Community Blogs

Barefoot Runners Society Community Blogs


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  • It's really cold
    Yes, I agree. The cold will always win when we overdo it.
    • Barefoot TJ
  • It's really cold
    I do find that if I can keep my core, head and hands warm, my feet are fine. I'm sure there's a limit to this.
    • Clark
  • It's really cold
    Do you find that when you run barefoot in seriously frigid temps, that if you bundle up thick in the torso, your feet don't feel the cold as much...
    • Barefoot TJ
  • I'm now officially a meme and one of the sights of New York
    That is hilarious! I'm sorry I missed this, Ira! You look comfortable. I think New Yorkers would be some of the last folks to understand why...
    • Barefoot TJ
  • Entry[001]_The First
    Welcome! Let us know how you progress.
    • Barefoot TJ
Because I took pretty much the whole winter off, I'm starting over from scratch with the plantar skin toughness. (To be completely honest, I took the winter off from any exercise at all, so my cardio fitness level took a big hit too.) In one way though, I'm happy about it because spending the...
Did a nice 4 mile trail run Thursday with my son at Rhetts Run mountain bike trails in Cosmo park Columbia Missouri. Ran in Kso's as it was rocky and muddy not real barefoot friendly. Saw lots small animals and a snake... was able to get a picture of this guy before he took off. This is a nice...
So, I opened my local newspaper today at lunch and saw this article. . . and my poor co-workers got to hear an earful from me about barefoot running. Granted, this article is not referring to barefoot...
Since I just started barefooting, and blogging, thought maybe I could share my stories about making the transition from shoes to bare feet. A brief history... I did expirement a little in high school with barefoot running over 20 years ago, the year Zola Bud took center stage at theSummer...
Its great to get a chance to run some new area's, since I'm visiting family I couldn't resist checking some of the local running places around Columbia Missouri. Yesterday I drove to Rock Bridge State park around sunrise, the actual rock bridge is a large creek that runs though a hill kinda...
In training for my first barefoot half marathon, I ran 5 miles last week (longest distance to date barefoot). Unfortunately I got my first blisters after 3 months and 40 miles of barefooting. I gave my feet about a week to recover - I didn't want to drain the blisters lest Iget an infection on...
Just checking out the blog option, suppose I could blog what went down today regarding barefooting. Idid 3mi run in socks on the treadmill, speedwork. My pre-barefoot PR was 22:29min for 3mi, so far I'm around 24. Working my way back up there. Then my usual Monday morning barefoot bellydance, I...
My son Dakota and I did our usual 3 mile run through are local park: The Usual: Pavement, dirt, Dirt with twigs, wood chips, and long grass, roots, and dirt. We start out running together and talking then he gets sees the trails and there's no holding him back. He circles back to check on me...
The challenge today will be summing up a 5 hour race in a blog entry that won't take too long to read! After some scares with the extended forecast, the weather was absolutely perfect. Over 50 when we started and in the mid to upper 60's by the end. Sun shining, not too much wind, just enough...
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." Winston Churchill We planned this trip months and months ago. My youngest daughter and I would spend Christmas with my parents in Thailand while my oldest was working at Disney World and my Husband was...
The strongest of all warriors are these two — Time and Patience.” Leo Tolstoy The Outer Banks Marathon weekend was amazing! Almost a year ago, I started planning this trip with some of my running friends. In that year, we connected across the states via facebook and became an...
With ordinary talent and extraordinary perseverance, all things are attainable. **Thomas Foxwell Buxton ** It has been a weird couple of weeks. After my calf injury, I didn't run for a couple of days and then went back to my training plan and ran 5 miles on Saturday, three of them at HM race...
"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great." **Mark Twain** Running has been one of the best avenues I've ever taken. It has made me stronger, it has made me healthier, and it has...
I really have enough blogs (I own 4-- only two ever get updated), but I've never really written about barefoot running. Probably because I'm not very good at it. If I really think about it though, I'm not very good at the other things I blog about either, so that shouldn't stop me. Anyway...
"Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes." **Mahatma Gandi** I had a fantastic run today. It wasn't long (only 3 miles), it wasn't fast (actually, I didn't check so it might have been), but I was focused and it was beautiful outside with the birds and...
I'm going to go back and post race reports or particular blogs that talk about barefoot running for any newbies looking in :-) "Follow the path of the unsafe, independent thinker. Expose your ideas to the dangers of controversy. Speak your mind and fear less the label of 'crackpot' than the...
Iam very excited to see this website up and RUNNING...! It's good to grow and learn together, while having the support of people like-minded.
9:00 am - I usually log / blog on a triathlon site so I will try this out here. My son is out of school on Spring break and I'm on vacation so we are headed out of town to grandma's house for most of the week. Gotta get a trail run in a few minutes.
This is a repost from my first blog entry on I hope you enjoy reading. Feel free to"follow" me on either BRS or at my blog. GOBRS!!! "WHAT IF THERE'S GLASS? BAREFOOT!!!! ARE YOU CRAZY? OH, MY GOD!" my mom said as I stepped into my house, barefoot, after a run...
Because it's a blast! It's fun! It defines freedom! It defines rebelliousness against society's many ridiculous rules! This is a test blog entry.

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