Mileage Reporting 22nd Week of 2013

20 minutes of doing "laps" in my pool, then made it onto the spinning bike within about 10 minutes to ride for 60 minutes. I can tell I haven't been swimming as much with all the training for the half, but with warmer weather around the corner, should be easier to get back to it.
Nick's trails aren't that exciting. a couple ponds, playgrounds, ultimate frisbee. it was basically a swamp so it gets flooded and muddy. oh, there is a lot of wild life there, like lots of cougars. ;)
Hey fellow reporters,
Things have gotten crazy busy lately. I'm still exercising, more or less, but free time is at a minimum. So I probably won't be checking in here too often for a while, but will be thinking of you all at each footfall. As they say in Romanian, "All Asbestos!"

What changed? you got a "real" job now? It sucks!:(
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9 miles barefoot yesterday. I tend to run to the local town and back but yesterday moved my start point back a mile to increase my distance. Turns out the path on that extra mile long stretch was brutally stony. Which was ok at the start of the run with fresh feet, but at the end of the run it was just too much. I had to walk part of it as my feet were so tender. I ended up coming off the trail and running back via the road. The road back to the car was super unforgiving too. Covered with super small stones. The kind that hurts so much it makes you think there must be one embedded in your foot. There never is... Met a friend driving out of the park as I was running in. He said my face was hilarious with the wincing. Lol.
Still, 9 miles is my furthest barefoot run yet. Not a great pace but the distance was there. Good times.
Nick's trails aren't that exciting. a couple ponds, playgrounds, ultimate frisbee. it was basically a swamp so it gets flooded and muddy. oh, there is a lot of wild life there, like lots of cougars. ;)
Cougars huh Mike, must be talking about that cougar that hangs out on WW. I think she goes by the name of Jen... And trails are much more exciting that running pavement all the time. Especially when you have to hop little mostly dried up stream beds (that are super muddy on the banks), bust through bushes and brush, slip sliding in the mud, almost not be able to stop and end up in a river, etc...
No running yesterday, another barefoot walk of about 4 miles chasing a little white ball all over a golf course in a light rain. It was a tough job but someone had to do it. :D

So sorry you have to go through that you have my deepest sympathies:playful:
Cougars huh Mike, must be talking about that cougar that hangs out on WW. I think she goes by the name of Jen... And trails are much more exciting that running pavement all the time. Especially when you have to hop little mostly dried up stream beds (that are super muddy on the banks), bust through bushes and brush, slip sliding in the mud, almost not be able to stop and end up in a river, etc...

You guys (and girls) are bumming me out talking about all these nice muddy trail runs your having as there are no such trails around here for me to try out. I'm jealous! I love walking in mud but have never tried running on muddy trails. Sure sounds like fun! Ok maybe not the possible falling down and leaving face prints! ;) About 40 miles north there are some hills that consist of clay soil (very sticky when muddy) that Ive been kicking around the idea of running some of these after a rain. These are not trails but minimum maintenance roads surrounded by pasture. Some of these hills are quite long and some are steep. Is it the steeper the hill the deeper the face print if you fall? :) Anyway its raining now so maybe Friday (my day off) I'll give them a try. I agree that running on the same old pavement over and over does get monotonous. I enjoy running on varying surfaces and bet these trail runs you speak of would be a blast. Varying surfaces seem to be the most stimulating and make my runs that much more enjoyable.
You guys (and girls) are bumming me out talking about all these nice muddy trail runs your having as there are no such trails around here for me to try out. I'm jealous! I love walking in mud but have never tried running on muddy trails. Sure sounds like fun! Ok maybe not the possible falling down and leaving face prints! ;) About 40 miles north there are some hills that consist of clay soil (very sticky when muddy) that Ive been kicking around the idea of running some of these after a rain. These are not trails but minimum maintenance roads surrounded by pasture. Some of these hills are quite long and some are steep. Is it the steeper the hill the deeper the face print if you fall? :) Anyway its raining now so maybe Friday (my day off) I'll give them a try. I agree that running on the same old pavement over and over does get monotonous. I enjoy running on varying surfaces and bet these trail runs you speak of would be a blast. Varying surfaces seem to be the most stimulating and make my runs that much more enjoyable.
I find trail running to be much much much more enjoyable, but most of the time I have my son in a stroller with me so I have to stick to the paved paths. I'm not sure about running on wet clay soil, but here in OR we seem to have some really slippy mud. It's a bit odd as it seems to (on trails anyhow) have a hard packed soil base with a very loose layer of mud on top which creates a super slick trail, think running on ice. Luckily on our trails here we don't have a lot of rocks like other states do. I have been lucky so far when running on muddy trails and Monday was my first time falling, although I have lost my balance numerous times but was able to catch myself before actually falling. Mike on the other hand, well, he seems to like laying in the mud because I swear he falls at least once on every run where the trail is muddy. :D
Forgot to report my yesterday's run of seven miles.
I forgot to mention that on yesterdays run I had a close call and was super lucky that I had my lunas on, otherwise I can guarantee I would be out for awhile with yet another injury. I was pushing the stroller and came up to an intersection where there was some bushes in the way of my view to my right so after I made sure everything was clear to my left I started out into the intersection and watching to the right to make sure no traffic came into view around those bushes. At that point I stepped on some sort of metal clip that was about an inch to inch and a half wide. The clip was a squared off u-shape and had jagged (almost like pointy teeth) ends. Of course the way my luck had it the jagged teeth like ends were facing up and went up through my Luna Originals and stabbed the ball of my foot. Thankfully I had felt there was something underfoot before I had put my full weight down so I was able to lift my foot before the skin on my foot was penetrated. Hurt like hell though despite me being lucky enough to lift my foot. If I had been barefoot no reaction time would have been fast enough to keep that clip from going through my skin and quite possibly into the bone... Luckily the worst I ended up with is a jagged hole in my Lunas and some slight foot discomfort/pain for a couple minutes afterwards.
Needed to rest yesterday from much exertion, so I did, except for cleaning the gutters in the pouring rain. I hate ladders. First time I've had to do this particular chore.:eek:
Today, I got on the spinning bike pretty early for 30 minutes, the got right out to run 6.4 barefoot miles with a fair amount of rough pavement and a few steep hills. It was a good run. Noticed a couple of cars at a 4-way stop I was approaching taking a long time to turn, then some rubber necking of the passengers. Could just imagine them saying, "is that lady running with bare feet!?"
I forgot to mention that on yesterdays run I had a close call and was super lucky that I had my lunas on, otherwise I can guarantee I would be out for awhile with yet another injury. I was pushing the stroller and came up to an intersection where there was some bushes in the way of my view to my right so after I made sure everything was clear to my left I started out into the intersection and watching to the right to make sure no traffic came into view around those bushes. At that point I stepped on some sort of metal clip that was about an inch to inch and a half wide. The clip was a squared off u-shape and had jagged (almost like pointy teeth) ends. Of course the way my luck had it the jagged teeth like ends were facing up and went up through my Luna Originals and stabbed the ball of my foot. Thankfully I had felt there was something underfoot before I had put my full weight down so I was able to lift my foot before the skin on my foot was penetrated. Hurt like hell though despite me being lucky enough to lift my foot. If I had been barefoot no reaction time would have been fast enough to keep that clip from going through my skin and quite possibly into the bone... Luckily the worst I ended up with is a jagged hole in my Lunas and some slight foot discomfort/pain for a couple minutes afterwards.

Wow that was close, whew!
When barefooted is not about time but about reflexes/nerve sensing.
When barefooted and stepping on something not so pleasant your body inmediately transfers the weight so you dont land full force on the object. But of course you know that. Glad that you were covered though.

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