Funny Incident

Just thought I'd post a short quick incident that happened to me today.

I stepped up my mileage this week for barefoot running after a week long rest from running due to ITBS issues. I only went and and ran a mile (a half mile longer than what I had been doing barefoot since Ijust started in the past two weeks). I figure the short mileage will help me build up on barefooting and also help test how my knee is doing as far as the ITBS goes.

Anyways... the funny part is that I live in a neighborhood with a lot of older/retired people (love my nice quiet neighborhood) and my neighbor was out on her porch. Itook off this afternoon barefoot down the middle of the road for my run when she yelled at me from her porch to go put some shoes on! I chuckled and did my short run.

As soon as I came back she was still on her porch, only this time she came to the roadway and told me again to go put some shoes on. She yelled at me that it was too cold to be out barefoot (it was actually 61 degrees... the warmest this week, mind you). She even started going toward her front door saying she'd even give me some of her shoes (and I'm a dude, I can only imagine what that would have looked like wearing old woman shoes down the road). I quickly went inside to avoid seeing what she was going to bring me.

Any one else having something like this happen to them?


I had a very similar incident today. I was almost home and I see a car pull over and roll down their window. I assumed they were lost since this happens alot on the campus.

When I walked over the lady says "I noticed you were running and had no shoes on. Are you ok?" I replied that yes I was fine and just running barefoot. She looks at me like I'm lying to her and says "but really are you ok?". I had to explain to her that this is actually quite healthy and acceptable...ect. She still looked at me with this look that had me a bit worried that she was going to call the cops or something about this girl who is obviously in trouble and lying about it since she's running around with no shoes on.I just said thanks for checking and went on my way laughing.
Hysterical story. I have noticed that older people, and old men in particular, seem to have the strongest negative reaction to barefoot running. While I get all sorts of looks out there, it is the old men that put on a look of total disgust or horror. I think it has something to do with that generation and rural electrification. They are the ones who finally got shoes on everyone and moved us out of the bad old days.

Maybe I'm dreaming. But sometimes when I get those reactions I think "yeah, it is because of your attitude that my feet are so messed up and I am having to undo 50 years of damage".
That is so sweet. She was actually very concerned for you. :) -TJ

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