Why Minimalism Went Flat, Part III

Why Minimalism Went Flat, Part III
By Jim Hixson, CSCS

It’s clear that minimalism is alive and well. Less shoe is thriving far beyond what naysayers and running magazines want us to believe. While mega-cushiony running shoes have taken over shoe walls at many independently owned stores (don’t get me started on big-box or running-chain stores), there’s still plenty of choices for the minimalist mindset, barefoot lifestyle, and healthy feet. (Altra, Lems, Skora, Xero Shoes, Merrell, Newton, Topo Athletic, Vibram FiveFingers, and Vivo Barefoot).

The first two parts of “Why Minimalism Went Flat” ( http://naturalrunningcenter.com/2015/03/25/form-vs-running-shoes-why-minimalism-flatpart/ ) have generated a number of really smart and helpful comments. I am grateful to everyone who took the time to respond to the different ideas that I had set forth about shoes and running technique. I tried to answer comments on both of these posts. To continue reading, please visit: http://naturalrunningcenter.com/2015/04/26/minimalism-flat-part-iii/

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