Very Thick Calluses on Big Toes


Oct 8, 2011
At this time I do mostly walking and mix in some running all completly barefoot. Is it normal to get very thick calluses on the outside of your big toes? It is on the side of my toe on the outside and it is thick and hard and looks like a bump. I don’t know if it’s going to keep growing. Am I doing something wrong or should I just not worry about it?

The hardest thing for me in general about barefoot walking/running is I don't know what is normal adaptation and what isn't.


I have a similar callous.

I have a similar callous. I'll bet walking contributes more to it than running does if you are concentrating on picking up your feet and not pushing off when you run.
I would say the walking may

I would say the walking may be doing it too. I notice that as I walk I tend to roll off the inside of my big toe, but as I run I pick my foot up. A callous is a reaction to pressure or shearing so just pay attention to how you are moving and try to discover when you are putting extra stress on that area.