IT band issues

Started running with vff due to knee swelling every time I ran and it worked well after a long transition period . Evan after I ran a half I had no calluses on my feet and I also work on my feet , so it took a while to toughen them up . I have been running all this summer in vff and my IT band is still bothering me. So while searching I came across a sight that has a lot of good information.

So after trying the self assessment (a deep knee squat with your hands overhead ) found that I sucked at it and did not improve much at all after trying it for a while. A physiotherapists posted that it was only the tip of the iceberg called Functional Movement Screen and that there was a place nearby in St Marys at Stonetown physiotherapy that did this.

Score was 13/21 and your two worst tests were the Deep Squat and Rotary Stability. And was given stretching exercises and in 3 weeks was getting 12 inches lower. My knee does not feel like it needs to be cracked all the time now and have started running without the IT band support .

Went back this week for some strengthening moves and video analyses. I ran 18k this weekend without the support and knee was only stiff for a day.

Last weekend I ran 16k saterday then 8 on sunday with no IT band brace i was stiff and my hips were tired but I could have ran monday if I had to. I have been doing the stretches still and the strengthening as Eric suggested and physio recommended. Now if the weather holds out i want to build up my mileage or is that kilometerage in canada . I had my slow motion video and when I landed on my right foot my right hip would lift and you could see a crease on the right side.

to fix this I was doing the strengthening and jumping down on one foot and landing soft watching to keep my hips level. This was tough on the right side and took some practice but I can feel the difference in the running.

It is strange what a body does to compensate for a weakness. Now I can feel the tiredness in my hips so hopefully I am doing it correct now.


I'm having the same issue. I've always had little issues with my right knee (all my injuries always involve my right leg for some reason... I've never had any issues out of my left leg, not even soreness after the longest runs).

Please keep us posted... my ITBS is taking me longer to kick than the runner's knee I had a few months back... I'd like to know what works for you.
The streches I do are

Strait back leg raise , lie with knees bent and on the floor moving your knee rt to left , open book lats and kneeling torso rotation. And my new exercises are Resisted Quadruped Diaginals (netral spine) , Resisted single leg bridge , RNT deep Squat ( trunk flexion correctio) and Single led dead lift.

I will ask if they will give me pics to post.

I did some speed work last nite and only have a slight twinge today witch is fantastic since that would usualy cause 3 days of my knee feeling like it needs to crack

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