Philosophical Question


Mar 23, 2012
Right, then...

Something I put on my FB wall and I thought I'd poll you weirdos, too:
We'd never consider buying a used mattress, yet we sleep relatively soundly on hotel mattresses which see a much larger variety of people and disgusting activities. Why do we eschew one but accept the other? Do the little soaps put us at ease, or something?
because they change the sheets more than you do. the bed spread however, they say don't ask about what you don't really want to know.
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I did once stay in a hotel in France where my mother-in-law refused to get into the bed and slept on top fully clothed<g>. The curtains were stapled to the windows and neither opened not closed completely.
I sold a bed on eBay not so long ago, mattress optional. The couple who bought it surprised me by taking the mattress too. I guess the wife and I look like people of virtue. :angelic:

As for hotel rooms, I'm sure the owners would prefer you to think of the used beds as 'inspirational'.
Ye gods - who's rubbing what on the doornobs?
How many people really wash their hands after using the restroom? I know most men just turn around and walk out the bathroom with barely a glance at the sink, and this is what I've noticed as I was washing my hands in the public restroom at school. Probably 75% of the men don't. And then what do they touch on the way out? Doorknobs!
Actually I've heard remote controls at both hospitals and hotels r the worst. There is a chance doorknobs might get sanitized once in a while, but no one ever thinks of the remote.
And I guess I'm not that grossed out by a used mattress. Staining is typically obvious; its easy enough to check for bed bugs. You can buy one of those full coverage allergen barrier zip on things. Don't be so neurotic.
It's illegal to sell a used mattress in Virginia.
Funny, but in North Carolina when I lived there, there was a store that sold only used mattresses... They obviously had them all cleaned and everything, and I was a young poor man with a newborn on the way at the time so this was what I could afford. I think people just get a little weird-ed out by things. People sleep outside when camping, which I can guarantee there is poop (maybe degraded to where it is invisible to the naked eye) there that people sit or lay on. There are bugs all over the place. What did we ever do before technology and all this cleanliness and germaphobia? I figure it must be the city slickers who get so weird-ed out with all this. Hell, in the military if you sleep in the barracks you don't get a brand new mattress. You get what's given to you and your happy to have a soft'ish place to lay your head. Military doesn't clean the mattresses either before you get yours, they just give it to you.
I sold a bed on eBay not so long ago, mattress optional. The couple who bought it surprised me by taking the mattress too. I guess the wife and I look like people of virtue. :angelic:

As for hotel rooms, I'm sure the owners would prefer you to think of the used beds as 'inspirational'.

actually, now you say that, we've freecycled beds with the mattresses before now, and not thought anything of it. So I guess psychologically that's because if the whole bed is surplus to requirements, there is no implication that the mattress is yucky, whereas if someone is getting rid of an old mattress on its own, you think there must be something wrong with it to make them replace it.
My mom got bed bugs at a hotel in Gatlinburg, TN. If memory serves me right, it took her a whole year for her skin to recover from that! Them buggars are some serious buggars! :yuck:

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