wore off a bit of my 2nd toe


So today I did the longest run I've yet done on pavement, 9.5 miles. I felt fine all the way through but about an hour after I got home I noticed the front of my right foot, 2nd toe hurting. This toe is a little longer than the big toe. I looked and found an area just under the front side of the 2nd toe worn away so that the skin had opened in a neat circular cut. There was no blister.

This has never happened before in several years of barefoot running, including trail runs of nearly this same length. I figure I must be doing something to that toe that drags it across the pavement... but what is it? Am I dragging when I put the foot down? Any other ideas from your experience?

I suppose I should get the video camera out..
 That has happened to me a

That has happened to me a few times, third toe too. First time it happened was on my first half marathon race...my guess is we get tired towards the end of a longer/faster run then the feet don't lift as high and having a slightly longer toe drags a bit like you said.

You could try to think about lifting the feet more the last couple miles on the long runs...this helps on long trail runs to keep from tripping and kicking roots/rocks late in the run...same basic problem.

After a few more long runs it should be better...seems most of my minor issues revolve around the pesky longer 2nd toe.


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