Mouth is for eating nose is for breathing

One good thing about running known distances for me is I can gauge my speed as there are times when the same distance that usually takes me 40 mins I can covered it in 35 mins on my good days and in my bad days it takes me 43/45 mins.
I don't wear a watch either. I figure anytime I'm someplace where I need to know what time it is, there will be a clock around somewhere.

You know, it's funny you should reappear when I start to experience knee soreness again. Parece feitiço.
I don't wear a watch either. I figure anytime I'm someplace where I need to know what time it is, there will be a clock around somewhere.

You know, it's funny you should reappear when I start to experience knee soreness again. Parece feitiço.
Again? what's your problem? I know what your problem is-too many squats at heavy loads. Stop doing squats for a little and see what happens, And if you think the squats are not the problem then you're in denial-just sayin' :oldman:
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Again? what's your problem? I know what your problem is-too many squats at heavy loads. Stop doing squats for a little and see what happens, And if you think the squats are not the problem then you're in denial-just sayin' :oldman:
No (in denial) squats don't seem to bother it. Its upon landing while running that I feel it. It's not acute, like two years ago, but comes on as I run, so it seems more of a repetitive issue than loading issue. In fact, the first time I felt it this time was the day after a run. I wasn't very good about massaging and stretching while I was getting back into running this summer, so I'm assuming it's either tightness or your witchcraft. Those are the only two variables I can think of. This week I'll aggressively massage and stretch and see if that helps. Ran one mile this morning, no problem. I'll add a few blocks tomorrow.
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No squats don't seem to bother it. Its upon landing while running that I feel it. It's not acute, but comes on as I run. I wasn't very good about massaging and stretching while I was getting back into running this summer, so I'm assuming it's either tightness or your witchcraft.
Ha ha ha, everybody blames me for everythingg here at work as minus well get use to be blamed in here too.
If me disappearing from the forum heals your knee well a woman gotta do what a woman gotta do:playful:.
Please don't hate me but...I still think is the heavy lifting though.:smuggrin:
Thread topic temporarily suspended, normal service will resume as soon as possible in the mean time heres a musical interlude.


ha, ha, ha, ok I'll shut up now, he,he, he. ROTFL
hi friend, do you know of mouth breathing disease?? its an EXTREMELY unknown disease (yes, disease) however its and extremely spread disease

why? $$$ dentist like mouth breathing, they gain a lot of money thanks to mouth breathing because mouth breathing deforms the teeth (due to the unnatural position of the tongue) also deforms the jaw (long face syndrome), whole face and the worst: causes low oxygen levels in the brain

so its specially devastating among kids and mouth breathing is very very common in worlds population

and mouth breathing is caused by the diet, specially because of milk (some because of gluten but those are a minority)
so many people have a lactose intolerance in more or less degree and for those milk cause a lot of muccus

(the famous intolerants to lactose are the extreme intolerants, BUT lactose intolerance exist in many degress, those who have a little intolerance have subtle symptoms like the excess of muccus, which is devastating, more than a hundred diarrheas(because of mouth breathing))

dentist cheat on their patients, and many other health speciallist, mouth breathings moves tons of money

however many people tolerate lactose and also gluten well and don't have increased muccus

this is no conspiracy, i have been studing this for many years and ive been cheated too i was severe mouth breather until discovering in internet
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hi friend, do you know of mouth breathing disease?? its an EXTREMELY unknown disease (yes, disease) however its and extremely spread disease

why? $$$ dentist like mouth breathing, they gain a lot of money thanks to mouth breathing because mouth breathing deforms the teeth (due to the unnatural position of the tongue) also deforms the jaw (long face syndrome), whole face and the worst: causes low oxygen levels in the brain

so its specially devastating among kids and mouth breathing is very very common in worlds population

and mouth breathing is caused by the diet, specially because of milk (some because of gluten but those are a minority)
so many people have a lactose intolerance in more or less degree and for those milk cause a lot of muccus

(the famous intolerants to lactose are the extreme intolerants, BUT lactose intolerance exist in many degress, those who have a little intolerance have subtle symptoms like the excess of muccus, which is devastating, more than a hundred diarrheas(because of mouth breathing))

dentist cheat on their patients, and many other health speciallist, mouth breathings moves tons of money

however many people tolerate lactose and also gluten well and don't have increased muccus

this is no conspiracy, i have been studing this for many years and ive been cheated too i was severe mouth breather until discovering in internet

I'm not really qualified to talk about the claims being made about mouth breathing and facial deformity.

I absolutely agree with you that lactose can cause muccus build up making it difficult to nose breath for some, but all foods are toxic in varying degrees so i think moderation is the key, we've got to eat something.

Gluten and Lactose are a result of agriculture and farming practices that needed to develop to sustain large populations, and by their very nature are a compromise to our natural diet.

I personally eat a non dairy high carb diet, mainly fruits and veg, but there are others here who eat high protein high fat diets and flourish.
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all foods are toxic in varying degrees so i think moderation is the key, we've got to eat something.

The Happy Breatharian- A Food Free Consciousness

Note from TED: We've flagged this talk, which was filmed at an independent TEDx event, because it falls outside TED's curatorial guidelines, by virtue of its questionable health advice. For example, it implies humans can gain adequate energy from air and sunlight instead of food, a claim which is not scientifically credible. Indeed it could cause harm if taken seriously. The guidelines we give our TEDx organizers are described in more detail here:
someone here spoke about Scott Jurek speaking about John Douillard' book Body Mind an d Sport

I like some chapters of the book when he speaks about yoga, breathing, training.. (I didnt like the whole book, whith his concept of body types)

There is one whole chapter about breathing, 20 pages, quite interesting. I copy here the introduction :

When my five children were infants, I notices that they could only breathe through their noses. For them, things were simple : the mouth was for eating, the nose for breathing.
At about 2 or 3months old, one of my children got the sniffles and became so congested that he could barely breathe. At one point he was trying so hard to get air through his nostrils that I was afraid he might suffoate. The more congested he got, the harder it was for him to sleep, as he attempted to fill his lungs through his nose.
I wished I could tell him about breathing through his mouth. As far as he was concerned, air was not a substitute for breast milk. Humans come into this world aas nose breathers. We are "obligate nose breathers" to be scientific, wich means taht we do not possess the voluntary ability to breath through our mouths. Mouth breathing is a learned response triggered by emergency stress.
If an infant's nose becomes completely obstructed, he or she will fight for nasal air until he begins to suffocate and starts to cry. The crying forces air through the mouth and into the lungs quickly in order to deal with the emergency. Once the emergency is over, the child will go back to breathing through his or her nose until the next threat to survival.
The survival response triggers certain emergency fight-or-flight receptors in the upper lobes of the lungs, wich help the infant deal with the extreme stress. Also, in the lower lobes of the lungs are an abundance of parasympathetic nervous system receptors. When activated with nasal breathing, they calm the mind and rejuvenate the body. The shift from nose breathing to mouth breathing in the infant seems to be triggered only by stress. When infants are relaxes and calm, all their breathing is through the nose. Their first encounters with mouth breathing are survival-based and stress-ridden. When babies have to breathe through the mouth they cannot nurse; thus, the loss of their primary source of nourishment and security is associated with the need to breathe through the mouth.

Thus is that from an early staage we are conditioned so that under the first sign of stress, including exercise stress later in life, we shift into our emergency mode of breathing - through the mouth. You can see this if you watch people running and exercising. Although the method of exercise breathing currently in favor is to inhal through the nose and exhale through the mouth, I dont see very many people doing it.

After that, he gives some exercises for nasal breathing. I like this introduction, because since one year I try so sit like children (asian squat), I try to run like children (barefoot running), so it makes sense to me to breathe like children.
all foods are toxic in varying degrees so i think moderation is the key, we've got to eat something.
All thoughts are toxic to some degree as well, but we've got to think something!

I fast the vast majority of the time. I only eat at mealtimes. If only my thought process were so pure.

The secret to these condundra, I've found, is to trick the food into doing the thinking for you. Start with your neighbors. Gaia will thank you as you reduce the human population and raise its consciousness at the same time.
All thoughts are toxic to some degree as well, but we've got to think something!

I fast the vast majority of the time. I only eat at mealtimes. If only my thought process were so pure.

The secret to these condundra, I've found, is to trick the food into doing the thinking for you. Start with your neighbors. Gaia will thank you as you reduce the human population and raise its consciousness at the same time.

One of the smallest thoughts ever imagined could become the destroyer of worlds if left unchecked.

Sometimes it's hard to know how to respond on these forums, you make an innocent comment that you thought was relevant and inclusive to the conversation and it mutates into something else. I don't think i'm going to survive this social media revolution, i don't even own a mobile phone ;)
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One of the smallest thoughts ever imagined could become the destroyer of worlds if left unchecked.

Sometimes it's hard to know how to respond on these forums, you make an innocent comment that you thought was relevant and inclusive to the conversation and it mutates into something else. I don't think i'm going to survive this social media revolution, i don't even own a mobile phone ;)
Although my comments may not always be relevant, I'd like to think they're always inclusive!

This is the only digital social media I do though, so what do I know?

I guess it's because the barefoot thing is the only thing I have a hard time with socially when dealing with others in co-present, physical media, hence the digital turn.
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Although my comments may not always be relevant, I'd like to think they're always inclusive!

This is the only digital social media I do though, so what do I know?

I guess it's because the barefoot thing is the only thing I have a hard time with socially when dealing with others in co-present, physical media, hence the digital turn.

It wasn't a directed comment Lee just an observation that i find it hard to keep up with things.

People have a right to say what they want just as much as people have the same right to challenge what's being said.
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I'm not really qualified to talk about the claims being made about mouth breathing and facial deformity.

I absolutely agree with you that lactose can cause muccus build up making it difficult to nose breath for some, but all foods are toxic in varying degrees so i think moderation is the key, we've got to eat something.

Gluten and Lactose are a result of agriculture and farming practices that needed to develop to sustain large populations, and by their very nature are a compromise to our natural diet.

I personally eat a non dairy high carb diet, mainly fruits and veg, but there are others here who eat high protein high fat diets and flourish.

mouth breathing causes facial deformity and also teeth deformity, there is no room for discussing it, it's well proved by science, however very few people know this and dentist and others take advantage of it for $$$

i dont agree with that, all foods are not toxic, vegetables, fruits etc are the opposing of toxic, and "we've got to eat something" sorry but thats a big fallacy, people dont need to eat milk nor cheese and eating it in moderation even though it causes bad health for some persons is not a wise thing to do (in fact its very stupid)

the common fallacy of "we have to eat everything" (i dont know exactly how it is in english but in spain is "hay que comer de todo") is not true, we have to eat all the necessary nutrients and nothing more, the source is not important as long as it gives you the neccessary and proper nutrient
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someone here spoke about Scott Jurek speaking about John Douillard' book Body Mind an d Sport

I like some chapters of the book when he speaks about yoga, breathing, training.. (I didnt like the whole book, whith his concept of body types)

There is one whole chapter about breathing, 20 pages, quite interesting. I copy here the introduction :

When my five children were infants, I notices that they could only breathe through their noses. For them, things were simple : the mouth was for eating, the nose for breathing.
At about 2 or 3months old, one of my children got the sniffles and became so congested that he could barely breathe. At one point he was trying so hard to get air through his nostrils that I was afraid he might suffoate. The more congested he got, the harder it was for him to sleep, as he attempted to fill his lungs through his nose.
I wished I could tell him about breathing through his mouth. As far as he was concerned, air was not a substitute for breast milk. Humans come into this world aas nose breathers. We are "obligate nose breathers" to be scientific, wich means taht we do not possess the voluntary ability to breath through our mouths. Mouth breathing is a learned response triggered by emergency stress.
If an infant's nose becomes completely obstructed, he or she will fight for nasal air until he begins to suffocate and starts to cry. The crying forces air through the mouth and into the lungs quickly in order to deal with the emergency. Once the emergency is over, the child will go back to breathing through his or her nose until the next threat to survival.
The survival response triggers certain emergency fight-or-flight receptors in the upper lobes of the lungs, wich help the infant deal with the extreme stress. Also, in the lower lobes of the lungs are an abundance of parasympathetic nervous system receptors. When activated with nasal breathing, they calm the mind and rejuvenate the body. The shift from nose breathing to mouth breathing in the infant seems to be triggered only by stress. When infants are relaxes and calm, all their breathing is through the nose. Their first encounters with mouth breathing are survival-based and stress-ridden. When babies have to breathe through the mouth they cannot nurse; thus, the loss of their primary source of nourishment and security is associated with the need to breathe through the mouth.

Thus is that from an early staage we are conditioned so that under the first sign of stress, including exercise stress later in life, we shift into our emergency mode of breathing - through the mouth. You can see this if you watch people running and exercising. Although the method of exercise breathing currently in favor is to inhal through the nose and exhale through the mouth, I dont see very many people doing it.

After that, he gives some exercises for nasal breathing. I like this introduction, because since one year I try so sit like children (asian squat), I try to run like children (barefoot running), so it makes sense to me to breathe like children.

yes but people dont know that mouth breathing destroys the kids healths, yes literally destroys it and ruins it, causing low oxygen levels which are very very bad for the brain, causing also deformities in the whole face and in the teeth and palate

to have good health and develop properly kids must breath trhought their noses and stop eating whatever causes them to breath throught their mouths
I had an adenoid problem as a kid so my nose is only good for singing :rolleyes:

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