my sled all ready to go with coasters, so I'll try to push it up my driveway on push days, and pull it up with a rope on pull days. Of course, my six-year-old son thinks the sled is his toy. He also likes the new cable pulldown station. I dunno though, I'm still having trouble placing my faith in the wooden structure.

---------------Week 1: Cycle V---------------

Sunday, 17.08.13

2 mi.

Late Afternoon

Lifting: Push--Priming
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 185 lbs
TKOP (Tall Kneeling Overhead Press): 3 x 5 @ 95 lbs
BP: 3 x 5 @ 135 lbs

Doing five-rep sets for the presses felt good. I may try higher rep sets for the upper body pulls as well. They become less performance lifts this way, and more like secondary lifts, while the Squat and Deadlift remain primary/performance lifts. I think the heavier spinal loading is really what makes the latter most important, in pure fitness/health terms.

New garage gym felt good as well. It was nice to listen to my Missy Elliot Pandora station again after a year and a half. Pandora likes to lump a wide variety of music for her, including some Latin/Caribbean artists like Sean Paul. Certainly better than having to listen to the classic and contemporary pop/rock muck in two-hour loops at Anytime Fitness.

Didn't do any conditioning. I'll wait a few sessions before I introduce that. Don't want to get too sore as I work myself back into some kind of lifting shape.

Monday, 17.08.14

2 mi.

Late Afternoon

Lifting: Pull--Priming
DL: 3 x 3 @ 225 lbs
Rw: 3 x 5 @ 135 lbs
NPD (Neutral-grip Pulldown): 3 x 5 @ 150 lbs

More priming, everything feels good, will start progressive loading back up to June's loads. Hopefully it won't take more than a week or two to get back up there. The five-rep sets for the upper body lifts are a little bit of a mental burden by the fourth or fifth rep, but probably a good variation. I don't know how anyone can do 10+ reps in a set. It would drive me crazy. Three reps remain the best number for me. 1-2-3-done. Before I have time to think about how boring it is.

Anyway, the homemade wooden pulldown machine worked pretty well. It would still be nice to do real chinups but I don't really want to have to go outside, and the pulldowns probably hit the same muscles adequately.

The Tall Kneeling Overhead Press is also less than ideal, and my knees complained a little bit yesterday, so we'll see. I may have to go outside for that anyway, and clean the bar before pressing. But then there's winter . . .

Anyhow, feels good to be back at it.

Tuesday, 17.08.15
Late Afternoon

Lifting: Push--Priming
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 225 lbs
TKOP: 3 x 5 @ 95 lbs
BP: 3 x 5 @ 135 lbs

Raised the Squat load but kept the presses' loads the same. Just want to make sure the shoulders are adjusting to the higher-rep sets and that I'm comfortable setting up for each set with the new set-up. Everything felt pretty easy with a lack of crankiness or niggle. Knees felt fine kneeling for the OP. Except for the reduced loads, it already feels like I'm getting back in the swing of things.

Wednesday, 17.08.16
DL: 2 x 3 @ 275 lbs
Rw: 5 @ 135/155 lbs

Was having a good Pull workout when I got interrupted by family business. Oh well, at least the DL @ 275 felt fine. Next time I'll increase the load by 10-20 pounds. 155 also felt good on the Pendlay Row at five reps. I'll have to go through my speadsheet now that I've primed and start calculating proper Iron Ratio loads.

Thursday, 17.08.17

Friday, 17.08.18

Saturday, 17.08.19
1 mi bike commute.
10 mi bike ride.

---------------Week 2: Cycle V---------------

Sunday, 17.08.20

Monday, 17.08.21

Tuesday, 17.08.22
Late Afternoon

Lifting: Push--Priming
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 185 lbs
TKOP: 3 x 5 @ 95 lbs
BP: 3 x 5 @ 175 lbs

Conditioning: Sled Push. 7-8 laps up my driveway @ 180 lbs + kids taking turns and then kids plus wife.

Back to priming. Maiden voyage for the sled. The coasters make it veer to the left a bit, and the driveway is about half as long as it needs to be. I'll ask our across-the-street neighbor if I can continue across the street and up her driveway too. That would be a good length I think.

Wednesday, 17.08.23
Feeling sick, took five-hour nap.

Thursday, 17.08.24
Still sick and napping.

Friday, 17.08.25
Still sick.

Saturday, 17.08.26

---------------Week 3: Cycle V---------------

Sunday, 17.08.27

Monday, 17.08.28
First day without a nap. Saw a doctor to rule out pneumonia because my son had it a few weeks ago. Feel like the bug is finally on its way out, but the doc said I still have high blood pressure, so I really gotta get serious about the cardio. We're going up to the North Shore of Lake Superior this week, back for the weekend. I'll try to start up the full routine then, with a 30-to-40-minute bike ride in the morning and lifting and sled conditioning in the afternoon. The good news is I'm beginning to lose weight despite the inactivity, so hopefully the process will accelerate once I'm working out again.

Tuesday, 17.08.29

Wednesday, 17.08.30

Thursday, 17.08.31

Friday, 17.09.01

Saturday, 17.09.02

---------------Week 4: Cycle V---------------

Sunday, 17.09.03
Back from trip and day at State Fair. Today some work on the house, then hopefully back at it.

Monday, 17.09.04
1 mi bike commute.
8.6 mi bike ride.

Tuesday, 17.09.05

Wednesday, 17.09.06

Thursday, 17.09.07
2 mi bike commute.

Friday, 17.09.08
Energy levels returning to normal.

Saturday, 17.09.09
Patio project

---------------Week 5: Cycle V---------------

Sunday, 17.09.10
Patio project
Monday, 17.09.11
2 mi bike commute.

Patio project, garage cleanup, pool deconstruction.

Tuesday, 17.09.12

Wednesday, 17.09.13

Thursday, 17.09.14
9.34 mi bike ride--dropped off kids then river loop to the Northern Pacific Bridge Number 9. I usually go the other way, so it was fun to see the same route backwards. It's a pretty easy ride punctuated by two steep climbs. We have summer-like temps in the 80s this week, so really gotta establish a riding routine before the cold sets in and it gets harder to motivate.

1 mi bike commute.

Friday, 17.09.15

Saturday, 17.09.16
1 mi bike commute.
8.6 mi bike ride--Office to home via NPB no.9.

Kitchen project.

---------------Week 6: Cycle V---------------

Sunday, 17.09.17
1 mi bike commute.
Mid AM
8.6 mi bike ride--Office to home via NPB no.9.

Yard work.

Monday, 17.09.18
1 mi bike commute.
8.6 mi bike ride--Office to home via NPB no.9.

Tuesday, 17.09.19

Wednesday, 17.09.20

Thursday, 17.09.21

Friday, 17.09.22

Saturday, 17.09.23

---------------Week 7: Cycle V---------------

Sunday, 17.09.24

Monday, 17.09.25

Tuesday, 17.09.26

Wednesday, 17.09.27

Thursday, 17.09.28

Friday, 17.09.29

Saturday, 17.09.30

---------------Week 8: Cycle V---------------

Sunday, 17.10.01

Monday, 17.10.02

Tuesday, 17.10.03

Wednesday, 17.10.04

Thursday, 17.10.05

Friday, 17.10.06

Saturday, 17.10.07
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The main goal for this cycle will be to keep the consistency. Hopefully my travel requirements will drop off and I can get back into a normal routine.

I am going to stick with the frequent lifting and higher upper body reps, while pushing the weight on the lower lifts.

I really need to lose 10 pounds this cycle. I will start calorie counting next week and keeping a target calorie goal of 3,000 per day.

---------------Week 1: Cycle V---------------

Monday, 17.08.14
Just packing up getting ready for my 4 day race of 25 miles a day starting Wednesday. Still fat and out of shape which is why i dropped to the 4 day vs 100 miler. Will try to keep this update as the week goes on.

Tuesday, 17.08.15

Wednesday, 17.08.16
42k - +2900M

Thursday, 17.08.17
50k - +3400M

Friday, 17.08.18
47k - +2400M

Saturday, 17.08.19
45k - +2700M

Well that was a tough one, maybe the toughest event I have ever done. An amazing amount of climbing, the total of all 4 days was 37,000ft. Took it slow and pretty much finished, showered went to bed, woke up the next day and kept going. Worn out but feeling pretty good after.

Sunday, 17.08.20

---------------Week 2: Cycle V---------------

Monday, 17.08.21

Tuesday, 17.08.22
TBDL - 3 x 3 @ 72kg
Bench - 3 x 10 @ 60kg
Pull ups - 3 x 5 @ BW

Bike Commute - 35k

Took it easy today, still a bit sore. Planning to ramp up over the next week.

Wednesday, 17.08.23

Thursday, 17.08.24

Friday, 17.08.25

Saturday, 17.08.26

---------------Week 3: Cycle V---------------

Sunday, 17.08.27

Monday, 17.08.28

Tuesday, 17.08.29

Wednesday, 17.08.30

Thursday, 17.08.31

Friday, 17.09.01

Saturday, 17.09.02

---------------Week 4: Cycle V---------------

Sunday, 17.09.03

Monday, 17.09.04

Tuesday, 17.09.05

Wednesday, 17.09.06

Thursday, 17.09.07

Friday, 17.09.08

Saturday, 17.09.09

---------------Week 5: Cycle V---------------

Sunday, 17.09.10

Monday, 17.09.11

Tuesday, 17.09.12

Wednesday, 17.09.13

Thursday, 17.09.14

Friday, 17.09.15
Tried for a 100 miler, made it about 20 before my back crapped out on me.

Saturday, 17.09.16

---------------Week 6: Cycle V---------------

Sunday, 17.09.17

Monday, 17.09.18
Run - 5k barefoot

Some random light lifting

Tuesday, 17.09.19
Run - 5k barefoot

Some random light lifting for shoulder and back mobilty

Wednesday, 17.09.20
Run - 5k

Thursday, 17.09.21

Friday, 17.09.22

Saturday, 17.09.23

---------------Week 7: Cycle V---------------

Sunday, 17.09.24

Monday, 17.09.25
Squats - 2 x 10 @ 40kgs
Press - 2 x 10 @ 40 kgs

Bike Commute - 35k

Trying to get a routine going again. I re-injured my shoulder a few weeks back and then that turned into a back issue where I could barely walk. Which led to a failed 100 attempt.

So my first plan of action is to really get serious about losing some weight while building routine back. I'm also going to start running a bit more maybe an extra 5k twice a week.

Hopefully by the end of the year I can get a little closer to 190 and then start making a running/biking plan for the following year. It's amazing how age plus a little extra weight is causing me issues.

Tuesday, 17.09.26

Wednesday, 17.09.27

Thursday, 17.09.28

Friday, 17.09.29

Saturday, 17.09.30

---------------Week 8: Cycle V---------------

Sunday, 17.10.01

Monday, 17.10.02

Tuesday, 17.10.03

Wednesday, 17.10.04

Thursday, 17.10.05

Friday, 17.10.06

Saturday, 17.10.07
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Reactions: Bare Lee
Just packing up getting ready for my 4 day race of 25 miles a day starting Wednesday. Still fat and out of shape which is why i dropped to the 4 day vs 100 miler. Will try to keep this update as the week goes on.
Good luck!
[placeholder for additional procrastination]
Glad you're still with us. Hang in there! And as someone who's been on and off a lot lately, let me remind you how good it feels when you start lifting again. I always ask myself why I didn't get back to it sooner. Just get something, anything in, and then "trust the process" to carry you forward.
BLee & BA how are things going? This seems to be a rough cycle for all of us.
I'm hoping to make it a consistent 4th quarter. I had a little back issue that scared some sense into me. Now I'm just hoping to consistently lift for the rest of the year. I am going to drop weights a bit and focus more on balance, especially related to the back and abs.
BLee & BA how are things going?

basically, like you guys, i am a parent of now-not-so-young children who is also trying to work full-time and support a wife who is also working part-time and going back to school for her third degree along with the basic existential concerns (doing well for the moment, by the way)..... i have been running fairly consistently lately. but all that transporting children back and forth to school, packing lunches, watching the child who isn't in school yet, etc kinda cuts down on the blocks of free time available to do all the exercising i'd like to do. it can be done, i just haven't knuckled under enough to stick to the needed schedule. :(
Sunday, 17.09.24

Monday, 17.09.25
Squats - 2 x 10 @ 40kgs
Press - 2 x 10 @ 40 kgs

Bike Commute - 35k

Trying to get a routine going again. I re-injured my shoulder a few weeks back and then that turned into a back issue where I could barely walk. Which led to a failed 100 attempt.

So my first plan of action is to really get serious about losing some weight while building routine back. I'm also going to start running a bit more maybe an extra 5k twice a week.

Hopefully by the end of the year I can get a little closer to 190 and then start making a running/biking plan for the following year. It's amazing how age plus a little extra weight is causing me issues.

Sorry to hear of the setbacks. I think you need to focus on lifting for a while before you do any more ultras, build up your strength base again. I'm in terrible shape, so I really have no right to comment, but more and more, I'm concluding that long-distance running is probably not a good idea for most people. Since I've stopped running, I no longer get that beat-up feeling or tightness afterwards, and I don't feel much need for stretching or self-massage. If I could resume running again, I would probably keep the runs to 3 miles or less, viewing it more as one component in a general fitness regime rather than an end in itself. Still, there's nothing similar to the satisfaction of running a long ways. Very euphoric. So I can understand the attraction.

Anyway, my patio, kitchen, and living room projects are done, so no more excuses for not working out at the end of the day. I'll try to get in a session or two before the next cycle starts, to prime things.
BLee & BA how are things going? This seems to be a rough cycle for all of us.
I'm hoping to make it a consistent 4th quarter. I had a little back issue that scared some sense into me. Now I'm just hoping to consistently lift for the rest of the year. I am going to drop weights a bit and focus more on balance, especially related to the back and abs.
Opps, I replied to your log entry before seeing the new postings.

Let's finish the year on a high note!

basically, like you guys, i am a parent of now-not-so-young children who is also trying to work full-time and support a wife who is also working part-time and going back to school for her third degree along with the basic existential concerns (doing well for the moment, by the way)..... i have been running fairly consistently lately. but all that transporting children back and forth to school, packing lunches, watching the child who isn't in school yet, etc kinda cuts down on the blocks of free time available to do all the exercising i'd like to do. it can be done, i just haven't knuckled under enough to stick to the needed schedule. :(

Yah, it can definitely be done, we just have to commit. Good to hear your running is going well and very happy indeed to hear the existential concerns have abated. My devotion to improving our housing stock has improved my household stock so I have greater negotiating power when it comes to imposing my (idealized) schedule on family life. So no excuses! I'm really sick of being so out of shape and mushy.

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