How Does Watching Videos Like This Affect You?


Chapter Presidents
Jul 1, 2011
Nampa, Idaho

They always make me want to go out and get going! I've never even ever been good at watching my own kids' sporting events. I get antsy and want to have my own "sport" time. My friends around town don't understand me. I think you all might.
Try's don't excite me much-sorry.
The only thing that makes me feel the way you do is watching the sprinters particularly when approaching the finish line then, I want to go to the running track and do speed workouts but I get over rather quickly cause I just don't like speed workouts:)
I was presenting it more in terms of watching any kind of race or sport movement...

:sorry:it seems like today we are on diferent pages so I'll just zip it:sorry:
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I enjoy running more than any other fitness activity, but I have almost no desire at all to watch someone else run.

I only enjoy watching sports that are too painful to play--mainly American football and boxing. But even then, my ability to sit still and watch someone else have fun is limited.

On the other hand, I really look forward to the day I can watch my kids play, if they take up sports, no matter what the sport.
I have a habit of watching the ultra running videos and getting antsy and wanting to get out and run. Personally, tri's don't do it for me but someday I may want to do a duathalon with no swimming, so bike and running. It's not that I am a bad swimmer, I am actually pretty good at it, it's just I have a huge irrational fear of drowning after nearly drowning while in Afghanistan (ironic I know, drowning in a desert) and I know sometimes there is a lot of foul play in the water of people grabbing and pulling. I have swam in lakes and pools since getting out of the military but have yet to get back in a river. Just the thought nearly sends me into an anxiety attack. It took me about five years after getting out to figure out why I had this fear of rivers and why I was terrified every time my wife (girlfriend at the time) would ask me to go white water rafting with her and her friends. She would always tell me I would turn pale just with her asking me. Anyhow, so tri's don't excite me much but a duathalon probably would and watching ultrarunning videos do. I also really like to watch football like Lee does and I like boxing and mma as well. All things I used to do, or still do.
I have a habit of watching the ultra running videos and getting antsy and wanting to get out and run.

Those are my favorite video's!

Personally, tri's don't do it for me but someday I may want to do a duathalon with no swimming, so bike and running. It's not that I am a bad swimmer, I am actually pretty good at it, it's just I have a huge irrational fear of drowning after nearly drowning while in Afghanistan (ironic I know, drowning in a desert) and I know sometimes there is a lot of foul play in the water of people grabbing and pulling. I have swam in lakes and pools since getting out of the military but have yet to get back in a river. Just the thought nearly sends me into an anxiety attack. It took me about five years after getting out to figure out why I had this fear of rivers and why I was terrified every time my wife (girlfriend at the time) would ask me to go white water rafting with her and her friends. She would always tell me I would turn pale just with her asking me. Anyhow, so tri's don't excite me much but a duathalon probably would and watching ultrarunning videos do. I also really like to watch football like Lee does and I like boxing and mma as well. All things I used to do, or still do.

Some of the Tri's I've done were like this video...I think next time I need to just train that way.
Some of the Tri's I've done were like this video...I think next time I need to just train that way.
Lol! I am dying of laughter!!! More proof that I will never do a tri. I have a buddy who does them and he says he dreads the swim part because of this. He loves swimming, just the grabbing and punching and pulling and kicking he could do without. He said one of his first tri's he got kicked in the face and when he went to lift his head out of the water someone else grabbed his head right as he was taking a breath and dunked him, causing him to inhale water, and then as if that wasn't bad enough the person that dunked him also knocked his goggles off so then he was blind, bleeding from his nose, choking and gasping for air. No thank you, does not sound fun to me.
Lol! I am dying of laughter!!! More proof that I will never do a tri. No thank you, does not sound fun to me.

But it is fun....really, they don't all start like that only the mass wave start races. Tri's are the best races to me except maybe an ultra...mostly really layed back crowd.
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Some of the Tri's I've done were like this video...I think next time I need to just train that way.
horrific and hilarious at the same time - one of the fellows that has coached me says just kick harder when someone tries to crawl up on you. Actually, though, I don't think my 3 triathlons have been as bad as what I've heard about.
moka, thanks. i needed that. just another reason to not do a tri with all those douches. i bet a woman would hit me and look at me while i restrain myself.

Laura and Dama,
fight. fight. fight. fight.

They always make me want to go out and get going! I've never even ever been good at watching my own kids' sporting events. I get antsy and want to have my own "sport" time. My friends around town don't understand me. I think you all might.

That's funny. I can't watch my kids' swim practice sessions. I have to get out and workout or do something else. figured that was something odd about me, since the other parents don't seem flustered.
The morning after their swim meets I have to get up and do laps.
Most of the reason I took swim lessons this spring....
That's funny. I can't watch my kids' swim practice sessions. I have to get out and workout or do something else. figured that was something odd about me, since the other parents don't seem flustered.
The morning after their swim meets I have to get up and do laps.
Most of the reason I took swim lessons this spring....
Ah, someone who does understand me!

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